2020 State Ballot
Information Booklet
Legislative Council of the Colorado General Assembly
Research Publication No. 748-1
is Tuesday, November 3, 2020
Voter service and polling centers are open 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Election Day.
Ballots are mailed to all registered voters between October 9 and October 16, 2020.
where to vote, how to register to vote, and what is on your ballot.
Find judicial performance evaluations for statewide, district, and
Sen. Leroy Garcia, Vice-Chair
Sen. Stephen Fenberg
Rep. Alec Garnett
Sen. Chris Holbert
Sen. Kerry Donovan
Rep. Monica Duran
Rep. Susan Lontine
Rep. Kyle Mullica
Rep. Lori Saine
Sen. Ray Scott
Sen. Angela Williams
Natalie Mullis, Director
Cathy Eslinger, Research Manager
September 11, 2020
guide, the information is presented in four sections.
Section One โ€” Analyses. Each statewide measure receives an analysis that includes a description
of the measure and major arguments for and against. Careful consideration has been given to the
be found at ๎๎ˆ๎Š๎€‘๎†๎’๎๎’๎•๎„๎‡๎’๎€‘๎Š๎’๎™๎€’๎…๎๎˜๎ˆ๎…๎’๎’๎Ž. The state constitution requires that the nonpartisan research
Section Two โ€” Titles and Text. For each measure, this section includes the title that appears on
the ballot and the legal language of each measure, with new laws in capitalized letters and laws that
Section Three โ€” Judicial Performance Evaluations. The third section contains information about
the performances of the Colorado Supreme Court justices, the Colorado Court of Appeals judges,
and district and county court judges in your area who are on this yearโ€™s ballot. The information was
prepared by the state commission and district commissions on judicial performance. The narrative for
each judge includes a recommendation on whether a judge โ€œMeets Performance Standardsโ€ or โ€œDoes
Not Meet Performance Standards.โ€
information on voter service and polling centers, absentee ballots, and early voting.
Statewide Measures on the 2020 Ballot
to the state constitution, 5 propose changes to the state statutes, and 1 proposes changes to both the
state constitution and state statutes. Of the remaining two measures, one is a referendum petition
on whether to approve a bill passed during the 2019 legislative session, and one is a question to
approve new taxes, referred to voters through 2020 legislation.
Referred measures. A measure placed on the ballot by the state legislature that amends the state
constitution is labeled an โ€œAmendment,โ€ followed by a letter. A measure placed on the ballot by
the state legislature that amends the state statutes or that is referred as a tax question is labeled a
โ€œProposition,โ€ followed by a double letter.
Initiated measures. A measure placed on the ballot through the signature-collection process that
amends the state constitution is labeled an โ€œAmendment,โ€ followed by a number between 1 and
99. A measure placed on the ballot through the signature-collection process that amends the state
statutes is labeled a โ€œProposition,โ€ followed by a number between 100 and 199.
Voter approval is required in the future to change any constitutional measure adopted by the voters,
although the legislature may adopt statutes that clarify or implement these constitutional measures as
Governor, may change any statutory measure in the future without voter approval.
Under provisions in the state constitution, passage of a constitutional amendment requires at least
55 percent of the votes cast, except that when a constitutional amendment is limited to a repeal, it
requires a simple majority vote. In 2020, Amendment C and Amendment 76 require 55 percent of the
vote to pass. The remaining measures require a simple majority vote to pass.
Table 1
Statewide Measures on the 2020 Ballot
Amending the Constitution
Amendment B Repeal Gallagher Amendment ๎€ฏ๎ˆ๎Š๎Œ๎–๎๎„๎—๎˜๎•๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎€’๎… Simple Majority
Vote to Pass
Amendment C Conduct of Charitable Gaming ๎€ฏ๎ˆ๎Š๎Œ๎–๎๎„๎—๎˜๎•๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎€’๎… 55% Vote to
Amendment 76 ๎€ฆ๎Œ๎—๎Œ๎๎ˆ๎‘๎–๎‹๎Œ๎“๎€ƒ๎€ด๎˜๎„๎๎Œ๎‚ฟ๎†๎„๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ๎’๎‰๎€ƒ๎€น๎’๎—๎ˆ๎•๎– ๎€ฆ๎Œ๎—๎Œ๎๎ˆ๎‘๎–๎€ƒ๎€’๎„ 55% Vote to
Amending the Constitution and State Statutes
Amendment 77 Local Voter Approval of Casino Bet Limits
๎€ฆ๎Œ๎—๎Œ๎๎ˆ๎‘๎–๎€ƒ๎€’๎„ Simple Majority
Vote to Pass
Question to Approve New Taxes
Proposition EE Taxes on Nicotine Products ๎€ฏ๎ˆ๎Š๎Œ๎–๎๎„๎—๎˜๎•๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎€’๎… Simple Majority
Vote to Pass
Referendum Petition on Whether to Approve a Bill
Passed by the State Legislature in 2019
๎€ณ๎•๎’๎“๎’๎–๎Œ๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ๎€”๎€”๎€– Adopt Agreement to Elect U.S. President
by National Popular Vote
๎€ฆ๎Œ๎—๎Œ๎๎ˆ๎‘๎–๎€ƒ๎€’๎„ Simple Majority
Vote to Pass
Amending State Statutes
Proposition 114 Reintroduction and Management of Gray
๎€ฆ๎Œ๎—๎Œ๎๎ˆ๎‘๎–๎€ƒ๎€’๎„ Simple Majority
Vote to Pass
Proposition 115 ๎€ณ๎•๎’๎‹๎Œ๎…๎Œ๎—๎€ƒ๎€ค๎…๎’๎•๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎–๎€ƒ๎€ค๎‰๎—๎ˆ๎•๎€ƒ๎€•๎€•๎€ƒ๎€บ๎ˆ๎ˆ๎Ž๎– ๎€ฆ๎Œ๎—๎Œ๎๎ˆ๎‘๎–๎€ƒ๎€’๎„ Simple Majority
Vote to Pass
Proposition 116 State Income Tax Rate Reduction ๎€ฆ๎Œ๎—๎Œ๎๎ˆ๎‘๎–๎€ƒ๎€’๎„ Simple Majority
Vote to Pass
Proposition 117 Voter Approval for Certain New State
๎€ฆ๎Œ๎—๎Œ๎๎ˆ๎‘๎–๎€ƒ๎€’๎„ Simple Majority
Vote to Pass
Proposition 118 Paid Family and Medical Leave Insurance
๎€ฆ๎Œ๎—๎Œ๎๎ˆ๎‘๎–๎€ƒ๎€’๎„ Simple Majority
Vote to Pass
/a Placed on the ballot through the citizen signature process.
/b Referred to the ballot by the state legislature.
Amendment B: Repeal Gallagher Amendment ..............................7
Summary and Analysis ..........................................................................................8
Arguments For and Against .................................................................................12
Estimate of Fiscal Impact ...................................................................................๎€”๎€–
Title and Text .......................................................................................................61
Amendment C: Conduct of Charitable Gaming ...........................14
Summary and Analysis ........................................................................................15
Arguments For and Against .................................................................................16
Estimate of Fiscal Impact ...................................................................................16
Title and Text .......................................................................................................62
๎€ค๎๎ˆ๎‘๎‡๎๎ˆ๎‘๎—๎€ƒ๎€š๎€™๎€๎€ƒ๎€ฆ๎Œ๎—๎Œ๎๎ˆ๎‘๎–๎‹๎Œ๎“๎€ƒ๎€ด๎˜๎„๎๎Œ๎‚ฟ๎†๎„๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ๎’๎‰๎€ƒ๎€น๎’๎—๎ˆ๎•๎– ...................17
Summary and Analysis ........................................................................................18
Arguments For and Against .................................................................................19
Estimate of Fiscal Impact ...................................................................................19
Title and Text .......................................................................................................๎€™๎€–
Amendment 77: Local Voter Approval of Casino Bet Limits and
Games in Black Hawk, Central City, and Cripple Creek ..............20
Summary and Analysis ........................................................................................21
Arguments For and Against .................................................................................22
Estimate of Fiscal Impact ...................................................................................๎€•๎€–
Title and Text .......................................................................................................๎€™๎€–
Proposition EE: Taxes on Nicotine Products ..............................24
Summary and Analysis ........................................................................................25
Arguments For and Against .................................................................................28
Estimate of Fiscal Impact ...................................................................................29
State Spending and Tax Increases......................................................................๎€–๎€“
Title and Text ....................................................................................................... 65
Proposition 113: Adopt Agreement to Elect U.S. President By
National Popular Vote ....................................................................32
Summary and Analysis ........................................................................................๎€–๎€–
Arguments For and Against .................................................................................๎€–๎€—
Estimate of Fiscal Impact ...................................................................................๎€–๎€˜
Title and Text .......................................................................................................66
Quick Ballot Reference Guide .........................................................1
Contact Information for
๎€ฏ๎’๎†๎„๎๎€ƒ๎€จ๎๎ˆ๎†๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ๎€ฒ๏‚ˆ๎†๎ˆ๎– ........................................ Inside Back Cover
Proposition 114: Reintroduction and Management of Gray
Wolves .............................................................................................36
Summary and Analysis ........................................................................................๎€–๎€š
Arguments For and Against .................................................................................๎€–๎€œ
Estimate of Fiscal Impact ...................................................................................40
Title and Text .......................................................................................................69
Proposition 115: Prohibit Abortions After 22 Weeks ..................41
Summary and Analysis ........................................................................................42
Arguments For and Against .................................................................................๎€—๎€–
Estimate of Fiscal Impact ...................................................................................๎€—๎€–
Title and Text .......................................................................................................71
Proposition 116: State Income Tax Rate Reduction ....................45
Summary and Analysis ........................................................................................46
Arguments For and Against .................................................................................47
Estimate of Fiscal Impact ...................................................................................47
Title and Text .......................................................................................................๎€š๎€–
Proposition 117: Voter Approval for
Certain New State Enterprises ......................................................49
Summary and Analysis ........................................................................................50
Arguments For and Against .................................................................................52
Estimate of Fiscal Impact ...................................................................................52
Title and Text .......................................................................................................74
Proposition 118: Paid Family and Medical Leave
Insurance Program .........................................................................53
Summary and Analysis ........................................................................................54
Arguments For and Against .................................................................................59
Estimate of Fiscal Impact ...................................................................................60
Title and Text .......................................................................................................75
What Your Vote Means
A โ€œyesโ€ vote on Amendment C
operating in Colorado for three years to
are not members of the organization, and
minimum wage.
A โ€œnoโ€ vote on Amendment C maintains
Ballot Title
Shall there be an amendment to the Colorado
constitution concerning the conduct of charitable
gaming activities, and, in connection therewith, allowing
of games and reducing the required period of a
charitable organizationโ€™s continuous existence before
obtaining a charitable gaming license?
Amendment C: Conduct of Charitable Gaming
Placed on the ballot by the legislature โ€ข Passes with 55 percent of the vote
What Your Vote Means
A โ€œyesโ€ vote on Amendment B repeals
sections of the Colorado Constitution
and nonresidential property tax revenue.
Assessment rates for all property types will
remain the same as they are now, projected
future decreases in the residential assessment
rate will not be required, and any future
increases in assessment rates would require a
vote of the people.
A โ€œnoโ€ vote on Amendment B leaves
constitutional provisions related to
property taxes in place, maintaining current
requirements for setting the assessment rates
used to calculate property taxes. This is
expected to result in a decreasing residential
assessment rate over time and in automatic
local mill levy increases in jurisdictions where
required by law.
Ballot Title
Without increasing property tax rates, to help preserve
twelfth grade education, and other services, and to
avoid automatic mill levy increases, shall there be an
amendment to the Colorado constitution to repeal the
requirement that the general assembly periodically
change the residential assessment rate in order to
maintain the statewide proportion of residential property
as compared to all other taxable property valued for
property tax purposes and repeal the nonresidential
property tax assessment rate of twenty-nine percent?
Amendment B: Repeal Gallagher Amendment
Placed on the ballot by the legislature โ€ข Passes with a majority vote
What Your Vote Means
A โ€œyesโ€ vote on Amendment 77
allowed to increase or remove casino bet limits
and approve new casino games to help fund
community colleges.
A โ€œnoโ€ vote on Amendment 77 means
that current casino bet limits and games
will remain in the constitution, and a statewide
changes to these restrictions.
Ballot Title
Shall there be an amendment to the Colorado
constitution and a change to the Colorado Revised
Statutes concerning voter-approved changes to limited
gaming, and, in connection therewith, allowing the
for their individual cities, to approve other games in
addition to those currently allowed and increase a
maximum single bet to any amount; and allowing
gaming tax revenue to be used for support services to
improve student retention and credential completion by
students enrolled in community colleges?
Amendment 77: Local Voter Approval of Casino
Bet Limits and Games in Black Hawk, Central
City, and Cripple Creek
Placed on the ballot by citizen initiative โ€ข Passes with a majority vote
What Your Vote Means
A โ€œyesโ€ vote on Amendment 76 will
change constitutional language to
specify that only U.S. citizens age 18 and older
are eligible to participate in Colorado elections.
A โ€œnoโ€ vote on Amendment 76 means
the current constitutional language
allowing every eligible U.S. citizen to vote in
Colorado elections will remain unchanged.
Ballot Title
Shall there be an amendment to the Colorado
election an individual must be a United States citizen?
Placed on the ballot by citizen initiative โ€ข Passes with 55 percent of the vote
What Your Vote Means
A โ€œyesโ€ vote on Proposition EE
increases taxes on cigarettes and
other tobacco products, and creates a new tax
on nicotine products, including vaping products.
The new tax revenue will be spent on education,
housing, tobacco prevention, health care, and
A โ€œnoโ€ vote on Proposition EE means
taxes on cigarettes and other tobacco
products will stay the same, and there will be no
new taxes on nicotine or vaping products.
Ballot Question
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Proposition EE: Taxes on Nicotine Products
Placed on the ballot by the legislature โ€ข Passes with a majority vote
What Your Vote Means
approves a bill passed by the
legislature and signed by the Governor joining
Colorado with other states as part of an
agreement to elect the President of the United
States by national popular vote if enough states
enter the agreement.
bill passed by the legislature and signed
by the Governor and retains Coloradoโ€™s current
system of awarding all of its electors for the
President of the United States to the winner of
the Colorado popular vote.
Ballot Title
Shall the following Act of the General Assembly be
among the states to elect the President of the United
States by national popular vote, being Senate Bill
Proposition 113: Adopt Agreement to Elect
U.S. President By National Popular Vote
Placed on the ballot by referendum petition โ€ข Passes with a majority vote
What Your Vote Means
A โ€œyesโ€ vote on Proposition 114
and Wildlife Commission will develop a plan to
reintroduce and manage gray wolves west of the
Continental Divide.
A โ€œnoโ€ vote on Proposition 114 means
that Colorado will not be required to
reintroduce gray wolves.
Ballot Title
Shall there be a change to the Colorado Revised
Statutes concerning the restoration of gray wolves
through their reintroduction on designated lands in
Colorado located west of the continental divide, and, in
wildlife commission, after holding statewide hearings
and manage gray wolves; prohibiting the commission
from imposing any land, water, or resource use
restrictions on private landowners to further the plan;
and requiring the commission to fairly compensate
Proposition 114: Reintroduction and
Management of Gray Wolves
Placed on the ballot by citizen initiative โ€ข Passes with a majority vote
What Your Vote Means
A โ€œyesโ€ vote on Proposition 115
prohibits abortions in Colorado after
abortion is immediately required to save the life
of a pregnant woman.
A โ€œnoโ€ vote on Proposition 115 means
that abortion in Colorado continues to
be legal at any time during a pregnancy.
Ballot Title
Shall there be a change to the Colorado Revised
Statutes concerning prohibiting an abortion when
the probable gestational age of the fetus is at least
perform or attempt to perform a prohibited abortion,
except when the abortion is immediately required to
save the life of the pregnant woman when her life is
physically threatened, but not solely by a psychological
the measure including โ€œprobable gestational ageโ€
โ€œabortionโ€ medical procedures relating to miscarriage or
ectopic pregnancy; specifying that a woman on whom
an abortion is performed may not be charged with a
crime in relation to a prohibited abortion; and requiring
the Colorado medical board to suspend for at least
three years the license of a licensee whom the board
Proposition 115: Prohibit Abortions After 22
Placed on the ballot by citizen initiative โ€ข Passes with a majority vote
What Your Vote Means
A โ€œyesโ€ vote on Proposition 116
reduces the state income tax rate to
4.55 percent for tax year 2020 and future years.
the state income tax rate unchanged at
Ballot Title
Shall there be a change to the Colorado Revised
to 4.55%?
Proposition 116: State Income Tax Rate
Placed on the ballot by citizen initiative โ€ข Passes with a majority vote
What Your Vote Means
A โ€œyesโ€ vote on Proposition 117
requires voter approval for new state
government enterprises with fee revenue over
A โ€œnoโ€ vote on Proposition 117 retains
the state legislatureโ€™s authority to create
new enterprises as under current law.
Ballot Title
Shall there be a change to the Colorado Revised
Statutes requiring statewide voter approval at the next
state enterprise that is exempt from the Taxpayerโ€™s
Bill of Rights, Article X, Section 20 of the Colorado
constitution, if the projected or actual combined
revenue from fees and surcharges of the enterprise,
years that serve primarily the same purpose, is greater
Proposition 117: Voter Approval for Certain New
State Enterprises
Placed on the ballot by citizen initiative โ€ข Passes with a majority vote
What Your Vote Means
A โ€œyesโ€ vote on Proposition 118
means the state will create an
insurance program to provide paid family and
in Colorado funded by premiums paid by
employers and employees.
A โ€œnoโ€ vote on Proposition 118 means
the state will not create a paid family
and medical leave insurance program.
Ballot Title
Shall there be a change to the Colorado Revised
Statutes concerning the creation of a paid family
and medical leave program in Colorado, and, in
connection therewith, authorizing paid family and
medical leave for a covered employee who has a
serious health condition, is caring for a new child or
for a family member with a serious health condition,
or has a need for leave related to a family memberโ€™s
military deployment or for safe leave; establishing a
amount; requiring job protection for and prohibiting
and medical leave; allowing a local government to
opt out of the program; permitting employees of such
a local government and self-employed individuals to
participate in the program; exempting employers who
plan; to pay for the program, requiring a premium of
0.9% of each employeeโ€™s wages, up to a cap, through
1.2% of each employeeโ€™s wages, by the director of
the division of family and medical leave insurance;
authorizing an employer to deduct up to 50% of the
premium amount from an employeeโ€™s wages and
requiring the employer to pay the remainder of the
premium, with an exemption for employers with fewer
than 10 employees; creating the division of family and
medical leave insurance as an enterprise within the
department of labor and employment to administer the
program; and establishing an enforcement and appeals
process for retaliation and denied claims?
Proposition 118: Paid Family and Medical Leave
Insurance Program
Placed on the ballot by citizen initiative โ€ข Passes with a majority vote
Amendment B proposes amending the Colorado Constitution to:
y repeal the Gallagher Amendment requiring residential and nonresidential
taxes as when the Gallagher Amendment was adopted in 1982, including the
requirement that sets the nonresidential assessment rate at 29 percent.
What Your Vote Means
A โ€œyesโ€ vote on Amendment B
repeals sections of the Colorado
for residential and nonresidential property
tax revenue. Assessment rates for all
property types will remain the same as
they are now, projected future decreases
in the residential assessment rate will not
be required, and any future increases in
assessment rates would require a vote of
the people.
A โ€œnoโ€ vote on Amendment B
leaves constitutional provisions
related to property taxes in place,
maintaining current requirements for setting
the assessment rates used to calculate
property taxes. This is expected to result
in a decreasing residential assessment rate
over time and in automatic local mill levy
increases in jurisdictions where required by
Repeal Gallagher
Placed on the ballot by the legislature โ€ข Passes with a majority vote
Summary and Analysis for Amendment B
In Colorado, property taxes fund local government services, including services provided
hospitals, transportation, and the local share of K-12 education. The Gallagher
Amendment sets statewide rules for property taxes funding these local services. This
What does Amendment B do?
Amendment B removes provisions related to the residential and nonresidential
Gallagher Amendment.
The Gallagher Amendment currently requires that residential and nonresidential property
in 1982, these provisions have required that the taxable value of residential property
55 percent of statewide taxable property. Actual property values have not matched
the required ratios over time because residential property values have generally
grown faster than nonresidential property values. Since the taxable portion of most
residential assessment rate to maintain the required ratio, as shown in Figure 1.
Amendment B removes these provisions from the constitution, leaving the residential
and nonresidential assessment rates at their current rates in state statute. Under
current law, the residential assessment rate is expected to decrease in future years,
reducing the amount of property taxes paid by property owners and collected by local
governments. Amendment B would eliminate automatic tax increases adopted by
jurisdictions that have not adopted automatic tax increases, Amendment B eliminates
projected future decreases in the residential assessment rate, and any increase in
nonresidential or residential assessment rates would require voter approval.
Figure 1
Assessment Rate Adjustments Under Current Law
* Actual property values are for 2019. The residential assessment rate is for 2019 and 2020. This
residential and 55 percent nonresidential.
** Assessment rate for most nonresidential property.
How are property taxes calculated?
Property taxes are paid by residential homeowners and nonresidential property owners,
including farmers, ranchers, oil and gas operators, and other businesses. Property
taxes are paid on a portion of a propertyโ€™s actual value. The actual value of property is
determined by the county assessor or state property tax administrator. The portion of
Taxable value is calculated by multiplying the actual value by an assessment rate. The
percent for most nonresidential properties. Mines and lands that produce oil and gas are
Taxable value is then multiplied by the tax rate, called a mill levy, to determine the
varies for each property based on the local taxing districts in which it is located. Figure 2
provides an example of how property taxes are calculated.
Figure 2
Property Tax Calculation
Taxable value๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ ๎€ƒ๎€ณ๎•๎’๎“๎ˆ๎•๎—๎œ๎€ƒ๎™๎„๎๎˜๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎ฏ˜๎›๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ค๎–๎–๎ˆ๎–๎–๎๎ˆ๎‘๎—๎€ƒ๎•๎„๎—๎ˆ
๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ต๎ˆ๎–๎Œ๎‡๎ˆ๎‘๎—๎Œ๎„๎๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€‡๎€–๎€“๎€“๎€๎€“๎€“๎€“๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎›๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€š๎€‘๎€”๎€˜๎€ˆ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ ๎€ƒ๎€‡๎€•๎€”๎€๎€—๎€˜๎€“๎€ƒ๎—๎„๎›๎„๎…๎๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎™๎„๎๎˜๎ˆ
Nonresidential ๎€‡๎€–๎€“๎€“๎€๎€“๎€“๎€“๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎›๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€•๎€œ๎€ˆ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ ๎€ƒ๎€‡๎€›๎€š๎€๎€“๎€“๎€“๎€ƒ๎—๎„๎›๎„๎…๎๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎™๎„๎๎˜๎ˆ
Property taxes๎€ƒ๎€ ๎€ƒ๎€ท๎„๎›๎„๎…๎๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎™๎„๎๎˜๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎›๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ท๎„๎›๎€ƒ๎•๎„๎—๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎€‹๎€ฐ๎Œ๎๎๎–๎€’๎€”๎€“๎€“๎€“๎€Œ
๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ต๎ˆ๎–๎Œ๎‡๎ˆ๎‘๎—๎Œ๎„๎๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€‡๎€•๎€”๎€๎€—๎€˜๎€“๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎›๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€“๎€‘๎€”๎€“๎€“๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎ฏ˜๎€ ๎€ƒ$2,145 owed
๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ฑ๎’๎‘๎•๎ˆ๎–๎Œ๎‡๎ˆ๎‘๎—๎Œ๎„๎๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€‡๎€›๎€š๎€๎€“๎€“๎€“๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎›๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€“๎€‘๎€”๎€“๎€“๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ ๎€ƒ$8,700 owed
How has the residential assessment rate changed over time?
In most years, residential property values have grown faster than nonresidential
values, causing the residential assessment rate to be lowered so that residential
nonresidential assessment rate at 29 percent, and the current 7.15 percent residential
approximately four times higher than residential property owners. The downward shift of
the residential assessment rate is expected to continue in future years.
Figure 3
Gap in Assessment Rates Since 1983
When nonresidential property values grow faster than residential property values, the
residential assessment rate must increase to maintain the constant ratio; however, other
constitutional provisions require that voters approve such an increase. As a result,
the residential assessment rate. Since 1999, there have been six instances when the
residential assessment rate would have increased, but the legislature did not refer a
What factors impact property taxes?
property value, the applicable assessment rate, and the mill levy. Changes to any of
these components impact the amount of property taxes paid and thus, the amount of
revenue collected by a local government. Amendment B concerns only residential and
nonresidential assessment rates; however, other changes to property values or tax rates
also impact the amount of property taxes owed.
What are the automatic mill levy increases that some local governments have
In response to the shift between residential and nonresidential assessment rates, many
local governments have adopted laws that automatically increase local mill levies to
counteract the reduction in the residential assessment rate and result in a net property
tax increase for nonresidential property owners. These automatic mill levy increases
would not be triggered if Amendment B passes.
Under Amendment B, the residential assessment rate will remain at the current
7.15 percent for residential property. Without the measure, the residential assessment
rate is projected to decrease in future years due to the relative growth of residential
property values compared to nonresidential property values. As a result, Amendment B
is expected to eliminate projected future reductions in the residential assessment rate,
and thus, could result in higher property taxes paid by residential taxpayers, if property
Under Amendment B, the assessment rate will remain in state law at 29 percent for most
nonresidential property. Amendment B will have no impact on the amount of taxes paid
by most nonresidential property owners.
revenue reductions from the Gallagher Amendment, Amendment B will prevent property
tax increases for businesses, farmers, and other nonresidential property owners, as
the higher mill levies that would have been triggered by decreases in the residential
assessment rate under the Gallagher Amendment will no longer be required.
How does Amendment B impact local government revenue?
Under the current system, the decline in the residential assessment rate has constrained
property tax revenue to local governments. The impact varies across the state, with
the largest impacts occurring in areas without much nonresidential property or with
only slow growth in home prices. These areas are generally small and rural; however,
metropolitan areas with slow growth in home values are also impacted. Amendment B
prevents further decreases in the residential assessment rate, thus preventing declines
in local government property tax revenue used to provide local services.
How does Amendment B impact state government spending for schools?
Schools are funded through a combination of state and local revenue, with the state
a formula in state law and the amount of local tax revenue generated. By preventing
future decreases in the residential assessment rate, Amendment B increases local
property tax collections for school districts and reduces the amount the state must pay to
If Amendment B passes, can the state legislature change the assessment rates?
Under Amendment B, the state legislature may decrease the assessment rates, but
cannot increase them without voter approval. Currently, assessment rates are set in
state law at 7.15 percent for residential property and 29 percent for most nonresidential
For information on those issue committees that support or oppose the
๎๎ˆ๎„๎–๎˜๎•๎ˆ๎–๎€ƒ ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ ๎…๎„๎๎๎’๎—๎€ƒ ๎„๎—๎€ƒ ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ ๎€ฑ๎’๎™๎ˆ๎๎…๎ˆ๎•๎€ƒ ๎€–๎€๎€ƒ ๎€•๎€“๎€•๎€“๎€๎€ƒ ๎ˆ๎๎ˆ๎†๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎€๎€ƒ ๎Š๎’๎€ƒ ๎—๎’๎€ƒ ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ
Colorado Secretary of Stateโ€™s elections center web site hyperlink for ballot
Arguments For Amendment B
๎€”๎€Œ๎€ƒ The Gallagher Amendment is outdated and full of unintended consequences. If
the Gallagher Amendment is not repealed, owners of high-end homes in Denverโ€™s
wealthiest neighborhoods would get a tax cut next year, while small businesses and
farmers would pay a larger share of property taxes. The Gallagher Amendment
causes small businesses to be taxed at a rate four times higher than residential
๎€•๎€Œ๎€ƒ Colorado has some of the lowest residential property taxes in the nation, and
Amendment B is not a tax increase. Under Amendment B, the property tax rates
homeowners and businesses pay could only be increased by a vote of the people.
๎€–๎€Œ๎€ƒ ๎€ค๎๎ˆ๎‘๎‡๎๎ˆ๎‘๎—๎€ƒ๎€ฅ๎€ƒ๎š๎Œ๎๎๎€ƒ๎“๎•๎ˆ๎™๎ˆ๎‘๎—๎€ƒ๎‡๎ˆ๎ˆ๎“๎€ƒ๎†๎˜๎—๎–๎€ƒ๎—๎’๎€ƒ๎–๎†๎‹๎’๎’๎๎–๎€๎€ƒ๎‹๎’๎–๎“๎Œ๎—๎„๎๎–๎€๎€ƒ๎‚ฟ๎•๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎“๎•๎’๎—๎ˆ๎†๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎€๎€ƒ๎„๎‘๎‡๎€ƒ๎’๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎•๎€ƒ
local services in many areas of the state. Declines in the residential assessment
vital services provided by local governments, particularly in rural and low-income
communities. Amendment B allows local governments to continue providing services
that their communities expect.
Arguments Against Amendment B
๎€”๎€Œ๎€ƒ Amendment B results in higher property taxes for homeowners by preventing future
drops in the residential assessment rate. Increasing home values have already
resulted in higher property taxes for many homeowners. Higher taxes mean that
homeowners will have less money to spend or save, and landlords may increase
๎€•๎€Œ๎€ƒ ๎€ท๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎†๎˜๎•๎•๎ˆ๎‘๎—๎€ƒ๎“๎•๎’๎“๎ˆ๎•๎—๎œ๎€ƒ๎—๎„๎›๎€ƒ๎–๎œ๎–๎—๎ˆ๎๎€ƒ๎Ž๎ˆ๎ˆ๎“๎–๎€ƒ๎•๎ˆ๎–๎Œ๎‡๎ˆ๎‘๎—๎Œ๎„๎๎€ƒ๎“๎•๎’๎“๎ˆ๎•๎—๎œ๎€ƒ๎—๎„๎›๎ˆ๎–๎€ƒ๎๎’๎š๎€๎€ƒ๎„๎‘๎‡๎€ƒ๎“๎•๎ˆ๎™๎ˆ๎‘๎—๎–๎€ƒ
Amendment B removes an important protection for homeowners from the
constitution. Without these protections, homeowners may end up paying an
increasing share of property taxes.
๎€–๎€Œ๎€ƒ There are better alternatives to amending the constitution. Local governments can
in each local jurisdiction to decide for themselves how to best fund services for their
Estimate of Fiscal Impact for Amendment B
Local revenue and spending. For many local governments, including counties, cities,
school districts, and special districts, Amendment B will result in increased property tax
revenue. The amount of any increase will depend on what the residential assessment
rate would have been in the future without the measure, as well as whether voters have
already approved local tax increases to counteract future potential decreases in the
residential assessment rate.
State spending. To the extent that Amendment B increases property tax revenue to
school districts, additional funding will be available for the local share of the stateโ€™s
through a formula in state law.
Taxpayer impacts. Maintaining the current residential assessment rate results in higher
property taxes for many residential property owners compared to what they would owe if
residential assessment rates were lowered in the future. The impact on property owners
from holding the residential assessment rate constant in the future will vary based on
several factors, including what future decreases in the residential assessment rate would
have been required without the measure, the actual value of the property, and the tax
rates of the local taxing districts. The measure does not impact the assessment rate for
most nonresidential taxpayers.
What Your Vote Means
A โ€œyesโ€ vote on Amendment C
operating in Colorado for three years to
who are not members of the organization,
compensation up to minimum wage.
A โ€œnoโ€ vote on Amendment C
maintains the current requirements
must be unpaid volunteers who are
Amendment C proposes amending the Colorado Constitution to:
y ๎•๎ˆ๎‡๎˜๎†๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎‘๎˜๎๎…๎ˆ๎•๎€ƒ๎’๎‰๎€ƒ๎œ๎ˆ๎„๎•๎–๎€ƒ๎„๎€ƒ๎‘๎’๎‘๎“๎•๎’๎‚ฟ๎—๎€ƒ๎’๎•๎Š๎„๎‘๎Œ๎๎„๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ๎๎˜๎–๎—๎€ƒ๎’๎“๎ˆ๎•๎„๎—๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎Œ๎‘๎€ƒ๎€ฆ๎’๎๎’๎•๎„๎‡๎’๎€ƒ
y ๎ˆ๎„๎–๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎†๎’๎๎“๎ˆ๎‘๎–๎„๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ๎„๎‘๎‡๎€ƒ๎’๎•๎Š๎„๎‘๎Œ๎๎„๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ๎๎ˆ๎๎…๎ˆ๎•๎–๎‹๎Œ๎“๎€ƒ๎•๎ˆ๎–๎—๎•๎Œ๎†๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎–๎€ƒ๎‰๎’๎•๎€ƒ๎…๎Œ๎‘๎Š๎’๎€๎•๎„๏‚‰๎ˆ๎€ƒ
Conduct of Charitable
Placed on the ballot by the legislature โ€ข Passes with 55 percent of the vote
Summary and Analysis for Amendment C
What does Amendment C do?
y ๎‡๎ˆ๎†๎•๎ˆ๎„๎–๎ˆ๎–๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎‘๎˜๎๎…๎ˆ๎•๎€ƒ๎’๎‰๎€ƒ๎œ๎ˆ๎„๎•๎–๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎„๎—๎€ƒ๎„๎€ƒ๎‘๎’๎‘๎“๎•๎’๎‚ฟ๎—๎€ƒ๎’๎•๎Š๎„๎‘๎Œ๎๎„๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ๎๎˜๎–๎—๎€ƒ๎’๎“๎ˆ๎•๎„๎—๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎Œ๎‘๎€ƒ
legislature to further modify this requirement after January 1, 2024;
y ๎ˆ๎๎Œ๎๎Œ๎‘๎„๎—๎ˆ๎–๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎•๎ˆ๎”๎˜๎Œ๎•๎ˆ๎๎ˆ๎‘๎—๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎„๎—๎€ƒ๎…๎Œ๎‘๎Š๎’๎€๎•๎„๏‚‰๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎š๎’๎•๎Ž๎ˆ๎•๎–๎€ƒ๎…๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎๎ˆ๎๎…๎ˆ๎•๎–๎€ƒ๎’๎‰๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎‘๎’๎‘๎“๎•๎’๎‚ฟ๎—๎€ƒ
organization; and
y permits people managing or operating charitable games to either be volunteers
or to receive compensation, such as meals or payment, which cannot exceed the
minimum wage.
What types of charitable gaming are currently allowed in Colorado?
In 1958, the Colorado Constitution was amended to permit the operation of games of
y bingo, in which each player has at least one card with a grid of letters and numbers
of the players completes the designated winning pattern; and
y ๎•๎„๏‚‰๎ˆ๎–๎€๎€ƒ๎š๎‹๎Œ๎†๎‹๎€ƒ๎„๎•๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎—๎Œ๎†๎Ž๎ˆ๎—๎–๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎„๎—๎€ƒ๎‹๎„๎™๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎„๎€ƒ๎˜๎‘๎Œ๎”๎˜๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎‘๎˜๎๎…๎ˆ๎•๎€ƒ๎’๎•๎€ƒ๎’๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎•๎€ƒ๎Œ๎‡๎ˆ๎‘๎—๎Œ๎‚ฟ๎ˆ๎•๎€ƒ๎•๎„๎‘๎‡๎’๎๎๎œ๎€ƒ
national or state organizations; religious, charitable, labor, fraternal, educational,
Fair Authority.
For information on those issue committees that support or oppose the
๎๎ˆ๎„๎–๎˜๎•๎ˆ๎–๎€ƒ ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ ๎…๎„๎๎๎’๎—๎€ƒ ๎„๎—๎€ƒ ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ ๎€ฑ๎’๎™๎ˆ๎๎…๎ˆ๎•๎€ƒ ๎€–๎€๎€ƒ ๎€•๎€“๎€•๎€“๎€๎€ƒ ๎ˆ๎๎ˆ๎†๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎€๎€ƒ ๎Š๎’๎€ƒ ๎—๎’๎€ƒ ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ
Colorado Secretary of Stateโ€™s elections center web site hyperlink for ballot
Argument For Amendment C
๎€”๎€Œ๎€ƒ ๎€ฅ๎Œ๎‘๎Š๎’๎€๎•๎„๏‚‰๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎Š๎„๎๎ˆ๎–๎€ƒ๎„๎•๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎„๎‘๎€ƒ๎’๎“๎“๎’๎•๎—๎˜๎‘๎Œ๎—๎œ๎€ƒ๎‰๎’๎•๎€ƒ๎‘๎’๎‘๎“๎•๎’๎‚ฟ๎—๎€ƒ๎’๎•๎Š๎„๎‘๎Œ๎๎„๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎–๎€ƒ๎—๎’๎€ƒ๎•๎„๎Œ๎–๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎‰๎˜๎‘๎‡๎–๎€ƒ๎‰๎’๎•๎€ƒ
Argument Against Amendment C
๎€”๎€Œ๎€ƒ ๎€ณ๎•๎’๎‰๎ˆ๎–๎–๎Œ๎’๎‘๎„๎๎Œ๎๎Œ๎‘๎Š๎€ƒ๎…๎Œ๎‘๎Š๎’๎€๎•๎„๏‚‰๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎’๎“๎ˆ๎•๎„๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎–๎€ƒ๎˜๎‘๎‡๎ˆ๎•๎๎Œ๎‘๎ˆ๎–๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎Œ๎•๎€ƒ๎†๎‹๎„๎•๎Œ๎—๎„๎…๎๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎‰๎˜๎‘๎‡๎•๎„๎Œ๎–๎Œ๎‘๎Š๎€ƒ
Estimate of Fiscal Impact for Amendment C
State revenue. Beginning in state budget year 2020-21, Amendment C will increase
state revenue from the administrative fee assessed on the charitable gaming proceeds
State spending๎€‘๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ค๎๎ˆ๎‘๎‡๎๎ˆ๎‘๎—๎€ƒ๎€ฆ๎€ƒ๎Œ๎‘๎†๎•๎ˆ๎„๎–๎ˆ๎–๎€ƒ๎–๎—๎„๎—๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎–๎“๎ˆ๎‘๎‡๎Œ๎‘๎Š๎€ƒ๎…๎œ๎€ƒ๎„๎…๎’๎˜๎—๎€ƒ๎€‡๎€›๎€–๎€๎€“๎€“๎€“๎€ƒ๎Œ๎‘๎€ƒ๎–๎—๎„๎—๎ˆ๎€ƒ
Amendment 76 proposes amending the Colorado Constitution to:
y specify that โ€œonly a citizenโ€ of the United States rather than โ€œevery citizenโ€ of
the United States is eligible to vote in Colorado elections.
What Your Vote Means
A โ€œyesโ€ vote on Amendment 76
will change constitutional
language to specify that only U.S. citizens
age 18 and older are eligible to participate
in Colorado elections.
A โ€œnoโ€ vote on Amendment 76
means the current constitutional
language allowing every eligible U.S. citizen
to vote in Colorado elections will remain
Placed on the ballot by citizen initiative โ€ข Passes with 55 percent of the vote
Summary and Analysis for Amendment 76
What are the requirements to vote in Colorado?
The Colorado Constitution and state law establish the eligibility of voters. Under current
law, a U.S. citizen may vote in Colorado if he or she is at least 18 years old, has lived
in the state at least 22 days immediately prior to the election, and has registered to
vote. The Colorado Constitution guarantees this right to every U.S. citizen, but does
For example, state law allows 17-year-olds to vote in primary elections if they will be
18 years old by the general election.
What happens if Amendment 76 passes?
Amendment 76 allows only U.S. citizens who have met all other legal requirements
to vote in elections. Adoption of the measure prevents the state from extending voter
eligibility to noncitizens in the future, as well as to those under the age of 18. However,
it is unclear if the measure prohibits a city or town with its own โ€œhome ruleโ€ charter
from expanding voter eligibility, and ultimately the courts may have to decide how the
measure is applied to elections in home rule cities and towns.
The measure has no immediate impact on voting requirements related to residency and
registration and does not change current election law that excludes noncitizens from
voting. However, under Amendment 76, 17-year-olds who are currently able to vote in
primary elections will no longer be eligible to do so.
What happens if Amendment 76 fails?
The current constitutional language allowing every U.S. citizen who has met the other
legal requirements to vote in elections remains unchanged.
Who is considered a U.S. citizen under the law?
y was born in the United States or certain territories or outlying possessions of the
United States;
y was born abroad but had a parent who was a U.S. citizen at the time of the personโ€™s
birth; or
y is naturalized, which is the process by which U.S. citizenship is granted to a foreign
Additional information on home rule cities and towns can be found in Legislative Council Publication
How are Colorado elections conducted?
federal level. Local government elections include school district, special district, city, and
county elections. Colorado holds a general election each November in even-numbered
years. Additional elections may be called at other times, for example to decide primary
contests or for voters to decide local matters. Home rule cities and towns have the
power to set the procedures for all matters pertaining to city and town elections. All
other elections are conducted pursuant to state laws.
For information on those issue committees that support or oppose the
๎๎ˆ๎„๎–๎˜๎•๎ˆ๎–๎€ƒ ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ ๎…๎„๎๎๎’๎—๎€ƒ ๎„๎—๎€ƒ ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ ๎€ฑ๎’๎™๎ˆ๎๎…๎ˆ๎•๎€ƒ ๎€–๎€๎€ƒ ๎€•๎€“๎€•๎€“๎€๎€ƒ ๎ˆ๎๎ˆ๎†๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎€๎€ƒ ๎Š๎’๎€ƒ ๎—๎’๎€ƒ ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ
Colorado Secretary of Stateโ€™s elections center web site hyperlink for ballot
Argument For Amendment 76
๎€”๎€Œ๎€ƒ Voting is a fundamental right reserved for U.S. citizens. Amendment 76 guarantees
that the state will not be able to pursue policies that allow noncitizens to vote. The
protections for Coloradoโ€™s elections.
Argument Against Amendment 76
๎€”๎€Œ๎€ƒ ๎€ค๎๎ˆ๎‘๎‡๎๎ˆ๎‘๎—๎€ƒ๎€š๎€™๎€ƒ๎๎„๎Ž๎ˆ๎–๎€ƒ๎„๎‘๎€ƒ๎˜๎‘๎‘๎ˆ๎†๎ˆ๎–๎–๎„๎•๎œ๎€ƒ๎„๎‘๎‡๎€ƒ๎“๎’๎—๎ˆ๎‘๎—๎Œ๎„๎๎๎œ๎€ƒ๎‡๎Œ๎™๎Œ๎–๎Œ๎™๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎†๎‹๎„๎‘๎Š๎ˆ๎€‘๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ท๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ
state already has a secure election system that ensures only those who meet
a problem that does not exist, may result in voter confusion about state and local
elections, and could discourage and even disenfranchise voters.
Estimate of Fiscal Impact for Amendment 76
Amendment 77 proposes amending the Colorado Constitution and the
Colorado statutes to:
y ๎„๎๎๎’๎š๎€ƒ๎™๎’๎—๎ˆ๎•๎–๎€ƒ๎Œ๎‘๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎•๎ˆ๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎Š๎„๎๎Œ๎‘๎Š๎€ƒ๎†๎Œ๎—๎Œ๎ˆ๎–๎€ƒ๎‚ฒ๎€ƒ๎€ฅ๎๎„๎†๎Ž๎€ƒ๎€ซ๎„๎š๎Ž๎€๎€ƒ๎€ฆ๎ˆ๎‘๎—๎•๎„๎๎€ƒ๎€ฆ๎Œ๎—๎œ๎€๎€ƒ๎„๎‘๎‡๎€ƒ
new casino games in each city; and
y expand the current use of casino tax revenue for community colleges to
include student retention and completion programs.
What Your Vote Means
A โ€œyesโ€ vote on Amendment 77
be allowed to increase or remove casino
bet limits and approve new casino games
to help fund community colleges.
A โ€œnoโ€ vote on Amendment 77
means that current casino
bet limits and games will remain in the
constitution, and a statewide vote will
changes to these restrictions.
Local Voter Approval of
Casino Bet Limits and Games
in Black Hawk, Central City,
and Cripple Creek
Placed on the ballot by citizen initiative โ€ข Passes with a majority vote
Summary and Analysis for Amendment 77
What happens if Amendment 77 passes?
y Casino bet limits and restrictions on the types of casino games in each gaming city
will be removed from the constitution.
y ๎€น๎’๎—๎ˆ๎•๎–๎€ƒ๎Œ๎‘๎€ƒ๎€ฅ๎๎„๎†๎Ž๎€ƒ๎€ซ๎„๎š๎Ž๎€๎€ƒ๎€ฆ๎ˆ๎‘๎—๎•๎„๎๎€ƒ๎€ฆ๎Œ๎—๎œ๎€๎€ƒ๎„๎‘๎‡๎€ƒ๎€ฆ๎•๎Œ๎“๎“๎๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎€ฆ๎•๎ˆ๎ˆ๎Ž๎€ƒ๎๎„๎œ๎€ƒ๎„๎“๎“๎•๎’๎™๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎‘๎ˆ๎š๎€ƒ๎†๎„๎–๎Œ๎‘๎’๎€ƒ๎…๎ˆ๎—๎€ƒ
limits and add new casino games in their respective cities. Current games and bet
y ๎€ฌ๎‰๎€ƒ๎๎’๎†๎„๎๎€ƒ๎™๎’๎—๎ˆ๎•๎–๎€ƒ๎Œ๎‘๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎•๎ˆ๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎Š๎„๎๎Œ๎‘๎Š๎€ƒ๎†๎Œ๎—๎Œ๎ˆ๎–๎€ƒ๎„๎“๎“๎•๎’๎™๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎‘๎ˆ๎š๎€ƒ๎†๎„๎–๎Œ๎‘๎’๎€ƒ๎Š๎„๎๎ˆ๎–๎€ƒ๎„๎‘๎‡๎€ƒ๎…๎ˆ๎—๎€ƒ๎๎Œ๎๎Œ๎—๎–๎€๎€ƒ
o the Colorado Gaming Commission will establish rules for the new games;
o ๎†๎„๎–๎Œ๎‘๎’๎–๎€ƒ๎๎„๎œ๎€ƒ๎’๏‚‡๎ˆ๎•๎€ƒ๎‘๎ˆ๎š๎€ƒ๎†๎„๎–๎Œ๎‘๎’๎€ƒ๎Š๎„๎๎ˆ๎–๎€ƒ๎„๎‘๎‡๎€ƒ๎„๎‘๎œ๎€ƒ๎‘๎ˆ๎š๎€ƒ๎…๎ˆ๎—๎€ƒ๎๎Œ๎๎Œ๎—๎–๎€ƒ๎–๎—๎„๎•๎—๎Œ๎‘๎Š๎€ƒ
May 1, 2021; and
o community colleges may use any additional casino tax revenue to fund student
retention and completion programs, in addition to uses already allowed under
What types of gambling are currently allowed in Colorado?
betting was legalized both online and at casinos in 2019.
this measure.
Gambling is also legal at the Southern Ute and Ute Mountain Ute tribal casinos, which
will not be impacted by this measure.
If new casino bet limits and games are approved, how would additional state tax
revenue be spent?
Under current law, casinos pay taxes on all bets made minus all payouts to players.
revenue, depending on the bet limits and games that are approved.
After casino regulation expenses are paid, any additional tax revenue will be distributed,
y 78 percent will go to community colleges;
y 12 percent will go to Gilpin and Teller Counties; and
y ๎€”๎€“๎€ƒ๎“๎ˆ๎•๎†๎ˆ๎‘๎—๎€ƒ๎š๎Œ๎๎๎€ƒ๎Š๎’๎€ƒ๎—๎’๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎†๎Œ๎—๎Œ๎ˆ๎–๎€ƒ๎’๎‰๎€ƒ๎€ฅ๎๎„๎†๎Ž๎€ƒ๎€ซ๎„๎š๎Ž๎€๎€ƒ๎€ฆ๎ˆ๎‘๎—๎•๎„๎๎€ƒ๎€ฆ๎Œ๎—๎œ๎€๎€ƒ๎„๎‘๎‡๎€ƒ๎€ฆ๎•๎Œ๎“๎“๎๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎€ฆ๎•๎ˆ๎ˆ๎Ž๎€‘
How does Amendment 77 change the way community colleges spend gaming tax
This measure expands the way community college funding from gaming can be spent
to include programs and services that promote student retention and degree completion
programs. Currently, community colleges are allowed to spend gaming tax revenue on
For information on those issue committees that support or oppose the
๎๎ˆ๎„๎–๎˜๎•๎ˆ๎–๎€ƒ ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ ๎…๎„๎๎๎’๎—๎€ƒ ๎„๎—๎€ƒ ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ ๎€ฑ๎’๎™๎ˆ๎๎…๎ˆ๎•๎€ƒ ๎€–๎€๎€ƒ ๎€•๎€“๎€•๎€“๎€๎€ƒ ๎ˆ๎๎ˆ๎†๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎€๎€ƒ ๎Š๎’๎€ƒ ๎—๎’๎€ƒ ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ
Colorado Secretary of Stateโ€™s elections center web site hyperlink for ballot
Arguments For Amendment 77
๎€”๎€Œ๎€ƒ ๎€ค๎๎ˆ๎‘๎‡๎๎ˆ๎‘๎—๎€ƒ๎€š๎€š๎€ƒ๎„๎๎๎’๎š๎–๎€ƒ๎™๎’๎—๎ˆ๎•๎–๎€ƒ๎Œ๎‘๎€ƒ๎€ฅ๎๎„๎†๎Ž๎€ƒ๎€ซ๎„๎š๎Ž๎€๎€ƒ๎€ฆ๎ˆ๎‘๎—๎•๎„๎๎€ƒ๎€ฆ๎Œ๎—๎œ๎€๎€ƒ๎„๎‘๎‡๎€ƒ๎€ฆ๎•๎Œ๎“๎“๎๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎€ฆ๎•๎ˆ๎ˆ๎Ž๎€ƒ๎—๎’๎€ƒ
changes to gambling in Colorado are best equipped to address the needs of their
communities and should be allowed to control what happens in their cities.
๎€•๎€Œ๎€ƒ ๎€บ๎Œ๎—๎‹๎’๎˜๎—๎€ƒ๎•๎„๎Œ๎–๎Œ๎‘๎Š๎€ƒ๎—๎„๎›๎ˆ๎–๎€ƒ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ๎€ฆ๎’๎๎’๎•๎„๎‡๎„๎‘๎–๎€๎€ƒ๎€ค๎๎ˆ๎‘๎‡๎๎ˆ๎‘๎—๎€ƒ๎€š๎€š๎€ƒ๎š๎Œ๎๎๎€ƒ๎๎Œ๎Ž๎ˆ๎๎œ๎€ƒ๎Œ๎‘๎†๎•๎ˆ๎„๎–๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎„๎๎’๎˜๎‘๎—๎€ƒ
development, student retention, and degree completion programs. This additional
revenue will help provide important educational and employment opportunities during
this economic downturn and is essential when recent state and local tax revenues
Arguments Against Amendment 77
๎€”๎€Œ๎€ƒ Removing bet limits may increase the prevalence and severity of problem gambling.
problems without setting aside any of the new tax revenue to help people harmed by
problem gambling.
๎€•๎€Œ๎€ƒ Expanding casino gambling may negatively impact other communities in Colorado
that will no longer have a voice in changes to limits on bets and games. Other cities
deserve to have a say in activities that impact the entire state.
Estimate of Fiscal Impact for Amendment 77
three gaming cities and will depend on the casino bet limits and new games approved in
those cities.
State and local government revenue.๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ค๎๎ˆ๎‘๎‡๎๎ˆ๎‘๎—๎€ƒ๎€š๎€š๎€ƒ๎š๎Œ๎๎๎€ƒ๎๎Œ๎Ž๎ˆ๎๎œ๎€ƒ๎Œ๎‘๎†๎•๎ˆ๎„๎–๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎–๎—๎„๎—๎ˆ๎€ƒ
and local revenue. If bet limits go up, taxable casino revenue and state gaming tax
municipal and county governments where casinos are allowed. The amount of any
revenue increase will depend on how much any locally approved gaming changes
increase the revenue on which casinos pay taxes. For reference, a previous expansion
of betting limits and allowable casino games in 2008 increased gaming revenue by about
State and local government spending.๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ค๎๎ˆ๎‘๎‡๎๎ˆ๎‘๎—๎€ƒ๎€š๎€š๎€ƒ๎š๎Œ๎๎๎€ƒ๎๎Œ๎Ž๎ˆ๎๎œ๎€ƒ๎Œ๎‘๎†๎•๎ˆ๎„๎–๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎–๎—๎„๎—๎ˆ๎€๎€ƒ
local, and community college spending if gaming revenue increases. The amount of
any spending will depend on how much any locally approved gaming changes increase
the revenue on which casinos pay taxes.
The Division of Gaming in the Department of
Revenue will need to update rules and documentation if either bet limits are increased
or new games are added. This measure will also increase local government spending in
the three gaming cities if they hold an election to increase bet limits or add new casino
games in each city. Any additional revenue received by community colleges will be
spent on programs allowed under current law and those included in this amendment.
Taxpayer impacts.๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ค๎๎ˆ๎‘๎‡๎๎ˆ๎‘๎—๎€ƒ๎€š๎€š๎€ƒ๎š๎Œ๎๎๎€ƒ๎๎Œ๎Ž๎ˆ๎๎œ๎€ƒ๎Œ๎‘๎†๎•๎ˆ๎„๎–๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎—๎„๎›๎ˆ๎–๎€ƒ๎“๎„๎Œ๎‡๎€ƒ๎…๎œ๎€ƒ๎†๎„๎–๎Œ๎‘๎’๎–๎€‘๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ท๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ
amount by which taxes will increase depends on future decisions made by voters in the
three gaming cities.
What Your Vote Means
A โ€œyesโ€ vote on Proposition EE
increases taxes on cigarettes
and other tobacco products, and creates
a new tax on nicotine products, including
vaping products. The new tax revenue
will be spent on education, housing,
tobacco prevention, health care, and
A โ€œnoโ€ vote on Proposition EE
means taxes on cigarettes and
other tobacco products will stay the same,
and there will be no new taxes on nicotine
or vaping products.
Proposition EE, if approved, would:
y increase taxes on cigarettes and tobacco products;
y create a new tax on nicotine products, including vaping products; and
y distribute the new revenue to expanded preschool programs, as well as
tobacco education, and health care.
Taxes on Nicotine Products
Placed on the ballot by the legislature โ€ข Passes with a majority vote
Summary and Analysis for Proposition EE
Why is Proposition EE on the ballot?
Earlier this year, the state legislature passed a law to raise taxes on cigarettes and
tobacco products, create a state tax on nicotine products, and modify the regulation of
as all tax increases require voter approval under the Colorado Constitution. This
analysis discusses the changes that will occur if Proposition EE passes.
How are cigarettes, other tobacco products, and nicotine products currently taxed?
currently taxed at 40 percent of the manufacturerโ€™s list price, which is the price at which
a manufacturer sells the product to a distributor. Nicotine products, which include vaping
products, are not currently subject to any existing state cigarette or tobacco tax. All
three products are currently subject to the state sales tax.
products in the state, which may include local manufacturers. The business pays taxes
Current revenue distributions. Current cigarette and tobacco tax revenue is
distributed to a variety of health care, tobacco education, and disease prevention
programs, as well as for general state programs and services.
How does Proposition EE change taxes on those products?
Proposition EE raises taxes on cigarettes and tobacco products, and establishes a
new tax on nicotine products. The new taxes increase incrementally until they are
fully phased in by 2027. Table 1 lists the current tax rates and the new rates under the
measure. The new revenue is exempt from constitutional spending limits.
Table 1
Changes to Cigarette, Tobacco, and Nicotine Products Taxes
New Rates Under Proposition EE*
Tax Rate
2021-20272021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027
๎€ท๎„๎› per pack
๎€‡๎€“๎€‘๎€›๎€— ๎€‡๎€”๎€‘๎€œ๎€— ๎€‡๎€”๎€‘๎€œ๎€— ๎€‡๎€”๎€‘๎€œ๎€— ๎€‡๎€•๎€‘๎€•๎€— ๎€‡๎€•๎€‘๎€•๎€— ๎€‡๎€•๎€‘๎€•๎€— ๎€‡๎€•๎€‘๎€™๎€— ๎€‡๎€”๎€‘๎€›๎€“
Tobacco Product
Percent of price**
40% 50% 50% 50% 56% 56% 56% 62% 22%
Nicotine Products
Percent of price**
None ๎€–๎€“๎€ˆ ๎€–๎€˜๎€ˆ 50% 56% 56% 56% 62% 62%
** Manufacturerโ€™s list price.
y ๎–๎ˆ๎—๎–๎€ƒ๎‘๎ˆ๎š๎€ƒ๎—๎„๎›๎€ƒ๎•๎„๎—๎ˆ๎–๎€ƒ๎‰๎’๎•๎€ƒ๎๎’๎‡๎Œ๎‚ฟ๎ˆ๎‡๎€ƒ๎•๎Œ๎–๎Ž๎€ƒ๎—๎’๎…๎„๎†๎†๎’๎€ƒ๎“๎•๎’๎‡๎˜๎†๎—๎–๎€๎€ƒ๎š๎‹๎Œ๎†๎‹๎€ƒ๎„๎•๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎‰๎ˆ๎‡๎ˆ๎•๎„๎๎๎œ๎€ƒ๎‡๎ˆ๎–๎Œ๎Š๎‘๎„๎—๎ˆ๎‡๎€ƒ
๎„๎–๎€ƒ๎‹๎„๎™๎Œ๎‘๎Š๎€ƒ๎๎’๎š๎ˆ๎•๎€ƒ๎‹๎ˆ๎„๎๎—๎‹๎€ƒ๎•๎Œ๎–๎Ž๎–๎€ƒ๎†๎’๎๎“๎„๎•๎ˆ๎‡๎€ƒ๎—๎’๎€ƒ๎ˆ๎›๎Œ๎–๎—๎Œ๎‘๎Š๎€ƒ๎†๎’๎๎๎ˆ๎•๎†๎Œ๎„๎๎€ƒ๎“๎•๎’๎‡๎˜๎†๎—๎–. Currently,
there is only one type of tobacco product that has received this designation for sale
price, while a regular tobacco product would be taxed at 50 percent in 2021;
y ๎ˆ๎–๎—๎„๎…๎๎Œ๎–๎‹๎ˆ๎–๎€ƒ๎„๎€ƒ๎๎Œ๎‘๎Œ๎๎˜๎๎€ƒ๎—๎„๎›๎€ƒ๎‰๎’๎•๎€ƒ๎๎’๎Œ๎–๎—๎€ƒ๎–๎‘๎˜๏‚‡๎€ƒ๎“๎•๎’๎‡๎˜๎†๎—๎–๎€ƒ๎„๎—๎€ƒ๎€‡๎€”๎€‘๎€—๎€›๎€ƒ๎“๎ˆ๎•๎€ƒ๎€”๎€‘๎€•๎€ƒ๎’๎˜๎‘๎†๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎†๎’๎‘๎—๎„๎Œ๎‘๎ˆ๎•๎€๎€ƒ
that can be loose or pouched and is intended to be placed in the mouth rather than
y ๎–๎ˆ๎—๎–๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎๎Œ๎‘๎Œ๎๎˜๎๎€ƒ๎„๎‰๎—๎ˆ๎•๎€๎—๎„๎›๎€ƒ๎“๎•๎Œ๎†๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎’๎‰๎€ƒ๎†๎Œ๎Š๎„๎•๎ˆ๎—๎—๎ˆ๎–๎€ƒ๎‰๎’๎•๎€ƒ๎†๎’๎‘๎–๎˜๎๎ˆ๎•๎–๎€ƒ๎„๎—๎€ƒ๎€‡๎€š๎€‘๎€“๎€“๎€ƒ๎“๎ˆ๎•๎€ƒ๎“๎„๎†๎Ž๎€ƒ
y ๎๎„๎Ž๎ˆ๎–๎€ƒ๎’๎‘๎๎Œ๎‘๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎–๎„๎๎ˆ๎–๎€ƒ๎‰๎•๎’๎๎€ƒ๎’๎˜๎—๎€ƒ๎’๎‰๎€ƒ๎–๎—๎„๎—๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎•๎ˆ๎—๎„๎Œ๎๎ˆ๎•๎–๎€ƒ๎—๎’๎€ƒ๎€ฆ๎’๎๎’๎•๎„๎‡๎’๎€ƒ๎†๎’๎‘๎–๎˜๎๎ˆ๎•๎–๎€ƒ๎–๎˜๎…๎๎ˆ๎†๎—๎€ƒ๎—๎’๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ
new taxes; and
y ๎•๎ˆ๎‡๎˜๎†๎ˆ๎–๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎“๎’๎•๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ๎’๎‰๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎—๎„๎›๎ˆ๎–๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎„๎—๎€ƒ๎‡๎Œ๎–๎—๎•๎Œ๎…๎˜๎—๎’๎•๎–๎€ƒ๎๎„๎œ๎€ƒ๎Ž๎ˆ๎ˆ๎“๎€ƒ๎„๎–๎€ƒ๎†๎’๎๎“๎ˆ๎‘๎–๎„๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ๎‰๎’๎•๎€ƒ
rate at 1.1 percent for nicotine distributors.
Are vaping products taxed under Proposition EE?
established by Proposition EE. Vaping products and devices that do not contain nicotine
are not subject to the tax. Vaping products are not eligible for the lower tax rates for
federal government.
How will the new tax revenue be spent?
rates are fully phased in. Figure 1 shows the programs that will receive funding as the
new tax rates are phased in through budget year 2027-28. Programs funded in budget
year 2027-28 will continue to receive funding in future years.
Figure 1
Distributions of New Tax Revenue
* Half-year impact.
** Includes housing development and eviction legal assistance.
y Preschool programs. Proposition EE provides funding for expanded preschool,
minimum cigarette price is also used for this purpose.
y Rural schools. ๎€ฒ๎‰๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎๎’๎‘๎ˆ๎œ๎€ƒ๎„๎๎๎’๎†๎„๎—๎ˆ๎‡๎€ƒ๎‰๎’๎•๎€ƒ๎•๎˜๎•๎„๎๎€ƒ๎–๎†๎‹๎’๎’๎๎–๎€ƒ๎Œ๎‘๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎‚ฟ๎•๎–๎—๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎•๎ˆ๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎œ๎ˆ๎„๎•๎–๎€๎€ƒ
55 percent goes to rural school districts with between 1,000 and 6,500 students, and
45 percent goes to rural school districts with fewer than 1,000 students. The funding
is allocated on a per-student basis.
y K-12 education. In addition to the funding for rural schools, any revenue not
statewide, including charter schools, as well as other education programs.
y Housing development. ๎€ฌ๎‘๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎‚ฟ๎•๎–๎—๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎•๎ˆ๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎œ๎ˆ๎„๎•๎–๎€๎€ƒ๎‰๎˜๎‘๎‡๎Œ๎‘๎Š๎€ƒ๎š๎Œ๎๎๎€ƒ๎…๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎„๎๎๎’๎†๎„๎—๎ˆ๎‡๎€ƒ๎„๎–๎€ƒ๎Š๎•๎„๎‘๎—๎–๎€ƒ
or loans to buy, renovate, and construct houses, or provide rental assistance, in an
y Eviction legal assistance. ๎€ฉ๎˜๎‘๎‡๎Œ๎‘๎Š๎€ƒ๎‰๎’๎•๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎Œ๎–๎€ƒ๎“๎˜๎•๎“๎’๎–๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎Œ๎–๎€ƒ๎„๎๎๎’๎†๎„๎—๎ˆ๎‡๎€ƒ๎Œ๎‘๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎‚ฟ๎•๎–๎—๎€ƒ
three years and will be awarded to organizations that provide legal assistance to
y Health care programs. Funding allocated for health care programs will be used for
Medicaid, primary care, tobacco use prevention, childrenโ€™s health and a variety of
other health care programs that currently receive cigarette and tobacco tax revenue.
y General state spending. Of the amount allocated for this purpose, 27 percent
must be distributed to local governments, and the remainder used for general state
spending, which may include education, transportation, and health care, and will be
determined by the state legislature. A portion of the additional sales tax revenue
from the minimum cigarette price is also used for general state spending.
y Tobacco education programs. Money allocated for this purpose is used for grants
for community-based and statewide programs to reduce tobacco use by youth,
How would preschool availability and funding change?
three- and four-year-old children who are from low-income families, in need of language
development, or who meet certain criteria indicating they may be in danger of falling
behind in school. About 9,000 low-income students also have access to preschool
through federal Head Start programs. The measure requires that the new funding be
remaining revenue must be used to expand preschool opportunities for low-income
For information on those issue committees that support or oppose the
๎๎ˆ๎„๎–๎˜๎•๎ˆ๎–๎€ƒ ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ ๎…๎„๎๎๎’๎—๎€ƒ ๎„๎—๎€ƒ ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ ๎€ฑ๎’๎™๎ˆ๎๎…๎ˆ๎•๎€ƒ ๎€–๎€๎€ƒ ๎€•๎€“๎€•๎€“๎€๎€ƒ ๎ˆ๎๎ˆ๎†๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎€๎€ƒ ๎Š๎’๎€ƒ ๎—๎’๎€ƒ ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ
Colorado Secretary of Stateโ€™s elections center web site hyperlink for ballot
Arguments For Proposition EE
๎€”๎€Œ๎€ƒ Colorado has one of the highest rates of youth vaping in the country, while also
having one of the lowest tax rates on cigarettes and tobacco products, and no tax on
vaping products. Cigarettes, tobacco, and nicotine products are addictive and have
negative health impacts, which can include cancer as well as heart and lung disease.
especially among youth and young adults. Higher taxes on cigarettes, tobacco
products, and vaping products could decrease consumption while funding health
care, and tobacco cessation, education, and prevention programs.
๎€•๎€Œ๎€ƒ Proposition EE provides needed funding for education. The impacts of the
COVID-19 pandemic on the state budget have resulted in a 10 percent decrease
in the state share of public school funding for the 2020-21 school year. Additional
federal funding has helped lessen the impact of this state budget cut in 2020;
measure provides vital funding for schools as the economy recovers, and additional
assistance for small rural districts that are disproportionately impacted by state
funding cuts.
๎€–๎€Œ๎€ƒ Providing access to free preschool gives all children the same foundation before
not attend any type of preschool. High quality preschool is shown to improve
educational, economic, and health outcomes throughout a childโ€™s life, including
higher wages, higher graduation rates, and fewer criminal convictions. Access to
Arguments Against Proposition EE
๎€”๎€Œ๎€ƒ ๎€ฌ๎‘๎†๎•๎ˆ๎„๎–๎Œ๎‘๎Š๎€ƒ๎—๎„๎›๎ˆ๎–๎€ƒ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ๎†๎Œ๎Š๎„๎•๎ˆ๎—๎—๎ˆ๎€๎€ƒ๎—๎’๎…๎„๎†๎†๎’๎€๎€ƒ๎„๎‘๎‡๎€ƒ๎‘๎Œ๎†๎’๎—๎Œ๎‘๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎“๎•๎’๎‡๎˜๎†๎—๎–๎€ƒ๎Œ๎๎“๎’๎–๎ˆ๎–๎€ƒ๎„๎€ƒ๎‚ฟ๎‘๎„๎‘๎†๎Œ๎„๎๎€ƒ
burden on people who choose to consume them, particularly low-income users.
Because these products are addictive, users may continue to purchase them even
after a tax increase. In addition, vaping products are used by many as a way to quit
of existing age restrictions and additional education and prevention, not through
raising taxes on a product that some use as a cessation device.
๎€•๎€Œ๎€ƒ Raising taxes and establishing a minimum purchase price hurts business owners.
This is particularly true for businesses that sell low-cost products, or that are in areas
of the state where local governments have already imposed cigarette, tobacco, and
nicotine taxes. Businesses selling these products may see a decline in sales, which
can be particularly harmful for small, local businesses at a time when many are
determine the prices at which products are bought and sold.
๎€–๎€Œ๎€ƒ ๎€ท๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎–๎—๎„๎—๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎–๎‹๎’๎˜๎๎‡๎€ƒ๎‘๎’๎—๎€ƒ๎…๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎‡๎ˆ๎“๎ˆ๎‘๎‡๎ˆ๎‘๎—๎€ƒ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ๎—๎„๎›๎€ƒ๎•๎ˆ๎™๎ˆ๎‘๎˜๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎‰๎•๎’๎๎€ƒ๎„๎€ƒ๎–๎“๎ˆ๎†๎Œ๎‚ฟ๎†๎€๎€ƒ๎„๎‡๎‡๎Œ๎†๎—๎Œ๎™๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎“๎•๎’๎‡๎˜๎†๎—๎€ƒ
to fund schools, preschool, and other state services. Once Proposition EE is fully
results in fewer products being purchased. At the same time, preschool funding
source on which the state should rely.
Estimate of Fiscal Impact for Proposition EE
State revenue. Proposition EE will increase state revenue from cigarette, tobacco
expected to be generated in state budget year 2027-28.
full year under the measure. The amount of additional sales tax revenue will decline as
the measure is phased in, with no new sales tax revenue expected in state budget year
State spending.๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ณ๎•๎’๎“๎’๎–๎Œ๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ๎€จ๎€จ๎€ƒ๎š๎Œ๎๎๎€ƒ๎Œ๎‘๎†๎•๎ˆ๎„๎–๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎–๎—๎„๎—๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎–๎“๎ˆ๎‘๎‡๎Œ๎‘๎Š๎€ƒ๎…๎œ๎€ƒ๎€‡๎€›๎€š๎€ƒ๎๎Œ๎๎๎Œ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ๎Œ๎‘๎€ƒ๎–๎—๎„๎—๎ˆ๎€ƒ
budget year 2027-28. Spending includes the amounts shown in Figure 1 for education,
housing, preschool, tobacco and nicotine education and cessation programs and other
programs, as well as costs for administrative and auditing purposes.
Taxpayer impacts. Proposition EE is expected to increase taxes paid by an average
in budget year 2027-28; however, the direct tax impact applies only to people who
State Spending and Tax Increases
y ๎€จ๎–๎—๎Œ๎๎„๎—๎ˆ๎–๎€ƒ๎’๎•๎€ƒ๎„๎†๎—๎˜๎„๎๎€ƒ๎„๎๎’๎˜๎‘๎—๎–๎€ƒ๎’๎‰๎€ƒ๎–๎—๎„๎—๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎‚ฟ๎–๎†๎„๎๎€ƒ๎œ๎ˆ๎„๎•๎€ƒ๎€‹๎€ฉ๎€ผ๎€Œ๎€ƒ๎–๎“๎ˆ๎‘๎‡๎Œ๎‘๎Š๎€ƒ๎‰๎’๎•๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎†๎˜๎•๎•๎ˆ๎‘๎—๎€ƒ๎œ๎ˆ๎„๎•๎€ƒ
and each of the past four years with the overall percentage and dollar change; and
y ๎€ฉ๎’๎•๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎‚ฟ๎•๎–๎—๎€ƒ๎‰๎˜๎๎๎€ƒ๎‚ฟ๎–๎†๎„๎๎€ƒ๎œ๎ˆ๎„๎•๎€ƒ๎’๎‰๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎“๎•๎’๎“๎’๎–๎ˆ๎‡๎€ƒ๎—๎„๎›๎€ƒ๎Œ๎‘๎†๎•๎ˆ๎„๎–๎ˆ๎€๎€ƒ๎ˆ๎–๎—๎Œ๎๎„๎—๎ˆ๎–๎€ƒ๎’๎‰๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎๎„๎›๎Œ๎๎˜๎๎€ƒ
โ€œFiscal year spendingโ€ is a legal term in the Colorado Constitution. It equals the amount
of revenue subject to the constitutional spending limit that the state or a district is
year spending for the current year and each of the past four years.
Table 2
State Fiscal Year Spending
FY 2016-17
FY 2017-18
FY 2018-19
FY 2019-20
FY 2020-21
๎€‡๎€”๎€•๎€‘๎€›๎€œ๎€ƒ๎…๎Œ๎๎๎Œ๎’๎‘ ๎€‡๎€”๎€–๎€‘๎€š๎€“๎€ƒ๎…๎Œ๎๎๎Œ๎’๎‘ ๎€‡๎€”๎€—๎€‘๎€–๎€™๎€ƒ๎…๎Œ๎๎๎Œ๎’๎‘ ๎€‡๎€”๎€—๎€‘๎€›๎€š๎€ƒ๎…๎Œ๎๎๎Œ๎’๎‘ ๎€‡๎€”๎€•๎€‘๎€š๎€“๎€ƒ๎…๎Œ๎๎๎Œ๎’๎‘
Table 3
Estimated State Fiscal Year Spending
and the Proposed Cigarette, Tobacco Product, and Nicotine Product Tax Increase
FY 2021-22 Estimate
๎€ฉ๎Œ๎–๎†๎„๎๎€ƒ๎€ผ๎ˆ๎„๎•๎€ƒ๎€ถ๎“๎ˆ๎‘๎‡๎Œ๎‘๎Š๎€ƒ๎€บ๎Œ๎—๎‹๎’๎˜๎—๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎€ท๎„๎›๎€ƒ๎€ฌ๎‘๎†๎•๎ˆ๎„๎–๎ˆ ๎€‡๎€”๎€™๎€‘๎€—๎€™๎€ƒ๎…๎Œ๎๎๎Œ๎’๎‘
Revenue from the Tax Increase ๎€‡๎€”๎€›๎€™๎€‘๎€˜๎€ƒ๎๎Œ๎๎๎Œ๎’๎‘
What Your Vote Means
approves a bill passed by the
legislature and signed by the Governor
joining Colorado with other states as part
of an agreement to elect the President of
the United States by national popular vote if
enough states enter the agreement.
rejects a bill passed by the
legislature and signed by the Governor
and retains Coloradoโ€™s current system of
awarding all of its electors for the President
of the United States to the winner of the
Colorado popular vote.
Proposition 113, if approved, would:
y enter Colorado into an agreement among states to elect the President of the
United States by a national popular vote once enough states join the National
Popular Vote Interstate Compact.
Adopt Agreement to Elect
U.S. President By National
Popular Vote
Placed on the ballot by referendum petition โ€ข Passes with a majority vote
Summary and Analysis for Proposition 113
What is the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact?
The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact is an agreement among participating
states to ensure that the presidential candidate who wins the most votes nationwide
is elected President. States that join the agreement commit to awarding all of their
stateโ€™s electoral votes to the candidate who receives the most popular votes nationwide
once the agreement becomes binding. The agreement only becomes binding when
participating states represent more than half of all electoral votes, at least 270 of the total
votes nationwide is also elected by the Electoral College, since a majority of electoral
votes will go to the winner of the national popular vote.
District of Columbia, to join the agreement, bringing the number of committed electoral
votes to 196, short of the 270 needed.
What happens if Proposition 113 passes?
Until enough states join the agreement, Colorado will continue to award its electoral
with enough electoral votes join it in the future, this measure would require Coloradoโ€™s
presidential electors to vote for the winner of the national popular vote, regardless of
which candidate wins the most votes in Colorado.
How is the President of the United States elected now?
as electors. The popular vote in each state determines which candidate the stateโ€™s
electors will vote for in the Electoral College.
Each December after a presidential election, the electors cast votes to elect the
President and Vice President. Each state receives a number of electors equal to the
total of its Senators and Representatives in Congress, plus the District of Columbia
receives three electors. Every state has two Senators and a number of Representatives
based on the stateโ€™s population at the last census. Colorado has two Senators and
currently has seven Representatives, for a total of nine electors. Individual electors are
chosen by the political parties in each state.
To win the presidential election, a candidate must receive a majority of electoral votes, at
legislature determines how to award its electoral votes. In all but two states (Maine and
most votes in the state. If no candidate receives a majority in the Electoral College,
the House of Representatives chooses the President and the Senate chooses the Vice
President, although this has not occurred since 1824.
the national popular vote and the Electoral College vote have diverged. Two of these
elections were in 2000 and 2016, while the other three occurred in the 1800s.
Why is Proposition 113 on the ballot?
The General Assembly passed, and the Governor signed, Senate Bill 19-042 during the
2019 legislative session. This measure is the result of a referendum petition, a right
reserved under the Colorado Constitution that allows citizens to place a bill passed by
any bill passed by the Colorado legislature, unless the General Assembly declares
consists of the text of Senate Bill 19-042, and if it passes, the bill remains state law. If
the ballot because enough signatures were collected to refer the bill to voters.
For information on those issue committees that support or oppose the
๎๎ˆ๎„๎–๎˜๎•๎ˆ๎–๎€ƒ ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ ๎…๎„๎๎๎’๎—๎€ƒ ๎„๎—๎€ƒ ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ ๎€ฑ๎’๎™๎ˆ๎๎…๎ˆ๎•๎€ƒ ๎€–๎€๎€ƒ ๎€•๎€“๎€•๎€“๎€๎€ƒ ๎ˆ๎๎ˆ๎†๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎€๎€ƒ ๎Š๎’๎€ƒ ๎—๎’๎€ƒ ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ
Colorado Secretary of Stateโ€™s elections center web site hyperlink for ballot
Arguments For Proposition 113
๎€”๎€Œ๎€ƒ A national popular vote for President advances the democratic principle of one
person, one vote, and ensures that votes in every community count equally. The
national popular vote for President could also encourage candidates to campaign
in a way that addresses the concerns of voters in all 50 states. The current system
places too much importance on just a few competitive states where candidates focus
country. The national popular vote gives all voters an equal impact on the outcome
might be close.
๎€•๎€Œ๎€ƒ The President of the United States should be the person who gets the most popular
votes nationwide. Five times in our countryโ€™s history, including twice in the last
20 years, a candidate has won the presidential election despite losing the popular
cannot happen in the future. Recent history demonstrates that when the results are
national popular vote.
Arguments Against Proposition 113
๎€”๎€Œ๎€ƒ Colorado should cast its electoral votes for the candidate who obtains the most
would be obligated to vote for whomever wins the national popular vote, even if that
candidate did not win the majority of votes in the state. Further, a national popular
vote may encourage candidates to focus their campaigns in large population centers
having the unique regional issues they care about lose out to the interests of a few
large cities in a few large states.
๎€•๎€Œ๎€ƒ This agreement attempts to sidestep the U.S. Constitution and could lead to
disruptions in our electoral system. Rather than amend the U.S. Constitution to
implement a true national popular vote, the compact relies on legal agreements
ensure that their electors will vote the way the compact demands. In addition, in a
close election run by 50 separate states, trying to determine who won the national
popular vote could lead to recounts and litigation in every state, delaying results,
Estimate of Fiscal Impact for Proposition 113
Secretary of State is responsible for certifying presidential electors, and this bill does not
What Your Vote Means
A โ€œyesโ€ vote on Proposition 114
and Wildlife Commission will develop
a plan to reintroduce and manage gray
wolves west of the Continental Divide.
A โ€œnoโ€ vote on Proposition 114
means that Colorado will not be
required to reintroduce gray wolves.
Proposition 114 proposes amending the Colorado statutes to require the
state to:
y develop a plan to reintroduce and manage gray wolves in Colorado;
y ๎—๎„๎Ž๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎‘๎ˆ๎†๎ˆ๎–๎–๎„๎•๎œ๎€ƒ๎–๎—๎ˆ๎“๎–๎€ƒ๎—๎’๎€ƒ๎…๎ˆ๎Š๎Œ๎‘๎€ƒ๎•๎ˆ๎Œ๎‘๎—๎•๎’๎‡๎˜๎†๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ๎…๎œ๎€ƒ๎€ง๎ˆ๎†๎ˆ๎๎…๎ˆ๎•๎€ƒ๎€–๎€”๎€๎€ƒ๎€•๎€“๎€•๎€–๎€ž๎€ƒ๎„๎‘๎‡
y ๎“๎„๎œ๎€ƒ๎‰๎„๎Œ๎•๎€ƒ๎†๎’๎๎“๎ˆ๎‘๎–๎„๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ๎‰๎’๎•๎€ƒ๎๎Œ๎™๎ˆ๎–๎—๎’๎†๎Ž๎€ƒ๎๎’๎–๎–๎ˆ๎–๎€ƒ๎†๎„๎˜๎–๎ˆ๎‡๎€ƒ๎…๎œ๎€ƒ๎Š๎•๎„๎œ๎€ƒ๎š๎’๎๎™๎ˆ๎–๎€‘
Reintroduction and
Management of Gray Wolves
Placed on the ballot by citizen initiative โ€ข Passes with a majority vote
Summary and Analysis for Proposition 114
What happens if Proposition 114 passes?
y develop a plan to reintroduce and manage gray wolves in Colorado by
y ๎‹๎’๎๎‡๎€ƒ๎–๎—๎„๎—๎ˆ๎š๎Œ๎‡๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎‹๎ˆ๎„๎•๎Œ๎‘๎Š๎–๎€ƒ๎„๎…๎’๎˜๎—๎€ƒ๎–๎†๎Œ๎ˆ๎‘๎—๎Œ๎‚ฟ๎†๎€๎€ƒ๎ˆ๎†๎’๎‘๎’๎๎Œ๎†๎€๎€ƒ๎„๎‘๎‡๎€ƒ๎–๎’๎†๎Œ๎„๎๎€ƒ๎†๎’๎‘๎–๎Œ๎‡๎ˆ๎•๎„๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎–๎€ž
y periodically obtain public input to update the plan; and
y ๎˜๎–๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎–๎—๎„๎—๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎‰๎˜๎‘๎‡๎–๎€ƒ๎—๎’๎€ƒ๎„๎–๎–๎Œ๎–๎—๎€ƒ๎๎Œ๎™๎ˆ๎–๎—๎’๎†๎Ž๎€ƒ๎’๎š๎‘๎ˆ๎•๎–๎€ƒ๎Œ๎‘๎€ƒ๎“๎•๎ˆ๎™๎ˆ๎‘๎—๎Œ๎‘๎Š๎€ƒ๎†๎’๎‘๎ƒ€๎Œ๎†๎—๎–๎€ƒ๎š๎Œ๎—๎‹๎€ƒ๎Š๎•๎„๎œ๎€ƒ๎š๎’๎๎™๎ˆ๎–๎€ƒ
What will be included in the plan?
The plan will identify gray wolves to be reintroduced in Colorado, as well as the
locations, methods, and timing for reintroduction. The plan will also determine how to
establish and maintain a self-sustaining population and the criteria for removing the gray
wolf from the stateโ€™s threatened and endangered species list. The reintroduction may
be subject to federal approval. The commission is prohibited from imposing any land,
water, or resource use restrictions on private landowners.
What is the gray wolf?
The gray wolf (Canis lupus๎€Œ๎€ƒ๎Œ๎–๎€ƒ๎„๎€ƒ๎๎„๎•๎Š๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎“๎•๎ˆ๎‡๎„๎—๎’๎•๎œ๎€ƒ๎†๎„๎‘๎Œ๎‘๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎„๎—๎€ƒ๎๎Œ๎™๎ˆ๎–๎€ƒ๎Œ๎‘๎€ƒ๎“๎„๎†๎Ž๎–๎€‘๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ซ๎Œ๎–๎—๎’๎•๎Œ๎†๎„๎๎๎œ๎€๎€ƒ
gray wolves were found throughout North America, including Colorado. Gray wolf
populations declined during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries due to human
activities, such as hunting and trapping, and were largely eliminated from the lower
48 states, except for the northern portions of Minnesota and Michigan. They are
survive in a range of habitats if enough food is available.
What is the deer and elk population in Colorado?
west of the Continental Divide. The size of these herds is impacted by many factors,
Where does the gray wolf live today?
Gray wolves in the lower 48 states are largely clustered in two self-sustaining
wolves in Colorado in recent years, a self-sustaining population of gray wolves has not
current and historical range of the gray wolf in the United States.
Figure 1
Approximate Gray Wolf Range
๎€ถ๎’๎˜๎•๎†๎ˆ๎€๎€ƒ๎€ค๎‡๎„๎“๎—๎ˆ๎‡๎€ƒ๎‰๎•๎’๎๎€ƒ๎€ธ๎€‘๎€ถ๎€‘๎€ƒ๎€ฉ๎Œ๎–๎‹๎€ƒ๎„๎‘๎‡๎€ƒ๎€บ๎Œ๎๎‡๎๎Œ๎‰๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎€ถ๎ˆ๎•๎™๎Œ๎†๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎€ณ๎•๎’๎“๎’๎–๎ˆ๎‡๎€ƒ๎€ต๎˜๎๎ˆ ๎€ง๎’๎†๎Ž๎ˆ๎—๎€ƒ๎€ฑ๎’๎€‘๎€ƒ๎€ฉ๎€บ๎€ถ๎€๎€ซ๎€ด๎€ƒ๎€จ๎€ถ๎€๎€•๎€“๎€”๎€›๎€๎€“๎€“๎€œ๎€š๎€ƒ๎—๎’๎€ƒ
Do gray wolves present a danger to humans?
All wild animals, including gray wolves, can pose a danger to humans under certain
conditions, and caution should be exercised when near them. Gray wolves are generally
shy of people and tend to avoid contact when possible. Aggressive behavior from wild
gray wolves toward humans is rare. However, when wild animals are cornered, injured,
Who manages wildlife in Colorado?
and their environment to be protected, preserved, enhanced, and managed for the
develops recreation areas, wildlife habitat, and species conservation and management
How are gray wolves protected and managed in the United States?
The Endangered Species Act requires the federal government to conserve and restore
species deemed threatened by or in danger of extinction. In 1978, the U.S. Fish and
are prohibited from managing federally endangered species without federal permission.
they were removed from the federal endangered species list in that region. Because
of this, Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming now have statewide management authority for
gray wolves. Gray wolves in these states are managed to maintain populations above
Who would manage gray wolves in Colorado if Proposition 114 passes?
If gray wolves remain on the federal endangered species list, management authority
rests with the USFWS, and the state would need to obtain federal approval prior to
reintroduction. If gray wolves are removed from the federal endangered species list,
Colorado could assume management responsibility as other states have done. In 2019,
the USFWS proposed removing gray wolves from the endangered species list in the
remaining portions of the United States, including Colorado.
For information on those issue committees that support or oppose the
๎๎ˆ๎„๎–๎˜๎•๎ˆ๎–๎€ƒ ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ ๎…๎„๎๎๎’๎—๎€ƒ ๎„๎—๎€ƒ ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ ๎€ฑ๎’๎™๎ˆ๎๎…๎ˆ๎•๎€ƒ ๎€–๎€๎€ƒ ๎€•๎€“๎€•๎€“๎€๎€ƒ ๎ˆ๎๎ˆ๎†๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎€๎€ƒ ๎Š๎’๎€ƒ ๎—๎’๎€ƒ ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ
Colorado Secretary of Stateโ€™s elections center web site hyperlink for ballot
Arguments For Proposition 114
๎€”๎€Œ๎€ƒ Gray wolves perform important ecological functions that impact other plants and
food for other scavengers such as birds and smaller mammals. Reintroducing gray
wolves can help support a healthy environment upon which Coloradans depend.
๎€•๎€Œ๎€ƒ Reintroduction is necessary to ensure that a permanent gray wolf population
programs, gray wolves were eliminated in Colorado by the 1940s. While there have
been sightings in Colorado, it is uncertain gray wolves will establish a permanent
population on their own. The measure aligns with other statesโ€™ successful recovery
Arguments Against Proposition 114
๎€”๎€Œ๎€ƒ ๎€ท๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎“๎•๎ˆ๎–๎ˆ๎‘๎†๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎’๎‰๎€ƒ๎Š๎•๎„๎œ๎€ƒ๎š๎’๎๎™๎ˆ๎–๎€ƒ๎†๎„๎‘๎€ƒ๎†๎„๎˜๎–๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎†๎’๎‘๎ƒ€๎Œ๎†๎—๎€ƒ๎š๎Œ๎—๎‹๎€ƒ๎‹๎˜๎๎„๎‘๎–๎€ƒ๎„๎‘๎‡๎€ƒ๎„๎‘๎Œ๎๎„๎๎–๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎„๎—๎€ƒ๎๎Œ๎™๎ˆ๎€ƒ
areas have fallen below population goals established by state wildlife managers, and
introducing another predator would put further pressure on these herds. In addition,
many people live and recreate in areas being considered for gray wolf habitat.
๎€•๎€Œ๎€ƒ Gray wolves from neighboring states have been observed in Colorado, including
an intentional reintroduction, could give Coloradans more time to adapt to their
Estimate of Fiscal Impact for Proposition 114
State spending.๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ณ๎•๎’๎“๎’๎–๎Œ๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ๎€”๎€”๎€—๎€ƒ๎Œ๎‘๎†๎•๎ˆ๎„๎–๎ˆ๎–๎€ƒ๎–๎—๎„๎—๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎–๎“๎ˆ๎‘๎‡๎Œ๎‘๎Š๎€ƒ๎…๎œ๎€ƒ๎„๎“๎“๎•๎’๎›๎Œ๎๎„๎—๎ˆ๎๎œ๎€ƒ๎€‡๎€–๎€“๎€“๎€๎€“๎€“๎€“๎€ƒ
outreach and development of a gray wolf reintroduction plan. Beginning in state budget
of the wolf reintroduction plan. Implementation costs will only be incurred if federal
approval is received, or gray wolves are no longer listed as endangered and the state is
license fees or appropriations made by the state legislature. Actual state spending
What Your Vote Means
A โ€œyesโ€ vote on Proposition 115
prohibits abortions in Colorado
when an abortion is immediately required to
save the life of a pregnant woman.
A โ€œnoโ€ vote on Proposition 115
means that abortion in Colorado
continues to be legal at any time during a
Proposition 115 proposes amending the Colorado statutes to:
y ๎“๎•๎’๎‹๎Œ๎…๎Œ๎—๎€ƒ๎„๎…๎’๎•๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ๎„๎‰๎—๎ˆ๎•๎€ƒ๎€•๎€•๎€ƒ๎š๎ˆ๎ˆ๎Ž๎–๎€ƒ๎Š๎ˆ๎–๎—๎„๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎„๎๎€ƒ๎„๎Š๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎’๎‰๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎‰๎ˆ๎—๎˜๎–๎€๎€ƒ๎ˆ๎›๎†๎ˆ๎“๎—๎€ƒ๎š๎‹๎ˆ๎‘๎€ƒ๎„๎‘๎€ƒ
abortion is immediately required to save the life of a pregnant woman;
y create a criminal penalty for any person who performs a prohibited abortion;
y require that the state suspend the medical license for at least three years of
any physician who violates the measure.
Prohibit Abortions
After 22 Weeks
Placed on the ballot by citizen initiative โ€ข Passes with a majority vote
Summary and Analysis for Proposition 115
What happens if Proposition 115 passes?
of the fetus. The measure allows for an exception when, in the reasonable medical
y the pregnant womanโ€™s life is threatened by a physical disorder, physical illness, or
physical injury, but not including psychological or emotional conditions; and
y an abortion, rather than an expedited delivery of the living fetus, is immediately
required to save the life of a pregnant woman.
Under the measure, abortion is any surgical or medication-assisted procedure performed
with the intent to terminate a pregnancy. A procedure is not an abortion if performed with
y save the life or preserve the health of the embryo or fetus;
y remove a dead embryo or fetus caused by miscarriage; or
y remove an embryo or fetus growing outside of the uterus.
What would be the penalties for performing an abortion after 22 weeks gestational
The Colorado Medical Board must suspend the professional license of a physician for at
least three years who is found to have violated the law.
There would be no penalty for a woman who receives an abortion or for a person who
What is Coloradoโ€™s current law related to abortion?
hours prior to the procedure, with certain exceptions.
Can states place restrictions on the time at which a woman may seek an abortion?
an abortion before the fetus is viable, and that states may regulate or prohibit abortions
after fetal viability because the fetus is capable of meaningful life outside of the motherโ€™s
womb. The state law must contain exceptions for pregnancies that endanger the
point in pregnancy.
For information on those issue committees that support or oppose the
๎๎ˆ๎„๎–๎˜๎•๎ˆ๎–๎€ƒ ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ ๎…๎„๎๎๎’๎—๎€ƒ ๎„๎—๎€ƒ ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ ๎€ฑ๎’๎™๎ˆ๎๎…๎ˆ๎•๎€ƒ ๎€–๎€๎€ƒ ๎€•๎€“๎€•๎€“๎€๎€ƒ ๎ˆ๎๎ˆ๎†๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎€๎€ƒ ๎Š๎’๎€ƒ ๎—๎’๎€ƒ ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ
Colorado Secretary of Stateโ€™s elections center web site hyperlink for ballot
Argument For Proposition 115
๎€”๎€Œ๎€ƒ The measure protects viable human life by placing a reasonable restriction on
abortion after an infant can live outside the motherโ€™s womb. Colorado is one of
only seven states that allow abortion at any time during a pregnancy even though
experience good developmental outcomes. The measure allows time for a pregnant
when necessary to save the life of the mother. In addition, the measure does not
penalize women who receive prohibited abortions. This is a balanced approach with
reasonable and limited exceptions that recognizes the dignity of women and the
humanity of their unborn children.
Argument Against Proposition 115
๎€”๎€Œ๎€ƒ Restricting access to abortion limits a womanโ€™s right to bodily autonomy and
interferes with the patient and doctor relationship. The choice to end a pregnancy
consultation with her doctor and in accordance with her beliefs. The measure does
it provides no exceptions for the detection of a serious fetal abnormality after
pregnancy is unique, and decisions related to pregnancy should not be arbitrarily
limited by state government.
Estimate of Fiscal Impact for Proposition 115
State revenue.๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ณ๎•๎’๎“๎’๎–๎Œ๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ๎€”๎€”๎€˜๎€ƒ๎š๎Œ๎๎๎€ƒ๎๎Œ๎‘๎Œ๎๎„๎๎๎œ๎€ƒ๎Œ๎‘๎†๎•๎ˆ๎„๎–๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎–๎—๎„๎—๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎•๎ˆ๎™๎ˆ๎‘๎˜๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎‰๎•๎’๎๎€ƒ๎†๎•๎Œ๎๎Œ๎‘๎„๎๎€ƒ๎‚ฟ๎‘๎ˆ๎–๎€ƒ
and court fees beginning in state budget year 2020-21. It may also increase revenue
from civil penalties and regulatory fees by a minimal amount.
State spending. Starting in state budget year 2020-21, Proposition 115 will minimally
the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing.
Local government revenue and spending. Starting in state budget year 2020-21,
What Your Vote Means
A โ€œyesโ€ vote on Proposition 116
reduces the state income tax
rate to 4.55 percent for tax year 2020 and
future years.
A โ€œnoโ€ vote on Proposition 116
Proposition 116 proposes amending the Colorado statutes to:
y ๎•๎ˆ๎‡๎˜๎†๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎–๎—๎„๎—๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎Œ๎‘๎†๎’๎๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎—๎„๎›๎€ƒ๎•๎„๎—๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎‰๎•๎’๎๎€ƒ๎€—๎€‘๎€™๎€–๎€ƒ๎“๎ˆ๎•๎†๎ˆ๎‘๎—๎€ƒ๎—๎’๎€ƒ๎€—๎€‘๎€˜๎€˜๎€ƒ๎“๎ˆ๎•๎†๎ˆ๎‘๎—๎€ƒ๎‰๎’๎•๎€ƒ๎—๎„๎›๎€ƒ
year 2020 and future years.
State Income Tax Rate
Placed on the ballot by citizen initiative โ€ข Passes with a majority vote
Summary and Analysis for Proposition 116
tax year 2020 and future years. This analysis provides information on the current state
income tax and the changes proposed in the measure.
What is the stateโ€™s current income tax rate?
all taxpayers pay the same tax rate regardless of their taxable income. The income tax
rate applies to the Colorado taxable income of both individuals and corporate taxpayers.
Colorado taxable income is equal to federal taxable income, adjusted for any state
additions and deductions.
How are state income tax collections spent?
State income tax collections are the main source of General Fund revenue, which
of General Fund revenue. Currently, most of the money in the General Fund is spent on
health care, education, human services, and other state programs.
How does Proposition 116 change the stateโ€™s income tax rate?
Proposition 116 reduces the state individual and corporate income tax rate from
๎€—๎€‘๎€™๎€–๎€ƒ๎“๎ˆ๎•๎†๎ˆ๎‘๎—๎€ƒ๎—๎’๎€ƒ๎€—๎€‘๎€˜๎€˜๎€ƒ๎“๎ˆ๎•๎†๎ˆ๎‘๎—๎€ƒ๎‰๎’๎•๎€ƒ๎—๎„๎›๎€ƒ๎œ๎ˆ๎„๎• 2020 and future years. The measure
year 2021-22, equal to 1.2 percent of expected state General Fund revenue for that year.
Taxpayer impacts. Table 1 shows the reduction in state income tax owed for taxpayers
income reported by the taxpayer.
Table 1
Income Taxes Under Current Law and Proposition 116
Tax Owed at
Current Rate
of 4.63%
Tax Owed
Proposition 116
Decrease in Tax
Owed Under
Proposition 116
๎€‡๎€”๎€“๎€๎€“๎€“๎€“ ๎€‡๎€—๎€™๎€– ๎€‡๎€—๎€˜๎€˜ $8
๎€‡๎€•๎€˜๎€๎€“๎€“๎€“ ๎€‡๎€”๎€๎€”๎€˜๎€› ๎€‡๎€”๎€๎€”๎€–๎€› $20
๎€‡๎€˜๎€“๎€๎€“๎€“๎€“ ๎€‡๎€•๎€๎€–๎€”๎€˜ ๎€‡๎€•๎€๎€•๎€š๎€˜ $40
๎€‡๎€”๎€•๎€˜๎€๎€“๎€“๎€“ ๎€‡๎€˜๎€๎€š๎€›๎€› ๎€‡๎€˜๎€๎€™๎€›๎€› $100
๎€‡๎€•๎€˜๎€“๎€๎€“๎€“๎€“ ๎€‡๎€”๎€”๎€๎€˜๎€š๎€˜ ๎€‡๎€”๎€”๎€๎€–๎€š๎€˜ $200
๎€‡๎€”๎€๎€“๎€“๎€“๎€๎€“๎€“๎€“ ๎€‡๎€—๎€™๎€๎€–๎€“๎€“ ๎€‡๎€—๎€˜๎€๎€˜๎€“๎€“ $800
For information on those issue committees that support or oppose the
๎๎ˆ๎„๎–๎˜๎•๎ˆ๎–๎€ƒ ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ ๎…๎„๎๎๎’๎—๎€ƒ ๎„๎—๎€ƒ ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ ๎€ฑ๎’๎™๎ˆ๎๎…๎ˆ๎•๎€ƒ ๎€–๎€๎€ƒ ๎€•๎€“๎€•๎€“๎€๎€ƒ ๎ˆ๎๎ˆ๎†๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎€๎€ƒ ๎Š๎’๎€ƒ ๎—๎’๎€ƒ ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ
Colorado Secretary of Stateโ€™s elections center web site hyperlink for ballot
Arguments For Proposition 116
๎€”๎€Œ๎€ƒ ๎€ค๎—๎€ƒ๎„๎€ƒ๎—๎Œ๎๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎š๎‹๎ˆ๎‘๎€ƒ๎‹๎’๎˜๎–๎ˆ๎‹๎’๎๎‡๎–๎€ƒ๎„๎‘๎‡๎€ƒ๎…๎˜๎–๎Œ๎‘๎ˆ๎–๎–๎ˆ๎–๎€ƒ๎„๎•๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎–๎—๎•๎˜๎Š๎Š๎๎Œ๎‘๎Š๎€ƒ๎—๎’๎€ƒ๎๎„๎Ž๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎ˆ๎‘๎‡๎–๎€ƒ๎๎ˆ๎ˆ๎—๎€๎€ƒ
investment, and employment.
๎€•๎€Œ๎€ƒ After years of growth in the stateโ€™s budget, the state government can handle a small
tax decrease to provide relief to families and businesses. Even with the tax reduction
under Proposition 116, state revenue is expected to increase in the next budget year;
the measure only modestly slows the rate by which it will grow. Households that are
struggling and foregoing basic purchases need their earnings more than the state
government does.
Arguments Against Proposition 116
๎€”๎€Œ๎€ƒ ๎€ต๎ˆ๎‡๎˜๎†๎Œ๎‘๎Š๎€ƒ๎–๎—๎„๎—๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎•๎ˆ๎™๎ˆ๎‘๎˜๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎š๎Œ๎๎๎€ƒ๎†๎’๎๎“๎’๎˜๎‘๎‡๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎Œ๎๎“๎„๎†๎—๎€ƒ๎’๎‰๎€ƒ๎–๎Œ๎Š๎‘๎Œ๎‚ฟ๎†๎„๎‘๎—๎€ƒ๎…๎˜๎‡๎Š๎ˆ๎—๎€ƒ๎†๎˜๎—๎–๎€ƒ๎„๎๎•๎ˆ๎„๎‡๎œ๎€ƒ
being made to education, transportation, health care programs, and other state
services as a result of the current economic crisis. Additional loss of state revenue
economy and quality of life. Now is not the time to reduce state revenue further.
๎€•๎€Œ๎€ƒ ๎€ฐ๎’๎–๎—๎€ƒ๎’๎‰๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎๎ˆ๎„๎–๎˜๎•๎ˆ๎‚ถ๎–๎€ƒ๎…๎ˆ๎‘๎ˆ๎‚ฟ๎—๎–๎€ƒ๎š๎Œ๎๎๎€ƒ๎Š๎’๎€ƒ๎—๎’๎€ƒ๎’๎‘๎๎œ๎€ƒ๎„๎€ƒ๎™๎ˆ๎•๎œ๎€ƒ๎–๎๎„๎๎๎€ƒ๎“๎’๎“๎˜๎๎„๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ๎’๎‰๎€ƒ๎™๎ˆ๎•๎œ๎€ƒ๎š๎ˆ๎„๎๎—๎‹๎œ๎€ƒ
taxpayers, including corporations. About 75 percent of taxpayers will receive a tax
representing less than 2 percent of taxpayers, will receive over half of the total tax
Estimate of Fiscal Impact for Proposition 116
State revenue. Proposition 116 reduces state General Fund revenue by an estimated
impact for tax year 2021 due to the timing of the change in the tax rate.
State spending.๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ท๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎๎ˆ๎„๎–๎˜๎•๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎Œ๎–๎€ƒ๎ˆ๎›๎“๎ˆ๎†๎—๎ˆ๎‡๎€ƒ๎—๎’๎€ƒ๎Œ๎‘๎†๎•๎ˆ๎„๎–๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎–๎—๎„๎—๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎–๎“๎ˆ๎‘๎‡๎Œ๎‘๎Š๎€ƒ๎…๎œ๎€ƒ๎„๎…๎’๎˜๎—๎€ƒ๎€‡๎€”๎€˜๎€๎€“๎€“๎€“๎€ƒ
to administer the tax rate change. By reducing tax revenue, Proposition 116 reduces the
amount available to be spent or saved beginning in state budget year 2020-21.
Taxpayer impacts. All taxpayers will pay 1.7 percent less in state income tax, though
the impact in dollar terms will vary by income. On average, individual income taxpayers
What Your Vote Means
A โ€œyesโ€ vote on Proposition 117
requires voter approval for new
state government enterprises with fee
A โ€œnoโ€ vote on Proposition 117
retains the state legislatureโ€™s
authority to create new enterprises as
under current law.
Proposition 117 proposes amending the Colorado statutes to:
y require voter approval for new state government-owned businesses, called
y ๎•๎ˆ๎”๎˜๎Œ๎•๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎„๎—๎€ƒ๎–๎“๎ˆ๎†๎Œ๎‚ฟ๎†๎€ƒ๎๎„๎‘๎Š๎˜๎„๎Š๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎…๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎Œ๎‘๎†๎๎˜๎‡๎ˆ๎‡๎€ƒ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎…๎„๎๎๎’๎—๎€ƒ๎š๎‹๎ˆ๎‘๎€ƒ๎™๎’๎—๎ˆ๎•๎–๎€ƒ๎„๎•๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎„๎–๎Ž๎ˆ๎‡๎€ƒ
to approve enterprises.
Voter Approval for Certain
New State Enterprises
Placed on the ballot by citizen initiative โ€ข Passes with a majority vote
Summary and Analysis for Proposition 117
What is an enterprise?
An enterprise is a largely self-funded, government-owned business that charges user
fees in exchange for services provided. The Colorado Constitution requires that an
y be a government-owned business;
y be authorized to issue its own revenue bonds; and
y receive less than 10 percent of its annual revenue from all Colorado state and local
governments combined.
Money collected by an enterprise is not subject to the stateโ€™s constitutional revenue
below. A state enterprise is evaluated each year to ensure it continues to meet the
subject to the TABOR limit.
In the 2018-19 budget year, fee revenue collected by state enterprises made up
approximately 20 percent of the stateโ€™s total budget.
What happens if Proposition 117 passes?
If Proposition 117 passes, beginning in 2021, voter approval is required to create
new state government enterprises that are expected to collect fee revenue of over
state government enterprise, it may require a vote under this measure. For multiple
enterprises created to serve primarily the same purpose, including those created during
is required. Proposition 117 also requires that titles for ballot measures creating an
How do enterprises interact with the TABOR revenue limit?
population growth. Revenue collected under the limit may be spent or saved. Revenue
collected over the limit must be refunded to taxpayers unless voters approve a measure
allowing the government to retain the excess. When a program is designated as an
enterprise, revenue collected does not count toward the TABOR revenue limit, and does
not limit the amount available for the rest of the government.
When is voter approval required for other measures?
In Colorado, voter approval is required for any new or increased state tax; however, a
from a fee in that a tax is designed to fund the general expenses of government, while a
fee is collected from the users of a particular government program to defray the cost of
that program.
As of 2018, there are 16 government programs that qualify as state enterprises, 7 of
would have required a vote under this measure. Table 1 below shows the fee revenue
collected by those seven enterprises in state budget year 2018-19, the last budget year
for which fee revenue data are available.
Table 1
Current Enterprises That Would Have Required Voter Approval
Under Proposition 117*
Fee Revenue
๎€‹๎€ฐ๎Œ๎๎๎Œ๎’๎‘๎–๎€Œ Fee Description
Higher Education Colleges,
Universities, and Auxiliary
Tuition and student fees,
care at university hospitals 2004**
Colorado Healthcare
sustainability fee 2017
Colorado Lottery ๎€‡๎€™๎€š๎€œ๎€‘๎€›
other games of chance
Unemployment Insurance ๎€‡๎€˜๎€—๎€™๎€‘๎€›
Employer premiums,
other surcharges
๎€ณ๎„๎•๎Ž๎–๎€ƒ๎„๎‘๎‡๎€ƒ๎€บ๎Œ๎๎‡๎๎Œ๎‰๎ˆ ๎€‡๎€”๎€˜๎€š๎€‘๎€“
habitat stamps,
boat and vehicle registrations,
Correctional Industries ๎€‡๎€™๎€—๎€‘๎€–
Sale of manufactured products,
sale of agricultural products
๎€ณ๎ˆ๎—๎•๎’๎๎ˆ๎˜๎๎€ƒ๎€ถ๎—๎’๎•๎„๎Š๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎€ท๎„๎‘๎Ž๎€ƒ๎€ฉ๎˜๎‘๎‡ ๎€‡๎€–๎€—๎€‘๎€œ
Registration and annual review
surcharges on petroleum sales
institutions in state budget year 2005-06.
For information on those issue committees that support or oppose the
๎๎ˆ๎„๎–๎˜๎•๎ˆ๎–๎€ƒ ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ ๎…๎„๎๎๎’๎—๎€ƒ ๎„๎—๎€ƒ ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ ๎€ฑ๎’๎™๎ˆ๎๎…๎ˆ๎•๎€ƒ ๎€–๎€๎€ƒ ๎€•๎€“๎€•๎€“๎€๎€ƒ ๎ˆ๎๎ˆ๎†๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎€๎€ƒ ๎Š๎’๎€ƒ ๎—๎’๎€ƒ ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ
Colorado Secretary of Stateโ€™s elections center web site hyperlink for ballot
Argument For Proposition 117
๎€”๎€Œ๎€ƒ Proposition 117 strengthens the role of citizens in determining the proper size and
scope of government. The state government uses enterprises to grow its budget
without voter approval. Coloradans approved TABOR to require voter consent for
tax increases; this measure extends this principle to fees collected by large new
voters should have a say in their creation.
Argument Against Proposition 117
๎€”๎€Œ๎€ƒ ๎€จ๎‘๎—๎ˆ๎•๎“๎•๎Œ๎–๎ˆ๎–๎€ƒ๎š๎ˆ๎•๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎–๎“๎ˆ๎†๎Œ๎‚ฟ๎†๎„๎๎๎œ๎€ƒ๎ˆ๎›๎ˆ๎๎“๎—๎ˆ๎‡๎€ƒ๎‰๎•๎’๎๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎–๎“๎ˆ๎‘๎‡๎Œ๎‘๎Š๎€ƒ๎•๎ˆ๎–๎—๎•๎Œ๎†๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎–๎€ƒ๎’๎‰๎€ƒ๎€ท๎€ค๎€ฅ๎€ฒ๎€ต๎€ƒ๎„๎‘๎‡๎€ƒ
fewer enterprises are created as a result of Proposition 117, the state may be forced
to choose between using tax revenue to pay for critical services that would otherwise
be funded through user fees, or not providing these services.
Estimate of Fiscal Impact for Proposition 117
State and local government spending.๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ณ๎•๎’๎“๎’๎–๎Œ๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ๎€”๎€”๎€š๎€ƒ๎Œ๎‘๎†๎•๎ˆ๎„๎–๎ˆ๎–๎€ƒ๎š๎’๎•๎Ž๎๎’๎„๎‡๎€ƒ๎‰๎’๎•๎€ƒ๎–๎—๎„๎—๎ˆ๎€ƒ
agencies to estimate revenue that would be collected by proposed enterprises, since
these estimates will be necessary in order to determine whether an election is required.
more measures placed on the ballot. Indirect impacts that may result from the creation
of fewer future enterprises are not estimated.
Paid Family and Medical
Leave Insurance Program
Placed on the ballot by citizen initiative โ€ข Passes with a majority vote
What Your Vote Means
A โ€œyesโ€ vote on Proposition 118
means the state will create
an insurance program to provide paid
eligible employees in Colorado funded
by premiums paid by employers and
A โ€œnoโ€ vote on Proposition 118
means the state will not create a
paid family and medical leave insurance
Proposition 118 proposes amending the Colorado statutes to:
y create a paid family and medical leave insurance program for Colorado
employees administered by the Colorado Department of Labor and
y require employers and employees in Colorado to pay a payroll premium
y ๎„๎๎๎’๎š๎€ƒ๎ˆ๎๎Œ๎Š๎Œ๎…๎๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎ˆ๎๎“๎๎’๎œ๎ˆ๎ˆ๎–๎€ƒ๎˜๎“๎€ƒ๎—๎’๎€ƒ๎€”๎€•๎€ƒ๎š๎ˆ๎ˆ๎Ž๎–๎€ƒ๎’๎‰๎€ƒ๎“๎„๎Œ๎‡๎€ƒ๎‰๎„๎๎Œ๎๎œ๎€ƒ๎„๎‘๎‡๎€ƒ๎๎ˆ๎‡๎Œ๎†๎„๎๎€ƒ๎๎ˆ๎„๎™๎ˆ๎€ƒ
y ๎†๎•๎ˆ๎„๎—๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎๎’๎…๎€ƒ๎“๎•๎’๎—๎ˆ๎†๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎–๎€ƒ๎‰๎’๎•๎€ƒ๎ˆ๎๎“๎๎’๎œ๎ˆ๎ˆ๎–๎€ƒ๎š๎‹๎’๎€ƒ๎—๎„๎Ž๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎“๎„๎Œ๎‡๎€ƒ๎‰๎„๎๎Œ๎๎œ๎€ƒ๎„๎‘๎‡๎€ƒ๎๎ˆ๎‡๎Œ๎†๎„๎๎€ƒ๎๎ˆ๎„๎™๎ˆ๎€‘
Summary and Analysis for Proposition 118
What happens if Proposition 118 passes?
y to care for their own serious health condition;
y ๎—๎’๎€ƒ๎†๎„๎•๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎‰๎’๎•๎€ƒ๎„๎€ƒ๎‘๎ˆ๎š๎€ƒ๎†๎‹๎Œ๎๎‡๎€ƒ๎‡๎˜๎•๎Œ๎‘๎Š๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎‚ฟ๎•๎–๎—๎€ƒ๎œ๎ˆ๎„๎•๎€ƒ๎„๎‰๎—๎ˆ๎•๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎…๎Œ๎•๎—๎‹๎€๎€ƒ๎„๎‡๎’๎“๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎€๎€ƒ๎’๎•๎€ƒ๎“๎๎„๎†๎ˆ๎๎ˆ๎‘๎—๎€ƒ
through foster care of that child;
y to care for a family member with a serious health condition;
y when a family member is on active duty military service or being called to active duty
military service; and
y when the individual or the individualโ€™s family member is a victim of domestic violence,
spouse, domestic partner, grandparent, grandchild, sibling, or any individual with whom
Both employers and employees will pay into a new Family and Medical Leave Insurance
during their leave, similar to unemployment insurance. The amount an employee will
in wages and eligible for certain job protections after being employed with their current
employer for at least 180 days.
Figure 1 below highlights the major components of the new PFML insurance program.
Figure 1
Paid Family and Medical Leave Program
What are the current paid and unpaid leave requirements for businesses in Colorado?
Both federal and state leave requirements apply to Colorado businesses. The federal
and all employers on January 1, 2022, requires employers in Colorado to provide one
of 48 hours per year. See Table 1 for a detailed comparison of the existing provisions
a civil protection order, obtain medical care or mental health counseling, secure the
Table 1
Comparison of Leave Provisions in Current Law and Proposition 118
Proposition 118 FMLA State Mandated Sick Leave
Type of Leave
Family and medical Family and medical Medical
Length of Leave
๎€ธ๎“๎€ƒ๎—๎’๎€ƒ๎€”๎€•๎€ƒ๎š๎ˆ๎ˆ๎Ž๎– ๎€ธ๎“๎€ƒ๎—๎’๎€ƒ๎€”๎€•๎€ƒ๎š๎ˆ๎ˆ๎Ž๎– Up to 6 days
Paid or Unpaid
Paid Unpaid Paid
Time Until Employee Eligibility
in wages subject to premium
Employees receive 1 hour
Job Protection
least 180 days
๎€ผ๎ˆ๎– ๎€ฑ๎€’๎€ค
Employer Size
โ€ข๎€ƒ All employer sizes, with a
few exceptions
โ€ข๎€ƒ Private sector with 50 or
more employees
โ€ข๎€ƒ All public agencies
โ€ข๎€ƒ All elementary and
secondary schools
โ€ข๎€ƒ Employers with 16 or more
and all employers
Qualifying Reasons for Leave
โ€ข๎€ƒ Birth or adoption of child
โ€ข๎€ƒ Care for self or family
member* with serious
health condition
โ€ข๎€ƒ For circumstances related
to a family memberโ€™s active
duty military service
โ€ข๎€ƒ Safe leave for domestic
abuse, sexual assault or
โ€ข๎€ƒ Birth or adoption of child
โ€ข๎€ƒ Care for self or family
member with serious
health condition
โ€ข๎€ƒ For circumstances related
to a family memberโ€™s
active duty military service
โ€ข๎€ƒ Care for an employeeโ€™s
health or safety
โ€ข๎€ƒ Care for a person for
whom the employee is
responsible for providing or
arranging health or safety
related care
How will the program be implemented?
After the program has been collecting payments from employers and employees for
various provisions of the program.
Figure 2
PFML Program Timeline
How will the program be funded?
Employers and employees must contribute a certain percentage of each employeeโ€™s
employer must pay at least 50 percent of the premium, but may choose to contribute a
larger percentage. The employee is responsible for up to 50 percent of the premium,
depending on the employerโ€™s contribution. The premium is calculated based on the
employeeโ€™s taxable wages. The maximum amount of wages to which the premium can
the premium equally. Beginning in calendar year 2025, the program director can set the
premium up to 1.2 percent of an employeeโ€™s taxable wages for an estimated maximum
Table 2
Weekly and Annual PFML Premium Scenarios
For Calendar Year 2023
๎€‡๎€˜๎€“๎€“๎€ƒ ๎€‡๎€•๎€‘๎€•๎€˜๎€ƒ ๎€‡๎€•๎€‘๎€•๎€˜ ๎€‡๎€•๎€™๎€๎€“๎€“๎€“ ๎€‡๎€”๎€”๎€š ๎€‡๎€”๎€”๎€š
๎€‡๎€”๎€๎€“๎€“๎€“๎€ƒ ๎€‡๎€—๎€‘๎€˜๎€“๎€ƒ ๎€‡๎€—๎€‘๎€˜๎€“ ๎€‡๎€˜๎€•๎€๎€“๎€“๎€“ ๎€‡๎€•๎€–๎€— ๎€‡๎€•๎€–๎€—
๎€‡๎€”๎€๎€˜๎€“๎€“๎€ƒ ๎€‡๎€™๎€‘๎€š๎€˜๎€ƒ ๎€‡๎€™๎€‘๎€š๎€˜๎€ƒ ๎€‡๎€š๎€›๎€๎€“๎€“๎€“ ๎€‡๎€–๎€˜๎€” ๎€‡๎€–๎€˜๎€”
๎€‡๎€•๎€๎€“๎€“๎€“๎€ƒ ๎€‡๎€œ๎€‘๎€“๎€“๎€ƒ ๎€‡๎€œ๎€‘๎€“๎€“ ๎€‡๎€”๎€“๎€—๎€๎€“๎€“๎€“ ๎€‡๎€—๎€™๎€› ๎€‡๎€—๎€™๎€›
๎€‡๎€–๎€๎€“๎€“๎€“๎€ƒ ๎€‡๎€”๎€–๎€‘๎€˜๎€“๎€ƒ ๎€‡๎€”๎€–๎€‘๎€˜๎€“๎€ƒ ๎€‡๎€”๎€˜๎€™๎€๎€“๎€“๎€“ ๎€‡๎€š๎€“๎€• ๎€‡๎€š๎€“๎€•
Will all employers in Colorado participate in the program and pay premiums?
Most employers are required to participate in the program and pay premiums. The
y employers with nine or fewer employees;
y self-employed individuals;
y local governments that decline participation in the program; and
y ๎ˆ๎๎“๎๎’๎œ๎ˆ๎•๎–๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎„๎—๎€ƒ๎„๎๎•๎ˆ๎„๎‡๎œ๎€ƒ๎’๏‚‡๎ˆ๎•๎€ƒ๎„๎“๎“๎•๎’๎™๎ˆ๎‡๎€ƒ๎“๎„๎Œ๎‡๎€ƒ๎๎ˆ๎„๎™๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎…๎ˆ๎‘๎ˆ๎‚ฟ๎—๎–๎€‘
Employers with nine or fewer employees are not required to pay the employer portion
of the premium, but are required to withhold and forward an employeeโ€™s portion of the
premium. Local governments that choose not to participate in the program do not
pay the employer portion or collect premiums from employees. Local government
employees whose employer has declined to participate and self-employed individuals
may choose to opt in and pay only the employee portion of the premium. Finally, an
employer with an approved private family and medical leave plan already in place is not
Table 3
Premium Responsibilities under Proposition 118
Employer Type
9 or fewer employees ๎‚ฅ
10 or more employees ๎‚ฅ ๎‚ฅ
Participating self-employed ๎‚ฅ
Participating local government
Nonparticipating local government ๎‚ฅ
Nonparticipating self-employed ๎‚ฅ
Employer with private plan ๎‚ฅ
Wages include salary, wages, tips, commission, and other forms of compensation. An
eligible employee will receive 90 percent of their AWW for the portion of his or her wages
that are less than or equal to 50 percent of the SAWW, and 50 percent of the portion
that an individual may receive is 90 percent of the SAWW, which is estimated to be
Table 4
Based on 2024 SAWW of $1,340
Percent of
Weekly Wage*
๎€‡๎€˜๎€“๎€“๎€ƒ ๎€‡๎€—๎€˜๎€“๎€ƒ ๎€‡๎€˜๎€๎€—๎€“๎€“๎€ƒ 90%
๎€‡๎€”๎€๎€“๎€“๎€“๎€ƒ ๎€‡๎€š๎€™๎€›๎€ƒ ๎€‡๎€œ๎€๎€•๎€”๎€™ 77%
๎€‡๎€”๎€๎€˜๎€“๎€“๎€ƒ ๎€‡๎€”๎€๎€“๎€”๎€›๎€ƒ ๎€‡๎€”๎€•๎€๎€•๎€”๎€™๎€ƒ 68%
๎€‡๎€•๎€๎€“๎€“๎€“๎€ƒ ๎€‡๎€”๎€๎€”๎€“๎€“๎€ƒ ๎€‡๎€”๎€–๎€๎€•๎€“๎€“๎€ƒ 55%
๎€‡๎€–๎€๎€“๎€“๎€“๎€ƒ ๎€‡๎€”๎€๎€”๎€“๎€“๎€ƒ ๎€‡๎€”๎€–๎€๎€•๎€“๎€“๎€ƒ ๎€–๎€š๎€ˆ
What are the job protection requirements?
for requesting or using paid leave. Job protections are available to employees who have
This means that eligible employees who return from leave are entitled to return to the
their portion of the health premium.
For information on those issue committees that support or oppose the
๎๎ˆ๎„๎–๎˜๎•๎ˆ๎–๎€ƒ ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ ๎…๎„๎๎๎’๎—๎€ƒ ๎„๎—๎€ƒ ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ ๎€ฑ๎’๎™๎ˆ๎๎…๎ˆ๎•๎€ƒ ๎€–๎€๎€ƒ ๎€•๎€“๎€•๎€“๎€๎€ƒ ๎ˆ๎๎ˆ๎†๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎€๎€ƒ ๎Š๎’๎€ƒ ๎—๎’๎€ƒ ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ
Colorado Secretary of Stateโ€™s elections center web site hyperlink for ballot
Arguments For Proposition 118
๎€”๎€Œ๎€ƒ Paid leave has a positive impact on the health of Colorado families, especially new
point during their careers, and this measure allows employees to do so with some
be forced to choose between their health and their livelihood.
๎€•๎€Œ๎€ƒ ๎€ณ๎„๎Œ๎‡๎€ƒ๎๎ˆ๎„๎™๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎š๎Œ๎๎๎€ƒ๎Œ๎‘๎†๎•๎ˆ๎„๎–๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎ˆ๎๎“๎๎’๎œ๎๎ˆ๎‘๎—๎€ƒ๎’๎“๎“๎’๎•๎—๎˜๎‘๎Œ๎—๎Œ๎ˆ๎–๎€ƒ๎‰๎’๎•๎€ƒ๎€ฆ๎’๎๎’๎•๎„๎‡๎„๎‘๎–๎€๎€ƒ๎„๎‘๎‡๎€ƒ๎…๎ˆ๎‘๎ˆ๎‚ฟ๎—๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ
the size of their employer.
Arguments Against Proposition 118
๎€”๎€Œ๎€ƒ ๎€ท๎‹๎Œ๎–๎€ƒ๎๎ˆ๎„๎–๎˜๎•๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎“๎๎„๎†๎ˆ๎–๎€ƒ๎„๎€ƒ๎‚ฟ๎‘๎„๎‘๎†๎Œ๎„๎๎€ƒ๎„๎‘๎‡๎€ƒ๎•๎ˆ๎Š๎˜๎๎„๎—๎’๎•๎œ๎€ƒ๎…๎˜๎•๎‡๎ˆ๎‘๎€ƒ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ๎ˆ๎๎“๎๎’๎œ๎ˆ๎•๎–๎€ƒ๎—๎’๎€ƒ๎‘๎„๎™๎Œ๎Š๎„๎—๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ
programโ€™s complex requirements. Businesses face increased costs to accommodate
requires large businesses, but not certain small businesses or local governments,
to pay premiums to fund the program. In addition, small businesses may be
discouraged from growing in order to avoid premium costs. In the end, it will be up
to employers and employees to bear the cost of an uncertain and expensive new
government program.
๎€•๎€Œ๎€ƒ This measure requires employees to pay into a program that they may never
Estimate of Fiscal Impact for Proposition 118
State revenue. Proposition 118 is expected to increase state revenue from PFML
from this estimate. The measure may also increase state revenue from bond proceeds
and potentially gifts, grants, or donations to cover program start-up costs beginning in
state budget year 2021-22. The timing of when this additional revenue is received will
State spending.๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ณ๎•๎’๎“๎’๎–๎Œ๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ๎€”๎€”๎€›๎€ƒ๎š๎Œ๎๎๎€ƒ๎Œ๎‘๎†๎•๎ˆ๎„๎–๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎–๎—๎„๎—๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎–๎“๎ˆ๎‘๎‡๎Œ๎‘๎Š๎€ƒ๎…๎œ๎€ƒ๎€‡๎€–๎€‘๎€•๎€ƒ๎๎Œ๎๎๎Œ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ๎Œ๎‘๎€ƒ๎–๎—๎„๎—๎ˆ๎€ƒ
second half of the year.
Local government spending.๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ฅ๎ˆ๎Š๎Œ๎‘๎‘๎Œ๎‘๎Š๎€ƒ๎€ญ๎„๎‘๎˜๎„๎•๎œ๎€ƒ๎€”๎€๎€ƒ๎€•๎€“๎€•๎€–๎€๎€ƒ๎๎’๎†๎„๎๎€ƒ๎Š๎’๎™๎ˆ๎•๎‘๎๎ˆ๎‘๎—๎–๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎„๎—๎€ƒ
participate in the PFML insurance program, school districts, and other public entities will
have increased spending to pay the employer share of premiums for their employees.
Local governments will also be required to process payroll deductions, and coordinate
pay premiums, but may still be required to handle premium deductions and coordinate
PFML insurance program.
Amendment B
Repeal Gallagher Amendment
for ballot purposes only. The ballot title will not appear in the Colorado constitution. The text of the
measure that will appear in the Colorado constitution below was referred to the voters because it
passed by a two-thirds majority vote of the state senate and the state house of representatives.
Ballot Title:
services, and to avoid automatic mill levy increases, shall there be an amendment to the Colorado
constitution to repeal the requirement that the general assembly periodically change the residential
assessment rate in order to maintain the statewide proportion of residential property as compared to
all other taxable property valued for property tax purposes and repeal the nonresidential property tax
assessment rate of twenty-nine percent?
Text of Measure:
SECTION 1.๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ค๎—๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎ˆ๎๎ˆ๎†๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ๎‹๎ˆ๎๎‡๎€ƒ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ๎€ฑ๎’๎™๎ˆ๎๎…๎ˆ๎•๎€ƒ๎€–๎€๎€ƒ๎€•๎€“๎€•๎€“๎€๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎–๎ˆ๎†๎•๎ˆ๎—๎„๎•๎œ๎€ƒ๎’๎‰๎€ƒ๎–๎—๎„๎—๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎–๎‹๎„๎๎๎€ƒ๎–๎˜๎…๎๎Œ๎—๎€ƒ๎—๎’๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ
registered electors of the state the ballot title set forth in section 2 for the following amendment to the
๎€ฌ๎‘๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎†๎’๎‘๎–๎—๎Œ๎—๎˜๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ๎’๎‰๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎–๎—๎„๎—๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎’๎‰๎€ƒ๎€ฆ๎’๎๎’๎•๎„๎‡๎’๎€๎€ƒ๎–๎ˆ๎†๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ๎€–๎€ƒ๎’๎‰๎€ƒ๎„๎•๎—๎Œ๎†๎๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎€ป๎€๎€ƒamend ๎€‹๎€”๎€Œ๎€‹๎…๎€Œ๎€ƒ๎„๎–๎€ƒ๎‰๎’๎๎๎’๎š๎–๎€
Section 3. Uniform taxation - exemptions. ๎€‹๎€”๎€Œ๎€ƒ๎€‹๎…๎€Œ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ต๎ˆ๎–๎Œ๎‡๎ˆ๎‘๎—๎Œ๎„๎๎€ƒ๎•๎ˆ๎„๎๎€ƒ๎“๎•๎’๎“๎ˆ๎•๎—๎œ๎€๎€ƒ๎š๎‹๎Œ๎†๎‹๎€ƒ๎–๎‹๎„๎๎๎€ƒ๎Œ๎‘๎†๎๎˜๎‡๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎„๎๎๎€ƒ
๎‹๎’๎๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎“๎„๎•๎Ž๎–๎€๎€ƒ๎…๎˜๎—๎€ƒ๎–๎‹๎„๎๎๎€ƒ๎‘๎’๎—๎€ƒ๎Œ๎‘๎†๎๎˜๎‡๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎‹๎’๎—๎ˆ๎๎–๎€ƒ๎„๎‘๎‡๎€ƒ๎๎’๎—๎ˆ๎๎–๎€๎€ƒ๎–๎‹๎„๎๎๎€ƒ๎…๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎™๎„๎๎˜๎ˆ๎‡๎€ƒ๎‰๎’๎•๎€ƒ๎„๎–๎–๎ˆ๎–๎–๎๎ˆ๎‘๎—๎€‘๎€ƒat twenty-one
percent of its actual value. For the property tax year commencing January 1, 1985, the general
assembly shall determine the percentage of the aggregate statewide valuation for assessment which
is attributable to residential real property. For each subsequent year, the general assembly shall again
determine the percentage of the aggregate statewide valuation for assessment which is attributable
to each class of taxable property, after adding in the increased valuation for assessment attributable
to new construction and to increased volume of mineral and oil and gas production. For each year in
which there is a change in the level of value used in determining actual value, the general assembly
shall adjust the ratio of valuation for assessment for residential real property which is set forth in this
assessment which is attributable to residential real property shall remain the same as it was in the
year immediately preceding the year in which such change occurs. Such adjusted ratio shall be the
ratio of valuation for assessment for residential real property for those years for which such new level
of value is used. In determining the adjustment to be made in the ratio of valuation for assessment
for residential real property, the aggregate statewide valuation for assessment that is attributable to
residential real property shall be calculated as if the full actual value of all owner-occupied primary
taxation. All other taxable property shall be valued for assessment. at twenty-nine percent of its actual
value. However,๎€ƒ๎€ท๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎™๎„๎๎˜๎„๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ๎‰๎’๎•๎€ƒ๎„๎–๎–๎ˆ๎–๎–๎๎ˆ๎‘๎—๎€ƒ๎‰๎’๎•๎€ƒ๎“๎•๎’๎‡๎˜๎†๎Œ๎‘๎Š๎€ƒ๎๎Œ๎‘๎ˆ๎–๎€๎€ƒ๎„๎–๎€ƒ๎‡๎ˆ๎‚ฟ๎‘๎ˆ๎‡๎€ƒ๎…๎œ๎€ƒ๎๎„๎š๎€๎€ƒ๎„๎‘๎‡๎€ƒ๎๎„๎‘๎‡๎–๎€ƒ๎’๎•๎€ƒ
average annual production therefrom, based upon the value of the unprocessed material, according
claims, which are possessory interests in real property by virtue of leases from the United States of
America, shall be exempt from property taxation.
SECTION 2.๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€จ๎„๎†๎‹๎€ƒ๎ˆ๎๎ˆ๎†๎—๎’๎•๎€ƒ๎™๎’๎—๎Œ๎‘๎Š๎€ƒ๎„๎—๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎ˆ๎๎ˆ๎†๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ๎๎„๎œ๎€ƒ๎†๎„๎–๎—๎€ƒ๎„๎€ƒ๎™๎’๎—๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎ˆ๎Œ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎•๎€ƒ๎‚ณ๎€ผ๎ˆ๎–๎€’๎€ฉ๎’๎•๎‚ด๎€ƒ๎’๎•๎€ƒ๎‚ณ๎€ฑ๎’๎€’๎€ค๎Š๎„๎Œ๎‘๎–๎—๎‚ด๎€ƒ
grade education, and other services, and to avoid automatic mill levy increases, shall there be
an amendment to the Colorado constitution to repeal the requirement that the general assembly
periodically change the residential assessment rate in order to maintain the statewide proportion of
residential property as compared to all other taxable property valued for property tax purposes and
repeal the nonresidential property tax assessment rate of twenty-nine percent?โ€
SECTION 3.๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€จ๎›๎†๎ˆ๎“๎—๎€ƒ๎„๎–๎€ƒ๎’๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎•๎š๎Œ๎–๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎“๎•๎’๎™๎Œ๎‡๎ˆ๎‡๎€ƒ๎Œ๎‘๎€ƒ๎–๎ˆ๎†๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ๎€”๎€๎€—๎€“๎€๎€”๎€•๎€–๎€๎€ƒ๎€ฆ๎’๎๎’๎•๎„๎‡๎’๎€ƒ๎€ต๎ˆ๎™๎Œ๎–๎ˆ๎‡๎€ƒ๎€ถ๎—๎„๎—๎˜๎—๎ˆ๎–๎€๎€ƒ๎Œ๎‰๎€ƒ๎„๎€ƒ๎๎„๎๎’๎•๎Œ๎—๎œ๎€ƒ
Amendment C
Conduct of Charitable Gaming
for ballot purposes only. The ballot title will not appear in the Colorado constitution. The text of the
measure that will appear in the Colorado constitution below was referred to the voters because it
passed by a two-thirds majority vote of the state senate and the state house of representatives.
Ballot Title:
Shall there be an amendment to the Colorado constitution concerning the conduct of charitable
and operators of games and reducing the required period of a charitable organizationโ€™s continuous
existence before obtaining a charitable gaming license?
Text of Measure:
Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the Seventy-second General Assembly of the
SECTION 1.๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ค๎—๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎ˆ๎๎ˆ๎†๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ๎‹๎ˆ๎๎‡๎€ƒ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ๎€ฑ๎’๎™๎ˆ๎๎…๎ˆ๎•๎€ƒ๎€–๎€๎€ƒ๎€•๎€“๎€•๎€“๎€๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎–๎ˆ๎†๎•๎ˆ๎—๎„๎•๎œ๎€ƒ๎’๎‰๎€ƒ๎–๎—๎„๎—๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎–๎‹๎„๎๎๎€ƒ๎–๎˜๎…๎๎Œ๎—๎€ƒ๎—๎’๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ
registered electors of the state the ballot title set forth in section 2 for the following amendment to the
In the constitution of the state of Colorado, section 2 of article XVIII, amend ๎€‹๎€•๎€Œ๎€ƒ๎„๎‘๎‡๎€ƒ๎€‹๎€—๎€Œ๎€ƒ๎„๎–๎€ƒ๎‰๎’๎๎๎’๎š๎–๎€
Section 2. Lotteries prohibited - exceptions. ๎€‹๎€•๎€Œ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ฑ๎’๎€ƒ๎Š๎„๎๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎’๎‰๎€ƒ๎†๎‹๎„๎‘๎†๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎“๎˜๎•๎–๎˜๎„๎‘๎—๎€ƒ๎—๎’๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎Œ๎–๎€ƒ๎–๎˜๎…๎–๎ˆ๎†๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ
conducting such games of chance. The secretary of state shall, upon application therefor on such
forms as shall be prescribed by the secretary of state and upon the payment of an annual fee as
determined by the general assembly, issue a license for the conducting of such games of chance
organization which
๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎’๎“๎ˆ๎•๎„๎—๎ˆ๎–๎€ƒ๎š๎Œ๎—๎‹๎’๎˜๎—๎€ƒ๎“๎•๎’๎‚ฟ๎—๎€ƒ๎—๎’๎€ƒ๎Œ๎—๎–๎€ƒ๎๎ˆ๎๎…๎ˆ๎•๎–๎€ƒ๎„๎‘๎‡๎€ƒwhich ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถš๎ถ๎ถ๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถŸ๎ถ‘๎ถœ๎ถ๎€ƒ
๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถ‹๎ถš๎ถ๎ถœ๎ถ‰๎ถš๎ถก๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถŽ๎€ƒ๎ถ›๎ถœ๎ถ‰๎ถœ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถŒ has been in existence continuously for a period of ๎‚ฟ๎™๎ˆ ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ๎ถ years
๎Œ๎๎๎ˆ๎‡๎Œ๎„๎—๎ˆ๎๎œ๎€ƒ๎“๎•๎Œ๎’๎•๎€ƒ๎—๎’๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎๎„๎Ž๎Œ๎‘๎Š๎€ƒ๎’๎‰๎€ƒsaid ๎ถ‘๎ถœ๎ถ› application for such license ๎ถ—๎ถš๎€๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถŽ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถš๎€ƒ๎€ญ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถš๎ถก๎€ƒ
๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถŠ๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถ‹๎ถœ๎ถ‘๎ถ—๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎€‹๎€˜๎€Œ๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถŽ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถ‹๎ถœ๎ถ‘๎ถ—๎ถ–, and has had during the entire ๎‚ฟ๎™๎ˆ๎€๎œ๎ˆ๎„๎• period ๎ถ—๎ถŽ๎€ƒ๎ถ‘๎ถœ๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ ๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถ‹๎ถ
a dues-paying membership engaged in carrying out the objects of said corporation or organization,
such license to expire at the end of each calendar year in which it was issued.
organizations permitted to conduct such games.
operation of any such game.
๎€‹๎†๎€Œ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ฑ๎’๎€ƒ๎“๎ˆ๎•๎–๎’๎‘๎€ƒ๎๎„๎œ๎€ƒ๎•๎ˆ๎†๎ˆ๎Œ๎™๎ˆ๎€ƒany๎€ƒ๎•๎ˆ๎๎˜๎‘๎ˆ๎•๎„๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ๎’๎•๎€ƒ๎“๎•๎’๎‚ฟ๎—๎€ƒ๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ ๎ถ‹๎ถ๎ถ›๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถŽ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ˜๎ถ˜๎ถ”๎ถ‘๎ถ‹๎ถ‰๎ถŠ๎ถ”๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ•๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎ถ‘๎ถ•๎ถ๎ถ•๎€ƒ๎ถŸ๎ถ‰๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ
for participating in the management or operation of any such game.
SECTION 2.๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€จ๎„๎†๎‹๎€ƒ๎ˆ๎๎ˆ๎†๎—๎’๎•๎€ƒ๎™๎’๎—๎Œ๎‘๎Š๎€ƒ๎„๎—๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎ˆ๎๎ˆ๎†๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ๎๎„๎œ๎€ƒ๎†๎„๎–๎—๎€ƒ๎„๎€ƒ๎™๎’๎—๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎ˆ๎Œ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎•๎€ƒ๎‚ณ๎€ผ๎ˆ๎–๎€’๎€ฉ๎’๎•๎‚ด๎€ƒ๎’๎•๎€ƒ๎‚ณ๎€ฑ๎’๎€’๎€ค๎Š๎„๎Œ๎‘๎–๎—๎‚ด๎€ƒ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ
hire managers and operators of games and reducing the required period of a charitable organizationโ€™s
continuous existence before obtaining a charitable gaming license?โ€
SECTION 3.๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€จ๎›๎†๎ˆ๎“๎—๎€ƒ๎„๎–๎€ƒ๎’๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎•๎š๎Œ๎–๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎“๎•๎’๎™๎Œ๎‡๎ˆ๎‡๎€ƒ๎Œ๎‘๎€ƒ๎–๎ˆ๎†๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ๎€”๎€๎€—๎€“๎€๎€”๎€•๎€–๎€๎€ƒ๎€ฆ๎’๎๎’๎•๎„๎‡๎’๎€ƒ๎€ต๎ˆ๎™๎Œ๎–๎ˆ๎‡๎€ƒ๎€ถ๎—๎„๎—๎˜๎—๎ˆ๎–๎€๎€ƒ๎Œ๎‰๎€ƒ๎„๎—๎€ƒ
become part of the state constitution.
Amendment 76
ballot title will not appear in the Colorado constitution. The text of the measure that will appear in the
Colorado constitution below was drafted by the proponents of the initiative. The initiated measure
is included on the ballot as a proposed change to current law because the proponents gathered the
required amount of petition signatures.
Ballot Title:
election an individual must be a United States citizen?
Text of Measure:
Colo. Const. Art. VII, Section 1. In the constitution of the state of Colorado, amend section 1 of article
Every citizen ๎€ฒ๎ถ–๎ถ”๎ถก๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎€ƒ๎ถ‹๎ถ‘๎ถœ๎ถ‘๎ถข๎ถ๎ถ– of the United States who has attained the age of eighteen years, has
resided in this state for such time as may be prescribed by law, and has been duly registered as a
Amendment 77
Local Voter Approval of Casino Bet Limits and Games in Black Hawk,
Central City, and Cripple Creek
The ballot title will not appear in the Colorado constitution or Colorado Revised Statutes. The text
of the measure that will appear in the Colorado constitution and Colorado Revised Statutes below
was drafted by the proponents of the initiative. The initiated measure is included on the ballot as a
proposed change to current law because the proponents gathered the required amount of petition
Ballot Title:
Shall there be an amendment to the Colorado constitution and a change to the Colorado Revised
Statutes concerning voter-approved changes to limited gaming, and, in connection therewith, allowing
games in addition to those currently allowed and increase a maximum single bet to any amount;
and allowing gaming tax revenue to be used for support services to improve student retention and
credential completion by students enrolled in community colleges?
Text of Measure:
๎€ถ๎ถ๎ถ‹๎ถœ๎ถ‘๎ถ—๎ถ– 1. In section 9, article XVIII of the constitution of the state of Colorado, amend๎€ƒ๎€‹๎€š๎€Œ๎€‹๎„๎€Œ๎€‹๎€ฌ๎€ฌ๎€Œ๎€๎€ƒ๎€‹๎€ฌ๎€ฌ๎€ฌ๎€Œ๎€ƒ
(7) Local elections to revise limits applicable to gaming โ€“ statewide elections to increase
gaming taxes.
authorized to revise limits on gaming that apply to licensees operating in their cityโ€™s gaming district to
๎€‹๎€ฌ๎€ฌ๎€Œ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ค๎“๎“๎•๎’๎™๎ˆ๎‡๎€ƒ๎Š๎„๎๎ˆ๎– to include roulette or craps, or both
; and
๎€‹๎€ฌ๎€ฌ๎€ฌ๎€Œ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ถ๎Œ๎‘๎Š๎๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎…๎ˆ๎—๎– up to one hundred dollars
๎€ถ๎ถ๎ถ‹๎ถœ๎ถ‘๎ถ—๎ถ– 2. ๎€ฌ๎‘๎€ƒ๎€ฆ๎’๎๎’๎•๎„๎‡๎’๎€ƒ๎€ต๎ˆ๎™๎Œ๎–๎ˆ๎‡๎€ƒ๎€ถ๎—๎„๎—๎˜๎—๎ˆ๎–๎€๎€ƒ๎–๎ˆ๎†๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ๎€—๎€—๎€๎€–๎€“๎€๎€”๎€“๎€–๎€๎€ƒamend๎€ƒ๎€‹๎€•๎€•๎€Œ๎€ƒ๎„๎–๎€ƒ๎‰๎’๎๎๎’๎š๎–๎€
each game having a maximum single bet of one hundred dollars
๎€ถ๎ถ๎ถ‹๎ถœ๎ถ‘๎ถ—๎ถ– 3. ๎€ฌ๎‘๎€ƒ๎€ฆ๎’๎๎’๎•๎„๎‡๎’๎€ƒ๎€ต๎ˆ๎™๎Œ๎–๎ˆ๎‡๎€ƒ๎€ถ๎—๎„๎—๎˜๎—๎ˆ๎–๎€๎€ƒ๎–๎ˆ๎†๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ๎€—๎€—๎€๎€–๎€“๎€๎€š๎€“๎€•๎€๎€ƒamend๎€ƒ๎€‹๎€–๎€Œ๎€‹๎†๎€Œ๎€‹๎€ฌ๎€Œ๎€ƒ๎„๎–๎€ƒ๎‰๎’๎๎๎’๎š๎–๎€
44-30-702. Revenues attributable to local revisions to gaming limits - extended limited gaming
instruction programs, including ๎ถ˜๎ถš๎ถ—๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ‰๎ถ•๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ—๎€ƒ๎ถ‘๎ถ•๎ถ˜๎ถš๎ถ—๎ถž๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ›๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถŒ๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถš๎ถ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถœ๎ถ‘๎ถ—๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎ถ‹๎ถš๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถ›๎ถ๎€ƒ
economy, to prepare Colorado residents for meaningful employment, and to provide Colorado
businesses with well-trained employees. The revenue shall be distributed to colleges that were
operating on and after January 1, 2008, in proportion to their respective full-time equivalent student
๎€ถ๎ถ๎ถ‹๎ถœ๎ถ‘๎ถ—๎ถ– 4. ๎€ฌ๎‘๎€ƒ๎€ฆ๎’๎๎’๎•๎„๎‡๎’๎€ƒ๎€ต๎ˆ๎™๎Œ๎–๎ˆ๎‡๎€ƒ๎€ถ๎—๎„๎—๎˜๎—๎ˆ๎–๎€๎€ƒ๎–๎ˆ๎†๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ๎€—๎€—๎€๎€–๎€“๎€๎€›๎€”๎€™๎€๎€ƒamend๎€ƒ๎„๎–๎€ƒ๎‰๎’๎๎๎’๎š๎–๎€๎€ƒ๎€ƒ
44-30-816. Authorized amount of bets.
๎€ท๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎„๎๎’๎˜๎‘๎—๎€ƒ๎’๎‰๎€ƒ๎„๎€ƒ๎…๎ˆ๎—๎€ƒ๎๎„๎‡๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎“๎˜๎•๎–๎˜๎„๎‘๎—๎€ƒ๎—๎’๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎Œ๎–๎€ƒ๎„๎•๎—๎Œ๎†๎๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎€–๎€“๎€ƒ๎–๎‹๎„๎๎๎€ƒ๎‘๎’๎—๎€ƒ๎…๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎๎’๎•๎ˆ, than one hundred dollars
the initial bet or subsequent bet, ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ•๎ถ—๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถœ๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ˜๎ถ˜๎ถš๎ถ—๎ถž๎ถ๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถŠ๎ถก๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถž๎ถ—๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถŽ๎€ƒ๎€ฆ๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถœ๎ถš๎ถ‰๎ถ”๎€๎€ƒ๎€ฅ๎ถ”๎ถ‰๎ถ‹๎ถ“๎€ƒ
๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถ•๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถ’๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎ถŒ๎ถ‘๎ถ‹๎ถœ๎ถ‘๎ถ—๎ถ–, subject to rules promulgated by the commission.
๎€ถ๎ถ๎ถ‹๎ถœ๎ถ‘๎ถ—๎ถ– 5. ๎€ฌ๎‘๎€ƒ๎€ฆ๎’๎๎’๎•๎„๎‡๎’๎€ƒ๎€ต๎ˆ๎™๎Œ๎–๎ˆ๎‡๎€ƒ๎€ถ๎—๎„๎—๎˜๎—๎ˆ๎–๎€๎€ƒ๎–๎ˆ๎†๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ๎€—๎€—๎€๎€–๎€“๎€๎€›๎€”๎€›๎€๎€ƒamend๎€ƒ๎€‹๎€”๎€Œ๎€ƒ๎„๎–๎€ƒ๎‰๎’๎๎๎’๎š๎–๎€
44-30-818. Approval of rules for certain games.
roulette, ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถ‹๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎ถš๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถ•๎ถ๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถš๎ถ๎€ƒ
๎ถ๎ถ๎ถ”๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถ‹๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ‹๎ถ‘๎ถœ๎ถก๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ—๎€ƒ๎ถ‹๎ถ—๎ถ–๎ถœ๎ถš๎ถ—๎ถ”๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ‹๎ถ—๎ถ–๎ถŒ๎ถ๎ถ‹๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถŽ๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถ•๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถ’๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎ถŒ๎ถ‘๎ถ‹๎ถœ๎ถ‘๎ถ—๎ถ– shall be approved by
the commission and clearly posted within plain view of the games.
๎€ถ๎ถ๎ถ‹๎ถœ๎ถ‘๎ถ—๎ถ– 6. ๎€ท๎‹๎ˆ๎–๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎„๎๎ˆ๎‘๎‡๎๎ˆ๎‘๎—๎–๎€ƒ๎—๎„๎Ž๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎ˆ๏‚‡๎ˆ๎†๎—๎€ƒ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ๎€ฐ๎„๎œ๎€ƒ๎€”๎€๎€ƒ๎€•๎€“๎€•๎€”๎€‘
Proposition EE
Taxes on Nicotine Products
Proposition 113
Adopt Agreement to Elect U.S. President By National Popular Vote
Ballot Title:
agreement among the states to elect the President of the United States by national popular vote,
being Senate Bill No. 19-042?
Text of Measure:
SECTION 1. In Colorado Revised Statutes, add๎€ƒ๎“๎„๎•๎—๎€ƒ๎€—๎€“๎€ƒ๎—๎’๎€ƒ๎„๎•๎—๎Œ๎†๎๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎€™๎€“๎€ƒ๎’๎‰๎€ƒ๎—๎Œ๎—๎๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎€•๎€—๎€ƒ๎„๎–๎€ƒ๎‰๎’๎๎๎’๎š๎–๎€
24-60-4001. Short title. ๎€ท๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถ—๎ถš๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ‘๎ถœ๎ถ”๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถŽ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ˜๎ถ‰๎ถš๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎€—๎€“๎€ƒ๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎‚ณ๎€ค๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ๎ถ๎ถ•๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎€ค๎ถ•๎ถ—๎ถ–๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎€ถ๎ถœ๎ถ‰๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ›๎€ƒ
24-60-4002. Execution of agreement. ๎€ท๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ๎ถ๎ถ•๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ•๎ถ—๎ถ–๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ›๎ถœ๎ถ‰๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ—๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ”๎ถ๎ถ‹๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ
๎€ค๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถ”๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถ›๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถ›๎ถ‘๎ถ ๎€ƒ๎ถŒ๎ถ‰๎ถก๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถŠ๎ถ๎ถŽ๎ถ—๎ถš๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถŒ๎ถ‰๎ถก๎€ƒ๎ถŽ๎ถ‘๎ถ ๎ถ๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถŠ๎ถก๎€ƒ๎ถ”๎ถ‰๎ถŸ๎€ƒ๎ถŽ๎ถ—๎ถš๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ•๎ถ๎ถ๎ถœ๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถž๎ถ—๎ถœ๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถŠ๎ถก๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ
๎€ค๎ถ–๎ถก๎€ƒ๎ถ•๎ถ๎ถ•๎ถŠ๎ถ๎ถš๎€ƒ๎ถ›๎ถœ๎ถ‰๎ถœ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ•๎ถ‰๎ถก๎€ƒ๎ถŸ๎ถ‘๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถŒ๎ถš๎ถ‰๎ถŸ๎€ƒ๎ถŽ๎ถš๎ถ—๎ถ•๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ๎ถ๎ถ•๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถœ๎€๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ ๎ถ‹๎ถ๎ถ˜๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎€ƒ๎ถŸ๎ถ‘๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถŒ๎ถš๎ถ‰๎ถŸ๎ถ‰๎ถ”๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถ‹๎ถ‹๎ถ๎ถš๎ถš๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎ถ๎€ƒ
๎ถ›๎ถ‘๎ถ ๎€ƒ๎ถ•๎ถ—๎ถ–๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถš๎€ƒ๎ถ”๎ถ๎ถ›๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถŠ๎ถ๎ถŽ๎ถ—๎ถš๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถŽ๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎€ƒ๎€ณ๎ถš๎ถ๎ถ›๎ถ‘๎ถŒ๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถœ๎‚ถ๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ•๎€ƒ๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถ”๎ถ”๎€ƒ๎ถ–๎ถ—๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถŠ๎ถ๎ถ‹๎ถ—๎ถ•๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถŽ๎ถŽ๎ถ๎ถ‹๎ถœ๎ถ‘๎ถž๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถœ๎ถ‘๎ถ”๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎€ƒ
๎€ณ๎ถš๎ถ๎ถ›๎ถ‘๎ถŒ๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถš๎€ƒ๎€น๎ถ‘๎ถ‹๎ถ๎€ƒ๎€ณ๎ถš๎ถ๎ถ›๎ถ‘๎ถŒ๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถ”๎ถ”๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถž๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถŠ๎ถ๎ถ๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎ถ™๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถ”๎ถ‘๎ถŽ๎ถ‘๎ถ๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ—๎€ƒ๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถš๎ถž๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ–๎ถ๎ถ ๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ•๎€‘
๎€ท๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ‹๎ถ๎ถ‘๎ถ๎ถŽ๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ ๎ถ๎ถ‹๎ถ๎ถœ๎ถ‘๎ถž๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถŽ๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถ‹๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ•๎ถ๎ถ•๎ถŠ๎ถ๎ถš๎€ƒ๎ถ›๎ถœ๎ถ‰๎ถœ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถ”๎ถ”๎€ƒ๎ถ˜๎ถš๎ถ—๎ถ•๎ถ˜๎ถœ๎ถ”๎ถก๎€ƒ๎ถ–๎ถ—๎ถœ๎ถ‘๎ถŽ๎ถก๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ‹๎ถ๎ถ‘๎ถ๎ถŽ๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ ๎ถ๎ถ‹๎ถ๎ถœ๎ถ‘๎ถž๎ถ๎€ƒ
๎‚ณ๎€ฆ๎ถ๎ถ‘๎ถ๎ถŽ๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ ๎ถ๎ถ‹๎ถ๎ถœ๎ถ‘๎ถž๎ถ๎‚ด๎€ƒ๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถ”๎ถ”๎€ƒ๎ถ•๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎€ช๎ถ—๎ถž๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ–๎ถ—๎ถš๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถŽ๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎€ƒ๎€ถ๎ถœ๎ถ‰๎ถœ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถŽ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎€ธ๎ถ–๎ถ‘๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎€ถ๎ถœ๎ถ‰๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถš๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎€ฐ๎ถ‰๎ถก๎ถ—๎ถš๎€ƒ
๎€•๎€—๎€๎€™๎€“๎€๎€—๎€“๎€“๎€–๎€‘๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ต๎ˆ๎„๏‚ˆ๎•๎๎„๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ๎’๎‰๎€ƒ๎€ฆ๎’๎๎’๎•๎„๎‡๎’๎€ƒ๎๎„๎š๎€‘ ๎€ƒ๎€บ๎ถ๎ถ๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ๎ถ๎ถ•๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ•๎ถ—๎ถ–๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ›๎ถœ๎ถ‰๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ—๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ”๎ถ๎ถ‹๎ถœ๎€ƒ
๎€•๎€—๎€๎€™๎€“๎€๎€—๎€“๎€“๎€—๎€‘๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ฆ๎’๎‘๎ƒ€๎Œ๎†๎—๎Œ๎‘๎Š๎€ƒ๎“๎•๎’๎™๎Œ๎–๎Œ๎’๎‘๎–๎€ƒ๎’๎‰๎€ƒ๎๎„๎š๎€‘ ๎€บ๎ถ๎ถ๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ๎ถ๎ถ•๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ•๎ถ—๎ถ–๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ›๎ถœ๎ถ‰๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ—๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ”๎ถ๎ถ‹๎ถœ๎€ƒ
SECTION 2. ๎€ค๎†๎—๎€ƒ๎–๎˜๎…๎๎ˆ๎†๎—๎€ƒ๎—๎’๎€ƒ๎“๎ˆ๎—๎Œ๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ๎€๎€ƒ๎ˆ๏‚‡๎ˆ๎†๎—๎Œ๎™๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎‡๎„๎—๎ˆ๎€‘๎€ƒ๎€ท๎‹๎Œ๎–๎€ƒ๎„๎†๎—๎€ƒ๎—๎„๎Ž๎ˆ๎–๎€ƒ๎ˆ๏‚‡๎ˆ๎†๎—๎€ƒ๎„๎—๎€ƒ๎€”๎€•๎€๎€“๎€”๎€ƒ๎„๎€‘๎๎€‘๎€ƒ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎‡๎„๎œ๎€ƒ
Proposition 114
Reintroduction and Management of Gray Wolves
ballot title will not appear in the Colorado Revised Statutes. The text of the measure that will appear
in the Colorado Revised Statutes below was drafted by the proponents of the initiative. The initiated
measure is included on the ballot as a proposed change to current law because the proponents
gathered the required amount of petition signatures.
Ballot Title:
Shall there be a change to the Colorado Revised Statutes concerning the restoration of gray wolves
through their reintroduction on designated lands in Colorado located west of the continental divide,
prohibiting the commission from imposing any land, water, or resource use restrictions on private
landowners to further the plan; and requiring the commission to fairly compensate owners for losses
Text of Measure:
SECTION 1. In Colorado Revised Statutes, add ๎€–๎€–๎€๎€•๎€๎€”๎€“๎€˜๎€‘๎€›๎€ƒ๎„๎–๎€ƒ๎‰๎’๎๎๎’๎š๎–๎€
33-2-105.8. Reintroduction of gray wolves on designated lands west of the continental divide
- public input in commission development of restoration plan - compensation to owners of
๎ถ๎ถ ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ•๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎ถ‰๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถž๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถŠ๎ถ๎ถ๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎ถŽ๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถ‹๎ถœ๎ถ‘๎ถ—๎ถ–๎ถ‰๎ถ”๎ถ”๎ถก๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ ๎ถœ๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎ถ‹๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถŽ๎ถ—๎ถš๎€ƒ๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถž๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถœ๎ถก๎€๎ถŽ๎ถ‘๎ถž๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถก๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถš๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ›๎ถœ๎ถ‰๎ถœ๎ถ๎€ž
๎€–๎€๎€”๎€“๎€š๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ—๎€ƒ๎€–๎€–๎€๎€–๎€๎€”๎€”๎€“๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถŒ๎€๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ—๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎ถก๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถš๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถž๎ถ‰๎ถ‘๎ถ”๎ถ‰๎ถŠ๎ถ”๎ถ๎€๎€ƒ๎ถŽ๎ถš๎ถ—๎ถ•๎€ƒ๎ถ•๎ถ—๎ถ–๎ถ๎ถก๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถŸ๎ถ‘๎ถ”๎ถŒ๎ถ”๎ถ‘๎ถŽ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ‹๎ถ‰๎ถ›๎ถ๎€ƒ
๎€‹๎€—๎€Œ๎€ƒ๎€ฌ๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎ถŽ๎ถ๎ถš๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถ‹๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถŽ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถ‹๎ถœ๎ถ‘๎ถ—๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ ๎ถ˜๎ถš๎ถ๎ถ›๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถŽ๎€ƒ๎ถž๎ถ—๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ›๎€๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ‰๎ถ”๎€ƒ
๎€‹๎€˜๎€Œ๎€ƒ๎€ค๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถ‹๎ถœ๎ถ‘๎ถ—๎ถ–๎€๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถ”๎ถ๎ถ›๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ‹๎ถ—๎ถ–๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ ๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎ถš๎ถŸ๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถš๎ถ๎ถ™๎ถ๎ถ‘๎ถš๎ถ๎ถ›๎€
(b๎€Œ๎€ƒ๎‚ณ๎€ช๎ถš๎ถ‰๎ถก๎€ƒ๎ถŸ๎ถ—๎ถ”๎ถŽ๎‚ด๎€ƒ๎ถ•๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ–๎ถ—๎ถ–๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถ•๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถŸ๎ถ‘๎ถ”๎ถŒ๎ถ”๎ถ‘๎ถŽ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถŽ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ›๎ถ˜๎ถ๎ถ‹๎ถ‘๎ถ๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎จข๎จ ๎จญ๎จจ๎จฒ๎€ƒ๎จซ๎จด๎จฏ๎จด๎จฒ.
Proposition 115
Prohibit Abortions After 22 Weeks
ballot title will not appear in the Colorado Revised Statutes. The text of the measure that will appear
in the Colorado Revised Statutes below was drafted by the proponents of the initiative. The initiated
measure is included on the ballot as a proposed change to current law because the proponents
gathered the required amount of petition signatures.
Ballot Title:
Shall there be a change to the Colorado Revised Statutes concerning prohibiting an abortion when
except when the abortion is immediately required to save the life of the pregnant woman when her
related to the measure including โ€œprobable gestational ageโ€ and โ€œabortion,โ€ and excepting from the
that a woman on whom an abortion is performed may not be charged with a crime in relation to a
prohibited abortion; and requiring the Colorado medical board to suspend for at least three years the
Text of Measure:
๎€ฅ๎จค๎€ƒ๎จจ๎จณ๎€ƒ๎€จ๎จญ๎จ ๎จข๎จณ๎จค๎จฃ๎€ƒ๎จก๎จธ๎€ƒ๎จณ๎จง๎จค๎€ƒ๎€ณ๎จค๎จฎ๎จฏ๎จซ๎จค๎€ƒ๎จฎ๎จฅ๎€ƒ๎จณ๎จง๎จค๎€ƒ๎€ถ๎จณ๎จ ๎จณ๎จค๎€ƒ๎จฎ๎จฅ๎€ƒ๎€ฆ๎จฎ๎จซ๎จฎ๎จฑ๎จ ๎จฃ๎จฎ๎€
SECTION 1. ๎€ฌ๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎€ฆ๎ถ—๎ถ”๎ถ—๎ถš๎ถ‰๎ถŒ๎ถ—๎€ƒ๎€ต๎ถ๎ถž๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎€ถ๎ถœ๎ถ‰๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ›๎€๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถŒ๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถ˜๎ถ‰๎ถš๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎€œ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ—๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถš๎ถœ๎ถ‘๎ถ‹๎ถ”๎ถ๎€ƒ๎€™๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถŽ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ‘๎ถœ๎ถ”๎ถ๎€ƒ๎€”๎€›๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถŽ๎ถ—๎ถ”๎ถ”๎ถ—๎ถŸ๎ถ›๎€
Part 9
18-6-901. Declaration of the People.
18-6-903. Abortion after 22 weeks gestational age prohibited.
๎€‹๎€”๎€Œ๎€ƒ๎€ธ๎ถ–๎ถ”๎ถ‰๎ถŸ๎ถŽ๎ถ๎ถ”๎€ƒ๎€ฆ๎ถ—๎ถ–๎ถŒ๎ถ๎ถ‹๎ถœ๎€‘๎€ƒ๎€ฑ๎ถ—๎ถœ๎ถŸ๎ถ‘๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ›๎ถœ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถŒ๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถก๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎ถš๎€ƒ๎ถ˜๎ถš๎ถ—๎ถž๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎ถ‘๎ถ—๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถŽ๎€ƒ๎ถ”๎ถ‰๎ถŸ๎€๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ ๎ถ‹๎ถ๎ถ˜๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ˜๎ถš๎ถ—๎ถž๎ถ‘๎ถŒ๎ถ๎ถŒ๎€ƒ
๎ถ˜๎ถ๎ถš๎ถŽ๎ถ—๎ถš๎ถ•๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถš๎€ƒ๎ถ‹๎ถ‰๎ถ๎ถ›๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ—๎€ƒ๎ถŠ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ˜๎ถ๎ถš๎ถŽ๎ถ—๎ถš๎ถ•๎ถ๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถ‹๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ•๎ถ๎ถŒ๎ถ‘๎ถ‹๎ถ‰๎ถ”๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ ๎ถ‰๎ถ•๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎ถ‰๎ถœ๎ถ‘๎ถ—๎ถ–๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ›๎ถœ๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎€ƒ๎ถš๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถ›๎ถ—๎ถ–๎ถ‰๎ถŠ๎ถ”๎ถก๎€ƒ
๎€‹๎€–๎€Œ๎€ƒ๎€จ๎ถ ๎ถ‹๎ถ๎ถ˜๎ถœ๎ถ‘๎ถ—๎ถ–๎€‘๎€ƒ๎€ฌ๎ถŽ๎€๎€ƒ๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถš๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถ›๎ถ—๎ถ–๎ถ‰๎ถŠ๎ถ”๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ•๎ถ๎ถŒ๎ถ‘๎ถ‹๎ถ‰๎ถ”๎€ƒ๎ถ’๎ถ๎ถŒ๎ถ๎ถ๎ถ•๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถŽ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ˜๎ถ๎ถก๎ถ›๎ถ‘๎ถ‹๎ถ‘๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎€๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถŠ๎ถ—๎ถš๎ถœ๎ถ‘๎ถ—๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎€ƒ
๎ถ‘๎ถ•๎ถ•๎ถ๎ถŒ๎ถ‘๎ถ‰๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ”๎ถก๎€ƒ๎ถš๎ถ๎ถ™๎ถ๎ถ‘๎ถš๎ถ๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ—๎€ƒ๎ถ›๎ถ‰๎ถž๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ”๎ถ‘๎ถŽ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถŽ๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎€ƒ๎ถ˜๎ถš๎ถ๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถŸ๎ถ—๎ถ•๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎€๎€ƒ๎ถš๎ถ‰๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎ถš๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ ๎ถ˜๎ถ๎ถŒ๎ถ‘๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถŒ๎€ƒ
SECTION 2. I๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎€ฆ๎ถ—๎ถ”๎ถ—๎ถš๎ถ‰๎ถŒ๎ถ—๎€ƒ๎€ต๎ถ๎ถž๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎€ถ๎ถœ๎ถ‰๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ›๎€๎€ƒ๎€”๎€•๎€๎€•๎€—๎€“๎€๎€”๎€•๎€”๎€๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถŒ๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎€‹๎€”๎€Œ๎€‹nn๎€Œ๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถŽ๎ถ—๎ถ”๎ถ”๎ถ—๎ถŸ๎ถ›๎€
SECTION 3. ๎€ฌ๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎€ฆ๎ถ—๎ถ”๎ถ—๎ถš๎ถ‰๎ถŒ๎ถ—๎€ƒ๎€ต๎ถ๎ถž๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎€ถ๎ถœ๎ถ‰๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ›๎€๎€ƒ๎€”๎€•๎€๎€•๎€—๎€“๎€๎€”๎€•๎€˜๎€๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถŒ๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎€‹๎€œ๎€‘๎€˜๎€Œ๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถŽ๎ถ—๎ถ”๎ถ”๎ถ—๎ถŸ๎ถ›๎€
12-240-125. Disciplinary action by board โ€“ immunity โ€“ rules.
Proposition 116
State Income Tax Rate Reduction
ballot title will not appear in the Colorado Revised Statutes. The text of the measure that will appear
in the Colorado Revised Statutes below was drafted by the proponents of the initiative. The initiated
measure is included on the ballot as a proposed change to current law because the proponents
gathered the required amount of petition signatures.
Ballot Title:
Shall there be a change to the Colorado Revised Statutes reducing the state income tax rate from
Text of Measure:
SECTION 1. ๎€ฌ๎‘๎€ƒ๎€ฆ๎’๎๎’๎•๎„๎‡๎’๎€ƒ๎€ต๎ˆ๎™๎Œ๎–๎ˆ๎‡๎€ƒ๎€ถ๎—๎„๎—๎˜๎—๎ˆ๎–๎€๎€ƒ๎€–๎€œ๎€๎€•๎€•๎€๎€”๎€“๎€—๎€๎€ƒamend ๎€‹๎€”๎€‘๎€š๎€Œ๎€ƒ๎„๎–๎€ƒ๎‰๎’๎๎๎’๎š๎–๎€
39-22-104. Income tax imposed on individuals, estates, and trusts - single rate - legislative
with respect to taxable years commencing on or after January 1, 2000, ๎ถŠ๎ถ๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถŠ๎ถ๎ถŽ๎ถ—๎ถš๎ถ๎€ƒ๎€ญ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถš๎ถก๎€ƒ๎€”๎€๎€ƒ๎€•๎€“๎€•๎€“,
a tax of four and sixty-three one-hundredths percent is imposed on the federal taxable income, as
๎€‹๎…๎€Œ๎€ƒ๎€จ๎ถ ๎ถ‹๎ถ๎ถ˜๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎ถš๎ถŸ๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ˜๎ถš๎ถ—๎ถž๎ถ‘๎ถŒ๎ถ๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถ‹๎ถœ๎ถ‘๎ถ—๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎€–๎€œ๎€๎€•๎€•๎€๎€™๎€•๎€š๎€๎€ƒ๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถŠ๎ถ’๎ถ๎ถ‹๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ—๎€ƒ๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถŠ๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถ‹๎ถœ๎ถ‘๎ถ—๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎€‹๎€•๎€Œ๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถŽ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎€ƒ
๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถ‹๎ถœ๎ถ‘๎ถ—๎ถ–๎€๎€ƒ๎ถŸ๎ถ‘๎ถœ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถš๎ถ๎ถ›๎ถ˜๎ถ๎ถ‹๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ—๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ‰๎ถ ๎ถ‰๎ถŠ๎ถ”๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถก๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถš๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ‹๎ถ—๎ถ•๎ถ•๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถ‹๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถš๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถŽ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถš๎€ƒ๎€ญ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถš๎ถก๎€ƒ๎€”๎€๎€ƒ๎€•๎€“๎€•๎€“๎€๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ‰๎ถ ๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถŽ๎€ƒ
๎ถŽ๎ถ—๎ถ๎ถš๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถŽ๎ถ‘๎ถŽ๎ถœ๎ถก๎€๎ถŽ๎ถ‘๎ถž๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถ–๎ถ๎€๎ถ๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถŒ๎ถš๎ถ๎ถŒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ˜๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ‹๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ‘๎ถ•๎ถ˜๎ถ—๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถŽ๎ถ๎ถŒ๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ‰๎ถ”๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ‰๎ถ ๎ถ‰๎ถŠ๎ถ”๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎ถ‹๎ถ—๎ถ•๎ถ๎€๎€ƒ
SECTION 2. ๎€ฌ๎‘๎€ƒ๎€ฆ๎’๎๎’๎•๎„๎‡๎’๎€ƒ๎€ต๎ˆ๎™๎Œ๎–๎ˆ๎‡๎€ƒ๎€ถ๎—๎„๎—๎˜๎—๎ˆ๎–๎€๎€ƒ๎€–๎€œ๎€๎€•๎€•๎€๎€–๎€“๎€”๎€๎€ƒamend ๎€‹๎€”๎€Œ๎€‹๎‡๎€Œ๎€‹๎€ฌ๎€Œ๎€‹๎€ฌ๎€Œ๎€ž๎€ƒ๎„๎‘๎‡๎€ƒadd ๎€‹๎€”๎€Œ๎€‹๎‡๎€Œ๎€‹๎€ฌ๎€Œ๎€‹๎€ญ๎€Œ๎€ƒ๎„๎–๎€ƒ
39-22-301. Corporate tax imposed. ๎€‹๎€”๎€Œ๎€ƒ๎€‹๎‡๎€Œ๎€ƒ๎€‹๎€ฌ๎€Œ๎€ƒ๎€ค๎€ƒ๎—๎„๎›๎€ƒ๎Œ๎–๎€ƒ๎Œ๎๎“๎’๎–๎ˆ๎‡๎€ƒ๎˜๎“๎’๎‘๎€ƒ๎ˆ๎„๎†๎‹๎€ƒ๎‡๎’๎๎ˆ๎–๎—๎Œ๎†๎€ƒ๎€ฆ๎€ƒ๎†๎’๎•๎“๎’๎•๎„๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ
and foreign C corporation doing business in Colorado annually in an amount of the net income of
such C corporation during the year derived from sources within Colorado as set forth in the following
January 1, 2000, ๎ถŠ๎ถ๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถŠ๎ถ๎ถŽ๎ถ—๎ถš๎ถ๎€ƒ๎€ญ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถš๎ถก๎€ƒ๎€”๎€๎€ƒ๎€•๎€“๎€•๎€“, four and sixty-three one-hundredths percent of the
Colorado net income;
๎€‹๎€ญ๎€Œ๎€ƒ๎€จ๎ถ ๎ถ‹๎ถ๎ถ˜๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎ถš๎ถŸ๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ˜๎ถš๎ถ—๎ถž๎ถ‘๎ถŒ๎ถ๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถ‹๎ถœ๎ถ‘๎ถ—๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎€–๎€œ๎€๎€•๎€•๎€๎€™๎€•๎€š๎€๎€ƒ๎ถŽ๎ถ—๎ถš๎€ƒ๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎ถ‹๎ถ—๎ถ•๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ‰๎ถ ๎€ƒ๎ถก๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถš๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ‹๎ถ—๎ถ•๎ถ•๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถ‹๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถ–๎€ƒ
SECTION 3 ๎€ฌ๎‘๎€ƒ๎€ฆ๎’๎๎’๎•๎„๎‡๎’๎€ƒ๎€ต๎ˆ๎™๎Œ๎–๎ˆ๎‡๎€ƒ๎€ถ๎—๎„๎—๎˜๎—๎ˆ๎–๎€๎€ƒ๎€–๎€œ๎€๎€•๎€•๎€๎€™๎€“๎€—๎€๎€ƒamend ๎€‹๎€”๎€›๎€Œ๎€‹๎„๎€Œ๎€ƒ๎Œ๎‘๎—๎•๎’๎‡๎˜๎†๎—๎’๎•๎œ๎€ƒ๎“๎’๎•๎—๎Œ๎’๎‘๎€ƒ๎„๎‘๎‡๎€ƒ๎€‹๎€”๎€›๎€Œ๎€‹๎…๎€Œ๎€ƒ
39-22-604. Withholding tax - requirement to withhold โ€“ tax lien - exemption from lien -
otherwise subject to state income tax withholding but that requires an information return, including
but not limited to any payment for which internal revenue service form 1099-B, 1099-DIV, 1099-INT,
the internal revenue service, or any other version of form 1099 is required, shall deduct and withhold
state income tax at the rate of four and sixty-three one-hundredths percent
22-104 ๎ถ—๎ถš๎€ƒ๎€–๎€œ๎€๎€•๎€•๎€๎€–๎€“๎€”๎€ƒ๎Œ๎‰๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎“๎ˆ๎•๎–๎’๎‘๎€ƒ๎š๎‹๎’๎€ƒ๎“๎ˆ๎•๎‰๎’๎•๎๎ˆ๎‡๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎–๎ˆ๎•๎™๎Œ๎†๎ˆ๎–๎€
reported on any information return shall deduct and withhold state income tax at the rate of four and
sixty-three one-hundredths percent ๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถŽ๎ถ—๎ถš๎ถœ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถ‹๎ถœ๎ถ‘๎ถ—๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎€–๎€œ๎€๎€•๎€•๎€๎€”๎€“๎€—๎€๎€ƒ๎˜๎‘๎๎ˆ๎–๎–๎€ƒ๎—๎‹๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎ˆ๎๎“๎๎’๎œ๎ˆ๎•๎€ƒ๎๎„๎Ž๎Œ๎‘๎Š๎€ƒ
Proposition 117
Voter Approval for Certain New State Enterprises
ballot title will not appear in the Colorado Revised Statutes. The text of the measure that will appear
in the Colorado Revised Statutes below was drafted by the proponents of the initiative. The initiated
measure is included on the ballot as a proposed change to current law because the proponents
gathered the required amount of petition signatures.
Ballot Title:
Shall there be a change to the Colorado Revised Statutes requiring statewide voter approval at the
Taxpayerโ€™s Bill of Rights, Article X, Section 20 of the Colorado constitution, if the projected or actual
combined revenue from fees and surcharges of the enterprise, and all other enterprises created
Text of Measure:
24-77-108. Creation of a new fee-based Enterprise. In order to provide transparency and oversight
serving primarily the same purpose shall be aggregated in calculating the applicability of this section.
Proposition 118
Paid Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program
ballot title will not appear in the Colorado Revised Statutes. The text of the measure that will appear
in the Colorado Revised Statutes below was drafted by the proponents of the initiative. The initiated
measure is included on the ballot as a proposed change to current law because the proponents
gathered the required amount of petition signatures.
Ballot Title:
Shall there be a change to the Colorado Revised Statutes concerning the creation of a paid family
and medical leave program in Colorado, and, in connection therewith, authorizing paid family and
medical leave for a covered employee who has a serious health condition, is caring for a new child
or for a family member with a serious health condition, or has a need for leave related to a family
permitting employees of such a local government and self-employed individuals to participate in the
pay for the program, requiring a premium of 0.9% of each employeeโ€™s wages, up to a cap, through
the division of family and medical leave insurance; authorizing an employer to deduct up to 50% of
the premium amount from an employeeโ€™s wages and requiring the employer to pay the remainder of
the premium, with an exemption for employers with fewer than 10 employees; creating the division of
family and medical leave insurance as an enterprise within the department of labor and employment
to administer the program; and establishing an enforcement and appeals process for retaliation and
denied claims?
Text of Measure:
SECTION 1. In Colorado Revised Statutes, add ๎“๎„๎•๎—๎€ƒ๎€—๎€ƒ๎—๎’๎€ƒ๎„๎•๎—๎Œ๎†๎๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎€”๎€–๎€‘๎€–๎€ƒ๎’๎‰๎€ƒ๎—๎Œ๎—๎๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎€›๎€ƒ๎„๎–๎€ƒ๎‰๎’๎๎๎’๎š๎–๎€
8-13.3-401. Short title. ๎€ท๎ถ๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ˜๎ถ‰๎ถš๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎€—๎€ƒ๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถ”๎ถ”๎€ƒ๎ถŠ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ“๎ถ–๎ถ—๎ถŸ๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถ•๎ถ‰๎ถก๎€ƒ๎ถŠ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ‹๎ถ‘๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎‚ณ๎€ณ๎ถ‰๎ถ‘๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎€ฉ๎ถ‰๎ถ•๎ถ‘๎ถ”๎ถก๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถŒ๎€ƒ
๎€‹๎€”๎€Œ๎€ƒ๎€บ๎ถ—๎ถš๎ถ“๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎€ฆ๎ถ—๎ถ”๎ถ—๎ถš๎ถ‰๎ถŒ๎ถ—๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ ๎ถ˜๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ‘๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถ‹๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎€ƒ๎ถž๎ถ‰๎ถš๎ถ‘๎ถ๎ถœ๎ถก๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถŽ๎€ƒ๎ถ˜๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ›๎ถ—๎ถ–๎ถ‰๎ถ”๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถŽ๎ถ‰๎ถ•๎ถ‘๎ถ”๎ถก๎€ƒ๎ถ‹๎ถ‰๎ถš๎ถ๎ถ๎ถ‘๎ถž๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎ถ๎€ƒ
๎ถŒ๎ถ—๎ถ•๎ถ๎ถ›๎ถœ๎ถ‘๎ถ‹๎€ƒ๎ถž๎ถ‘๎ถ—๎ถ”๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถ‹๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถ ๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถ”๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ›๎ถ›๎ถ‰๎ถ๎ถ”๎ถœ๎€๎€ƒ๎ถ‘๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ–๎ถ๎ถ‹๎ถ๎ถ›๎ถ›๎ถ‰๎ถš๎ถก๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ—๎€ƒ๎ถ‹๎ถš๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถœ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎€ƒ๎ถ›๎ถœ๎ถ‰๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถŸ๎ถ‘๎ถŒ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ˜๎ถ‰๎ถ‘๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถŽ๎ถ‰๎ถ•๎ถ‘๎ถ”๎ถก๎€ƒ
(๎…๎€Œ๎€ƒ๎€ต๎ถ๎ถ‹๎ถ๎ถ‘๎ถž๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ ๎ถ˜๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถš๎ถ๎ถž๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถ๎ถ๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ‰๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถŠ๎ถก๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ˜๎ถš๎ถ๎ถ•๎ถ‘๎ถ๎ถ•๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎ถš๎€ƒ๎ถ•๎ถ—๎ถ–๎ถ๎ถก๎ถ›๎€๎€ƒ๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ
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๎ถ˜๎ถš๎ถ—๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ‰๎ถ•๎€ƒ๎ถ‹๎ถ—๎ถ›๎ถœ๎ถ›๎€๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ ๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ‹๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎ถš๎€ƒ๎ถ˜๎ถ—๎ถŸ๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ–๎ถ๎ถ‹๎ถ๎ถ›๎ถ›๎ถ‰๎ถš๎ถก๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ˜๎ถ˜๎ถš๎ถ—๎ถ˜๎ถš๎ถ‘๎ถ‰๎ถœ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ—๎€ƒ๎ถ‹๎ถ‰๎ถš๎ถš๎ถก๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถ๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถ‘๎ถœ๎ถ›๎€ƒ
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๎ถš๎ถ๎ถ”๎ถ‰๎ถœ๎ถ‘๎ถ—๎ถ–๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถ‘๎ถ˜๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถŽ๎€ƒ๎ถ•๎ถ‰๎ถ›๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถš๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถš๎ถž๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ ๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎ถœ๎ถ›๎€‘๎€ƒ๎€ฉ๎ถ—๎ถš๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ˜๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ˜๎ถ—๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถŽ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ˜๎ถ‰๎ถš๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎€—๎€๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎ถŒ๎ถ‘๎ถž๎ถ‘๎ถŒ๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถ”๎€ƒ
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๎€”๎€“๎€•๎€ƒ๎€‹๎€–๎€Œ๎€๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถš๎€ƒ๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถ ๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถ”๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ›๎ถ›๎ถ‰๎ถ๎ถ”๎ถœ๎€๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถŒ๎ถ๎ถ›๎ถ‹๎ถš๎ถ‘๎ถŠ๎ถ๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถ‹๎ถœ๎ถ‘๎ถ—๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎€”๎€›๎€๎€–๎€๎€—๎€“๎€•๎€๎€ƒ๎ถ‹๎ถ—๎ถ•๎ถ•๎ถ‘๎ถœ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถŠ๎ถก๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถก๎€ƒ๎ถ˜๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ›๎ถ—๎ถ–๎€ƒ
8-13.3-404. Eligibility. ๎€ฅ๎ถ๎ถ๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎ถ–๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎ถ๎€ƒ๎€ญ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถš๎ถก๎€ƒ๎€”๎€๎€ƒ๎€•๎€“๎€•๎€—๎€๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎ถŒ๎ถ‘๎ถž๎ถ‘๎ถŒ๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถ”๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถš๎ถ‘๎ถ๎ถ๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ—๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ‰๎ถ“๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ˜๎ถ‰๎ถ‘๎ถŒ๎€ƒ
๎€‹๎‡๎€Œ๎€ƒ๎€ฅ๎ถ๎ถ‹๎ถ‰๎ถ๎ถ›๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถŽ๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถก๎€ƒ๎ถ™๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถ”๎ถ‘๎ถŽ๎ถก๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ ๎ถ‘๎ถ๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถ‹๎ถก๎€ƒ๎ถ”๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถž๎ถ๎€ž
8-13.3-405. Duration. ๎€‹๎€”๎€Œ๎€ƒ๎€ท๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ•๎ถ‰๎ถ ๎ถ‘๎ถ•๎ถ๎ถ•๎€ƒ๎ถ–๎ถ๎ถ•๎ถŠ๎ถ๎ถš๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถŽ๎€ƒ๎ถŸ๎ถ๎ถ๎ถ“๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถŽ๎ถ—๎ถš๎€ƒ๎ถŸ๎ถ๎ถ‘๎ถ‹๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎€ƒ๎ถ‹๎ถ—๎ถž๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎ถŒ๎ถ‘๎ถž๎ถ‘๎ถŒ๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถ”๎€ƒ
๎€‹๎€•๎€Œ๎€ƒ๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ˜๎ถ˜๎ถ”๎ถ‘๎ถ‹๎ถ‰๎ถœ๎ถ‘๎ถ—๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎ถก๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถš๎€ƒ๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎€”๎€•๎€ƒ๎ถŸ๎ถ๎ถ๎ถ“๎ถ›๎€ž๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ ๎ถ‹๎ถ๎ถ˜๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถŠ๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถ๎ถŽ๎ถ‘๎ถœ๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถš๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ˜๎ถ‰๎ถก๎ถ‰๎ถŠ๎ถ”๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ˜๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ—๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถŒ๎ถŒ๎ถ‘๎ถœ๎ถ‘๎ถ—๎ถ–๎ถ‰๎ถ”๎€ƒ
๎ถ•๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ•๎ถ˜๎ถ”๎ถ—๎ถก๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ”๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถž๎ถ๎€๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ ๎ถ‹๎ถ๎ถ˜๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถŠ๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถ๎ถŽ๎ถ‘๎ถœ๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถš๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ–๎ถ—๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถ˜๎ถ‰๎ถก๎ถ‰๎ถŠ๎ถ”๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถœ๎ถ‘๎ถ”๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ‹๎ถ—๎ถž๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎ถŒ๎ถ‘๎ถž๎ถ‘๎ถŒ๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถ”๎€ƒ
(b๎€Œ๎€ƒ๎€ท๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ•๎ถ‰๎ถ ๎ถ‘๎ถ•๎ถ๎ถ•๎€ƒ๎ถŸ๎ถ๎ถ๎ถ“๎ถ”๎ถก๎€ƒ๎ถŠ๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถ๎ถŽ๎ถ‘๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎€œ๎€“๎€ƒ๎ถ˜๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ‹๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถŽ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ›๎ถœ๎ถ‰๎ถœ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถž๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ‰๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถŸ๎ถ๎ถ๎ถ“๎ถ”๎ถก๎€ƒ๎ถŸ๎ถ‰๎ถ๎ถ๎€๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ ๎ถ‹๎ถ๎ถ˜๎ถœ๎€ƒ
๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถŽ๎ถ—๎ถš๎€ƒ๎ถ˜๎ถ‰๎ถ‘๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถŽ๎ถ‰๎ถ•๎ถ‘๎ถ”๎ถก๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถ•๎ถ๎ถŒ๎ถ‘๎ถ‹๎ถ‰๎ถ”๎€ƒ๎ถ”๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถž๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถŠ๎ถ๎ถ๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎ถ–๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถŠ๎ถ๎ถŽ๎ถ—๎ถš๎ถ๎€ƒ๎€ญ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถš๎ถก๎€ƒ๎€”๎€๎€ƒ๎€•๎€“๎€•๎€˜๎€๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ•๎ถ‰๎ถ ๎ถ‘๎ถ•๎ถ๎ถ•๎€ƒ
๎ถ‹๎ถ—๎ถž๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎ถŒ๎ถ‘๎ถž๎ถ‘๎ถŒ๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถ”๎€ƒ๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ‰๎ถ“๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ˜๎ถ‰๎ถ‘๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถŽ๎ถ‰๎ถ•๎ถ‘๎ถ”๎ถก๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถ•๎ถ๎ถŒ๎ถ‘๎ถ‹๎ถ‰๎ถ”๎€ƒ๎ถ”๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถž๎ถ๎€๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ˜๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ—๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ•๎ถ‰๎ถ ๎ถ‘๎ถ•๎ถ๎ถ•๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ—๎ถœ๎ถ‰๎ถ”๎€ƒ๎ถŠ๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถ๎ถŽ๎ถ‘๎ถœ๎€ƒ
8-13.3-407. Premiums. ๎€‹๎€”๎€Œ๎€ƒ๎€ณ๎ถ‰๎ถก๎ถš๎ถ—๎ถ”๎ถ”๎€ƒ๎ถ˜๎ถš๎ถ๎ถ•๎ถ‘๎ถ๎ถ•๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถ”๎ถ”๎€ƒ๎ถŠ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ—๎ถš๎ถ‘๎ถข๎ถ๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถš๎ถŒ๎ถ๎ถš๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ—๎€ƒ๎ถŽ๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถ‹๎ถ๎€ƒ
๎ถก๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถš๎€‘๎€ƒ๎€ท๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ˜๎ถš๎ถ๎ถ•๎ถ‘๎ถ๎ถ•๎€ƒ๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถ”๎ถ”๎€ƒ๎ถ–๎ถ—๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ ๎ถ‹๎ถ๎ถ๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถ–๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถŸ๎ถ—๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถŽ๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎€ƒ๎ถ˜๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ‹๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถŽ๎€ƒ๎ถŸ๎ถ‰๎ถ๎ถ๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ˜๎ถ๎ถš๎€ƒ
๎€‹๎€š๎€Œ๎€ƒ๎€ท๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ˜๎ถš๎ถ๎ถ•๎ถ‘๎ถ๎ถ•๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ‹๎ถ—๎ถ”๎ถ”๎ถ๎ถ‹๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถŒ๎ถ๎ถš๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ˜๎ถ‰๎ถš๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎€—๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถš๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ ๎ถ‹๎ถ”๎ถ๎ถ›๎ถ‘๎ถž๎ถ๎ถ”๎ถก๎€ƒ๎ถŽ๎ถ—๎ถš๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ˜๎ถ‰๎ถก๎ถ•๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถŽ๎€ƒ
๎€ณ๎ถš๎ถ๎ถ•๎ถ‘๎ถ๎ถ•๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ›๎ถœ๎ถ‰๎ถŠ๎ถ”๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถ๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถŒ๎ถ๎ถš๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถ‹๎ถœ๎ถ‘๎ถ—๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถš๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถŽ๎ถ๎ถ๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถ–๎ถ—๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ‰๎ถ ๎ถ๎ถ›๎€‘
8-13.3-408. Division of family and medical leave insurance. ๎€‹๎€”๎€Œ๎€ƒ๎€ท๎ถ๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ๎ถŠ๎ถก๎€ƒ๎ถ‹๎ถš๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ
(c๎€Œ๎€ƒ๎€ฑ๎ถ—๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถ‹๎ถœ๎ถ‘๎ถ—๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎ถ”๎ถ‘๎ถ•๎ถ‘๎ถœ๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถš๎€ƒ๎ถš๎ถ๎ถ›๎ถœ๎ถš๎ถ‘๎ถ‹๎ถœ๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ—๎ถš๎ถ‘๎ถœ๎ถก๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถŽ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถŒ๎ถ‘๎ถž๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎ถ‘๎ถ—๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ—๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ ๎ถ˜๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถŒ๎€ƒ
(d๎€Œ๎€ƒ๎€ท๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถŒ๎ถ‘๎ถž๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎ถ‘๎ถ—๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ๎ถŠ๎ถก๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ—๎ถš๎ถ‘๎ถข๎ถ๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ—๎€ƒ๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถš๎ถ๎ถž๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถŠ๎ถ—๎ถ–๎ถŒ๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถŽ๎ถ—๎ถš๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ ๎ถ˜๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถŽ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ
8-13.3-409. Leave and employment protection. ๎€‹๎€”๎€Œ๎€ƒ๎€ค๎ถ–๎ถก๎€ƒ๎ถ‹๎ถ—๎ถž๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎ถŒ๎ถ‘๎ถž๎ถ‘๎ถŒ๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถ”๎€ƒ๎ถŸ๎ถ๎ถ—๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถŠ๎ถ๎ถ๎ถ–๎€ƒ
๎ถ๎ถ ๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ‹๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ‹๎ถ—๎ถž๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎ถŒ๎ถ‘๎ถž๎ถ‘๎ถŒ๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถ”๎‚ถ๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถš๎ถ‘๎ถ๎ถ๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ—๎€ƒ๎ถŽ๎ถ‰๎ถ•๎ถ‘๎ถ”๎ถก๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถ•๎ถ๎ถŒ๎ถ‘๎ถ‹๎ถ‰๎ถ”๎€ƒ๎ถ”๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถž๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถ‹๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถŠ๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถ๎ถŽ๎ถ‘๎ถœ๎ถ›๎€ƒ
๎ถŒ๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถก๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ ๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ‹๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถŽ๎€๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถš๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถœ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ•๎ถ˜๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ—๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ ๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ‹๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎ถ๎€๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถก๎€ƒ๎ถš๎ถ‘๎ถ๎ถ๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถ˜๎ถš๎ถ—๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ‹๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถŒ๎ถ๎ถš๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ˜๎ถ‰๎ถš๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎€—๎€‘
๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎ถŒ๎ถ‘๎ถž๎ถ‘๎ถŒ๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถ”๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ ๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ‹๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถš๎ถ‘๎ถ๎ถ๎ถœ๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ˜๎ถš๎ถ—๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ‹๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถŒ๎ถ๎ถš๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ˜๎ถ‰๎ถš๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎€—๎€‘๎€ƒ๎€ถ๎ถ๎ถ‹๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถš๎ถ‘๎ถ๎ถ๎ถœ๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎ถ‹๎ถ”๎ถ๎ถŒ๎ถ๎€๎€ƒ๎ถŠ๎ถ๎ถœ๎€ƒ
(c๎€Œ๎€ƒ๎€จ๎ถ ๎ถ‹๎ถ๎ถ˜๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ˜๎ถš๎ถ—๎ถž๎ถ‘๎ถŒ๎ถ๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถ‹๎ถœ๎ถ‘๎ถ—๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎€›๎€๎€”๎€–๎€‘๎€–๎€๎€—๎€“๎€œ๎€ƒ๎€‹๎€™๎€Œ๎€‹d๎€Œ๎€๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎€ƒ๎ถ‹๎ถ”๎ถ‰๎ถ‘๎ถ•๎€ƒ๎ถŠ๎ถš๎ถ—๎ถ๎ถ๎ถ๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ‹๎ถ‹๎ถ—๎ถš๎ถŒ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถ‹๎ถ๎€ƒ
๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถ‹๎ถœ๎ถ‘๎ถ—๎ถ–๎€๎€ƒ๎ถŸ๎ถ‘๎ถœ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎€ƒ๎ถ•๎ถ‰๎ถ ๎ถ‘๎ถ•๎ถ๎ถ•๎€ƒ๎ถŽ๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถŽ๎€ƒ๎€‡๎€˜๎€“๎€“๎€ƒ๎ถ˜๎ถ๎ถš๎€ƒ๎ถž๎ถ‘๎ถ—๎ถ”๎ถ‰๎ถœ๎ถ‘๎ถ—๎ถ–๎€‘๎€ƒ๎€ท๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถŒ๎ถ‘๎ถš๎ถ๎ถ‹๎ถœ๎ถ—๎ถš๎€ƒ๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถ”๎ถ”๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถš๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถ›๎ถŽ๎ถ๎ถš๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถก๎€ƒ
๎ถ๎ถ•๎ถ˜๎ถ”๎ถ—๎ถก๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถŠ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถš๎ถ๎ถ™๎ถ๎ถ‘๎ถš๎ถ๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ—๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ›๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถš๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ ๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถ๎ถ›๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถก๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ‹๎ถ‹๎ถš๎ถ๎ถ๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถž๎ถ‰๎ถ‹๎ถ‰๎ถœ๎ถ‘๎ถ—๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎ถ”๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถž๎ถ๎€๎€ƒ๎ถ›๎ถ‘๎ถ‹๎ถ“๎€ƒ๎ถ”๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถž๎ถ๎€๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถš๎€ƒ
๎€—๎€๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถ”๎ถ๎ถ›๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถœ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ•๎ถ—๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎€ƒ๎ถ‹๎ถ—๎ถž๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎ถŒ๎ถ‘๎ถž๎ถ‘๎ถŒ๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถ”๎€ƒ๎ถŸ๎ถ—๎ถ๎ถ”๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถš๎ถ๎ถ‹๎ถ๎ถ‘๎ถž๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถŸ๎ถ—๎ถ๎ถ”๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ ๎ถ‹๎ถ๎ถ๎ถŒ๎€ƒ
8-13.3-411. Notice. ๎€ท๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถŒ๎ถ‘๎ถž๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎ถ‘๎ถ—๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถ”๎ถ”๎€ƒ๎ถŒ๎ถ๎ถž๎ถ๎ถ”๎ถ—๎ถ˜๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎€ƒ๎ถ˜๎ถš๎ถ—๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ‰๎ถ•๎€ƒ๎ถ–๎ถ—๎ถœ๎ถ‘๎ถ‹๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถŒ๎ถ๎ถœ๎ถ‰๎ถ‘๎ถ”๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ˜๎ถš๎ถ—๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ‰๎ถ•๎€ƒ
๎ถ”๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถš๎ถ–๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถŽ๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ•๎ถ˜๎ถ”๎ถ—๎ถก๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ ๎ถ˜๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ‘๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถ‹๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถž๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถš๎ถ‘๎ถ๎ถ๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ”๎ถ‘๎ถ๎ถ‘๎ถŠ๎ถ‘๎ถ”๎ถ‘๎ถœ๎ถก๎€ƒ๎ถ˜๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ—๎€ƒ
8-13.3-412. Appeals. ๎€‹๎€”๎€Œ๎€ƒ๎€ท๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถŒ๎ถ‘๎ถš๎ถ๎ถ‹๎ถœ๎ถ—๎ถš๎€ƒ๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถ”๎ถ”๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ›๎ถœ๎ถ‰๎ถŠ๎ถ”๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎€ƒ๎ถ›๎ถก๎ถ›๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ•๎€ƒ๎ถŽ๎ถ—๎ถš๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถŒ๎ถ•๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎ถœ๎ถš๎ถ‰๎ถœ๎ถ‘๎ถž๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถš๎ถ๎ถž๎ถ‘๎ถ๎ถŸ๎€ƒ
๎ถ‰๎€ƒ๎ถ‹๎ถ—๎ถž๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎ถŒ๎ถ‘๎ถž๎ถ‘๎ถŒ๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถ”๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ‘๎ถ๎ถž๎ถ๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ๎ถŠ๎ถก๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ ๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถ๎ถ›๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ”๎ถ”๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถŒ๎ถ•๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎ถœ๎ถš๎ถ‰๎ถœ๎ถ‘๎ถž๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถš๎ถ๎ถ•๎ถ๎ถŒ๎ถ‘๎ถ๎ถ›๎€ƒ
๎ถš๎ถ๎ถ‹๎ถ‘๎ถ˜๎ถ‘๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถœ๎€‘๎€ƒ๎€ท๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถŒ๎ถ‘๎ถš๎ถ๎ถ‹๎ถœ๎ถ—๎ถš๎€ƒ๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถ”๎ถ”๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ ๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ‹๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถš๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ๎ถš๎€ƒ๎ถŒ๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎ถ‹๎ถš๎ถ๎ถœ๎ถ‘๎ถ—๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ—๎€ƒ๎ถŸ๎ถ‰๎ถ‘๎ถž๎ถ๎€๎€ƒ๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎ถŸ๎ถ๎ถ—๎ถ”๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถš๎€ƒ๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎ถ˜๎ถ‰๎ถš๎ถœ๎€๎€ƒ
8-13.3-414. Elective coverage. ๎€‹๎€”๎€Œ๎€ƒ๎€ค๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ•๎ถ˜๎ถ”๎ถ—๎ถก๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถŽ๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎€ƒ๎ถ”๎ถ—๎ถ‹๎ถ‰๎ถ”๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ—๎ถž๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ–๎ถ•๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถŒ๎ถ๎ถ‹๎ถ”๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎ถ๎ถŒ๎€ƒ
8-13.3-415. Reimbursement of advance payments. ๎€‹๎€”๎€Œ๎€ƒ๎€จ๎ถ ๎ถ‹๎ถ๎ถ˜๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ˜๎ถš๎ถ—๎ถž๎ถ‘๎ถŒ๎ถ๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถ‹๎ถœ๎ถ‘๎ถ—๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎€›๎€๎€”๎€–๎€‘๎€–๎€
๎ถŠ๎ถ๎ถ‹๎ถ—๎ถ•๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถŒ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถŽ๎ถ—๎ถš๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ ๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎ถœ๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ˜๎ถ‰๎ถ‘๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถŽ๎ถ‰๎ถ•๎ถ‘๎ถ”๎ถก๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถ•๎ถ๎ถŒ๎ถ‘๎ถ‹๎ถ‰๎ถ”๎€ƒ๎ถ”๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถž๎ถ๎€๎€ƒ๎ถ‘๎ถŽ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ‹๎ถ”๎ถ‰๎ถ‘๎ถ•๎€ƒ๎ถŽ๎ถ—๎ถš๎€ƒ๎ถš๎ถ๎ถ‘๎ถ•๎ถŠ๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถ•๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถœ๎€ƒ
๎ถš๎ถ๎ถ‘๎ถ•๎ถŠ๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ›๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ•๎ถ˜๎ถ”๎ถ—๎ถก๎ถ๎ถš๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถ๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถŽ๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถก๎€ƒ๎ถŠ๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถ๎ถŽ๎ถ‘๎ถœ๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถŒ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถš๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ—๎€ƒ๎ถŠ๎ถ๎ถ‹๎ถ—๎ถ•๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถŒ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถŽ๎ถ—๎ถš๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ ๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎ถœ๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ˜๎ถ‰๎ถ‘๎ถŒ๎€ƒ
8-13.3-416. Family and medical leave insurance program. ๎€‹๎€”๎€Œ๎€ƒ๎€ฅ๎ถก๎€ƒ๎€ญ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถš๎ถก๎€ƒ๎€”๎€๎€ƒ๎€•๎€“๎€•๎€–๎€๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถŒ๎ถ‘๎ถž๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎ถ‘๎ถ—๎ถ–๎€ƒ
8-13.3-417. Income Tax. ๎€‹๎€”๎€Œ๎€ƒ๎€ฌ๎ถŽ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ–๎ถ‰๎ถ”๎€ƒ๎ถš๎ถ๎ถž๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถš๎ถž๎ถ‘๎ถ‹๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถŒ๎ถ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ•๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎ถ๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถŽ๎ถ‰๎ถ•๎ถ‘๎ถ”๎ถก๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถŒ๎€ƒ
๎ถœ๎ถ‰๎ถ ๎€๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถŒ๎ถ‘๎ถž๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎ถ‘๎ถ—๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถš๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎€ƒ๎ถ˜๎ถš๎ถ‘๎ถž๎ถ‰๎ถœ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ˜๎ถ”๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ˜๎ถ˜๎ถš๎ถ—๎ถž๎ถ๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถŒ๎ถ๎ถš๎€ƒ๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถ‹๎ถœ๎ถ‘๎ถ—๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎€›๎€๎€”๎€–๎€‘๎€–๎€๎€—๎€•๎€”๎€ƒ๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถ”๎ถ”๎€ƒ๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎ถŽ๎ถ—๎ถš๎ถ•๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎€ƒ
๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎ถ‹๎ถ—๎ถ•๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ‰๎ถ ๎€ž๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถŒ
(b๎€Œ๎€ƒ๎€ต๎ถ๎ถ™๎ถ๎ถ‘๎ถš๎ถ๎ถ•๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถœ๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ ๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถ˜๎ถ๎ถš๎ถœ๎ถ‰๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ—๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ›๎ถœ๎ถ‘๎ถ•๎ถ‰๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ‰๎ถ ๎€ƒ๎ถ˜๎ถ‰๎ถก๎ถ•๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถœ๎ถ›๎€‘
๎€‹๎€•๎€Œ๎€ƒ๎€ฅ๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถ๎ถŽ๎ถ‘๎ถœ๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถš๎ถ๎ถ‹๎ถ๎ถ‘๎ถž๎ถ๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถ˜๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ—๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ˜๎ถ‰๎ถš๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎€—๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถš๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ–๎ถ—๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถŠ๎ถ’๎ถ๎ถ‹๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ—๎€ƒ๎ถ›๎ถœ๎ถ‰๎ถœ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎ถ‹๎ถ—๎ถ•๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ‰๎ถ ๎€‘
๎ถš๎ถ๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถš๎ถŒ๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ‰๎ถ ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถš๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถœ๎ถ•๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถš๎ถ๎ถ”๎ถ‰๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถ˜๎ถš๎ถ—๎ถ‹๎ถ๎ถŒ๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถš๎ถ๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถš๎ถŒ๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถŽ๎ถ‰๎ถ•๎ถ‘๎ถ”๎ถก๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถ•๎ถ๎ถŒ๎ถ‘๎ถ‹๎ถ‰๎ถ”๎€ƒ๎ถ”๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถž๎ถ๎€ƒ
8-13.3-418. Family and medical leave insurance fund โ€“ establishment and investment. ๎€‹๎€”๎€Œ๎€ƒ
๎ถ๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ‰๎ถ”๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ ๎ถ˜๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถŽ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ›๎ถœ๎ถ‰๎ถœ๎ถ๎€‘
๎€‹๎€•๎€Œ๎€ƒ๎€ท๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถŒ๎ถ‘๎ถž๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎ถ‘๎ถ—๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎ถ•๎ถ‰๎ถก๎€ƒ๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถ๎ถ“๎€๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ‹๎ถ‹๎ถ๎ถ˜๎ถœ๎€๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ ๎ถ˜๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ‘๎ถŽ๎ถœ๎ถ›๎€๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถœ๎ถ›๎€๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถŒ๎ถ—๎ถ–๎ถ‰๎ถœ๎ถ‘๎ถ—๎ถ–๎ถ›๎€๎€ƒ๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎ถ‹๎ถ”๎ถ๎ถŒ๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎ถ๎€ƒ
8-13.3-419. Reports. ๎€ฑ๎ถ—๎ถœ๎ถŸ๎ถ‘๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ›๎ถœ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถŒ๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถ‹๎ถœ๎ถ‘๎ถ—๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎€•๎€—๎€๎€”๎€๎€”๎€–๎€™๎€ƒ๎€‹๎€”๎€”๎€Œ๎€‹a๎€Œ๎€‹๎€ฌ๎€Œ๎€๎€ƒ๎ถŠ๎ถ๎ถ๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎ถ–๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎ถ๎€ƒ๎€ญ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถš๎ถก๎€ƒ๎€”๎€๎€ƒ๎€•๎€“๎€•๎€˜๎€๎€ƒ
8-13.3-420. Public education. ๎€ฅ๎ถก๎€ƒ๎€ญ๎ถ๎ถ”๎ถก๎€ƒ๎€”๎€๎€ƒ๎€•๎€“๎€•๎€•๎€๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถŽ๎ถ—๎ถš๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ”๎ถ—๎ถ–๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ˜๎ถš๎ถ—๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ‰๎ถ•๎€ƒ๎ถ‹๎ถ—๎ถ–๎ถœ๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎ถ๎ถ๎ถ›๎€๎€ƒ
8-13.3-421. Substitution of private plans. ๎€‹๎€”๎€Œ๎€ƒ๎€จ๎ถ•๎ถ˜๎ถ”๎ถ—๎ถก๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ•๎ถ‰๎ถก๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ˜๎ถ˜๎ถ”๎ถก๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ—๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถŒ๎ถ‘๎ถž๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎ถ‘๎ถ—๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎ถŽ๎ถ—๎ถš๎€ƒ
๎€›๎€๎€”๎€–๎€‘๎€–๎€๎€—๎€“๎€—๎€‹๎€•๎€Œ๎€๎€ƒ๎ถŽ๎ถ—๎ถš๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ•๎ถ‰๎ถ ๎ถ‘๎ถ•๎ถ๎ถ•๎€ƒ๎ถ–๎ถ๎ถ•๎ถŠ๎ถ๎ถš๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถŽ๎€ƒ๎ถŸ๎ถ๎ถ๎ถ“๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถš๎ถ๎ถ™๎ถ๎ถ‘๎ถš๎ถ๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถ‹๎ถœ๎ถ‘๎ถ—๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎€›๎€๎€”๎€–๎€‘๎€–๎€๎€—๎€“๎€˜๎€‹๎€”๎€Œ๎€ƒ๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎€ƒ
(g๎€Œ๎€ƒ๎€ณ๎ถš๎ถ—๎ถž๎ถ‘๎ถŒ๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎€ƒ๎ถ•๎ถ‰๎ถ ๎ถ‘๎ถ•๎ถ๎ถ•๎€ƒ๎ถŸ๎ถ๎ถ๎ถ“๎ถ”๎ถก๎€ƒ๎ถŠ๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถ๎ถŽ๎ถ‘๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถŽ๎ถ—๎ถš๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ”๎ถ”๎€ƒ๎ถŽ๎ถ‰๎ถ•๎ถ‘๎ถ”๎ถก๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถ•๎ถ๎ถŒ๎ถ‘๎ถ‹๎ถ‰๎ถ”๎€ƒ๎ถ”๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถž๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถ‹๎ถ๎€ƒ
๎ถŠ๎ถ๎ถก๎ถ—๎ถ–๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ—๎ถ›๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ ๎ถ˜๎ถ”๎ถ‘๎ถ‹๎ถ‘๎ถœ๎ถ”๎ถก๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ—๎ถš๎ถ‘๎ถข๎ถ๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถŠ๎ถก๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ˜๎ถ‰๎ถš๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎€—๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถš๎€ƒ๎ถš๎ถ๎ถ๎ถ๎ถ”๎ถ‰๎ถœ๎ถ‘๎ถ—๎ถ–๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถ๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถ˜๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ—๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎€ƒ
๎ถ—๎ถŽ๎ถŽ๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ˜๎ถš๎ถ‘๎ถž๎ถ‰๎ถœ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ˜๎ถ”๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถž๎ถ‘๎ถ—๎ถ”๎ถ‰๎ถœ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถ‹๎ถœ๎ถ‘๎ถ—๎ถ–๎€๎€ƒ๎ถŸ๎ถ‘๎ถœ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎€ƒ๎ถ•๎ถ‰๎ถ ๎ถ‘๎ถ•๎ถ๎ถ•๎€ƒ๎ถŽ๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถŽ๎€ƒ๎€‡๎€˜๎€“๎€“๎€ƒ๎ถ˜๎ถ๎ถš๎€ƒ๎ถž๎ถ‘๎ถ—๎ถ”๎ถ‰๎ถœ๎ถ‘๎ถ—๎ถ–๎€‘๎€ƒ
๎€‹๎€š๎€Œ๎€ƒ๎€ท๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถŒ๎ถ‘๎ถš๎ถ๎ถ‹๎ถœ๎ถ—๎ถš๎€ƒ๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถ”๎ถ”๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถ–๎ถ๎ถ‰๎ถ”๎ถ”๎ถก๎€ƒ๎ถŒ๎ถ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ•๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ—๎ถœ๎ถ‰๎ถ”๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ•๎ถ—๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ ๎ถ˜๎ถ๎ถ–๎ถŒ๎ถ๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถŠ๎ถก๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ๎ถŒ๎ถ‘๎ถž๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎ถ‘๎ถ—๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎ถŽ๎ถ—๎ถš๎€ƒ
8-13.3-422. Local government employersโ€™ ability to decline participation in program - rules.
8-13.3-423. Severability. ๎€ฌ๎ถŽ๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถก๎€ƒ๎ถ˜๎ถš๎ถ—๎ถž๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎ถ‘๎ถ—๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถŽ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ˜๎ถ‰๎ถš๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎€—๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถš๎€ƒ๎ถ‘๎ถœ๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ˜๎ถ˜๎ถ”๎ถ‘๎ถ‹๎ถ‰๎ถœ๎ถ‘๎ถ—๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ—๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถก๎€ƒ๎ถ˜๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ›๎ถ—๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถš๎€ƒ
8-13.3-424. ๎€จ๏‚‡๎ˆ๎†๎—๎Œ๎™๎ˆ๎€ƒ๎‡๎„๎—๎ˆ๎€‘ ๎€ท๎ถ๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ˜๎ถ‰๎ถš๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎€—๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ‰๎ถ“๎ถ๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถŽ๎ถŽ๎ถ๎ถ‹๎ถœ๎€ƒ๎ถ๎ถ˜๎ถ—๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถŽ๎ถŽ๎ถ‘๎ถ‹๎ถ‘๎ถ‰๎ถ”๎€ƒ๎ถŒ๎ถ๎ถ‹๎ถ”๎ถ‰๎ถš๎ถ‰๎ถœ๎ถ‘๎ถ—๎ถ–๎€ƒ๎ถ—๎ถŽ๎€ƒ๎ถœ๎ถ๎ถ๎€ƒ
๎ถ๎ถ—๎ถž๎ถ๎ถš๎ถ–๎ถ—๎ถš๎€ƒ๎ถ‰๎ถ–๎ถŒ๎€ƒ๎ถ‘๎ถ›๎€ƒ๎ถ›๎ถ๎ถ”๎ถŽ๎€๎ถ๎ถ ๎ถ๎ถ‹๎ถ๎ถœ๎ถ‘๎ถ–๎ถ๎€‘
Adams 4430 S. Adams County Parkway, Suite E-3102, Brighton, CO 80601 (720) 523-6500
Alamosa 8999 Independence Way, Alamosa, CO 81101 (719) 589-6681
5334 S. Prince St., Littleton, CO 80120 (303) 795-4511
Archuleta 449 San Juan St., Pagosa Springs, CO 81147 (970) 264-8331
Baca๎€ƒ 741
๎€ƒMain๎€ƒSt.,๎€ƒSuite๎€ƒ3,๎€ƒSpring๎‚ฟeld,๎€ƒCO๎€ƒ81073๎€ƒ (719)๎€ƒ523-4372
Bent 725 Bent Ave., Las Animas, CO 81054 (719) 456-2009
Boulder 1750 33rd St. #200, Boulder, CO 80301 (303) 413-7740
Broom๎‚ฟeld๎€ƒ 1
๎€ƒDesCombes๎€ƒDr.,๎€ƒBroom๎‚ฟeld,๎€ƒCO๎€ƒ80020๎€ƒ (303)๎€ƒ464-5857
Chaffee 104 Crestone Ave., Salida, CO 81201 (719) 539-4004
51 S. 1st St., Cheyenne Wells, CO 80810 (719) 767-5685
Clear Creek
405 Argentine St., Georgetown, CO 80444 (303) 679-2339
6683 County Rd. 13, Conejos, CO 81129 (719) 376-5422
400 Gasper St., Suite 101, San Luis, CO 81152 (719) 937-7671
631 Main St., Suite 102, Ordway, CO 81063 (719) 267-5225
205 S. 6th St., Westcliffe, CO 81252 (719) 783-2441
Delta๎€ƒ 501
๎€ƒPalmer๎€ƒSt.๎€ƒ#211,๎€ƒDelta,๎€ƒCO๎€ƒ81416๎€ƒ (970)๎€ƒ874-2449
Denver๎€ƒ 200๎€ƒW.๎€ƒ14th๎€ƒAve.,๎€ƒSuite๎€ƒ100,๎€ƒDenver,๎€ƒCO๎€ƒ80204๎€ƒ (720)๎€ƒ913-8683
Dolores๎€ƒ 409๎€ƒN.๎€ƒMain๎€ƒSt.,๎€ƒDove๎€ƒCreek,๎€ƒCO๎€ƒ81324๎€ƒ (970)๎€ƒ677-2381
Douglas๎€ƒ 125๎€ƒStephanie๎€ƒPl.,๎€ƒCastle๎€ƒRock,๎€ƒCO๎€ƒ80109๎€ƒ (303)๎€ƒ660-7444
Eagle 500 Broadway, Suite 101, Eagle, CO 81631 (970) 328-8715
Elbert๎€ƒ 440
๎€ƒComanche๎€ƒSt.,๎€ƒKiowa,๎€ƒCO๎€ƒ80117๎€ƒ (303)๎€ƒ621-3127
El Paso 1675 W. Garden of the Gods Rd., Colorado Springs, CO 80907 (7
19) 575-8683
615 Macon Ave. #102, Canon City, CO 81212 (719) 276-7340
Gar๎‚ฟeld๎€ƒ 109
๎€ƒEighth๎€ƒSt.๎€ƒ#200,๎€ƒGlenwood๎€ƒSprings,๎€ƒCO๎€ƒ81601๎€ƒ (970)๎€ƒ384-3700,๎€ƒext.๎€ƒ2
Gilpin 203 Eureka St., Central City, CO 80427 (303) 582-5321
308 Byers Ave., Hot Sulphur Springs, CO 80451 (970) 725-3065
221 N. Wisconsin St., Suite C, Gunnison, CO 81230 (970) 641-7927
317 N. Henson, Lake City, CO 81235 (970) 944-2228
Huerfano๎€ƒ 401
๎€ƒMain๎€ƒSt.,๎€ƒSuite๎€ƒ204,๎€ƒWalsenburg,๎€ƒCO๎€ƒ81089๎€ƒ (719)๎€ƒ738-2380
Jackson 396 La Fever St., Walden, CO 80480 (970) 723-4334
3500 Illinois St., Suite #1100, Golden, CO 80401 (303) 271-8111
๎€ƒ๎€ƒ 1305๎€ƒGoff๎€ƒSt.,๎€ƒEads,๎€ƒCO๎€ƒ81036๎€ƒ๎€ƒ๎€ƒ (719)๎€ƒ438-5421
Kit๎€ƒCarson๎€ƒ 251๎€ƒ16th๎€ƒSt.,๎€ƒSuite๎€ƒ203,๎€ƒBurlington,๎€ƒCO๎€ƒ80807๎€ƒ (719)๎€ƒ346-8638
Lake 505 Harrison Ave., Leadville, CO 80461 (719) 486-1410
๎€ƒPlata๎€ƒ 679๎€ƒTurner๎€ƒDrive,๎€ƒSuite๎€ƒC,๎€ƒDurango,๎€ƒCO๎€ƒ81303๎€ƒ (970)๎€ƒ382-6296
Larimer 200 W. Oak St., Ft. Collins, CO 80521 (970) 498-7820
Las Animas 200 E. First St., Room 205, Trinidad, CO 81082 (719) 845-2575
Lincoln 103 Third Ave., Hugo, CO 80821 (719) 743-2444
Logan 315 Main St., Suite 3, Sterling, CO 80751 (970) 522-1544
Mesa 200 S. Spruce St., Grand Junction, CO 81501 (970) 244-1662
Mineral 625 USFS Rd. 504.1a, Creede, CO 81130 (719) 658-2440
Moffat 221 W. Victory Way #200, Craig, CO 81625 (970) 824-9120
Montezuma 140 W. Main St., Suite #1, Cortez, CO 81321 (970) 565-3728
Montrose๎€ƒ 320๎€ƒS.๎€ƒFirst๎€ƒSt.,๎€ƒRoom๎€ƒ103,๎€ƒMontrose,๎€ƒCO๎€ƒ81401๎€ƒ (970)๎€ƒ249-3362,๎€ƒext.๎€ƒ3
Morgan 231 Ensign St., Ft. Morgan, CO 80701 (970) 542-3521
Otero 13 W. Third St., Room 210, La Junta, CO 81050 (719) 383-3020
Ouray 112 Village Square West #205, Ouray, CO 81432 (970) 325-4961
Park 856 Castello Ave., Fairplay, CO 80440 (719) 836-4333
Phillips 221 S. Interocean Ave., Holyoke, CO 80734 (970) 854-3131
Pitkin 530 E. Main St., Aspen, CO 81611 (970) 920-5180
Prowers 301 S. Main St. #210, Lamar, CO 81052 (719) 336-8011
Pueblo๎€ƒ 210๎€ƒW.๎€ƒ10th๎€ƒSt.,๎€ƒPueblo,๎€ƒCO๎€ƒ81003๎€ƒ (719)๎€ƒ583-6620
Rio Blanco 555 Main St., Meeker, CO 81641 (970) 878-9460
Rio๎€ƒGrande๎€ƒ 965๎€ƒSixth๎€ƒSt.,๎€ƒDel๎€ƒNorte,๎€ƒCO๎€ƒ81132๎€ƒ (719)๎€ƒ657-3334
Routt๎€ƒ 522๎€ƒLincoln๎€ƒAve.,๎€ƒSuite๎€ƒ21,๎€ƒSteamboat๎€ƒSprings,๎€ƒCO๎€ƒ80487๎€ƒ (970)๎€ƒ870-5556
Saguache 501 Fourth St., Saguache, CO 81149 (719) 655-2512
San Juan
1557 Greene St., Silverton, CO 81433 (970) 387-5671
San Miguel 305 W. Colorado Ave., Telluride, CO 81435 (970) 728-3954
Sedgwick๎€ƒ 315๎€ƒCedar๎€ƒSt.,๎€ƒSuite๎€ƒ220,๎€ƒJulesburg,๎€ƒCO๎€ƒ80737๎€ƒ (970)๎€ƒ474-3346
Summit 208 E. Lincoln Ave., Breckenridge, CO 80424 (970) 453-3479
Teller๎€ƒ 101๎€ƒW.๎€ƒBennett๎€ƒAve.,๎€ƒCripple๎€ƒCreek,๎€ƒCO๎€ƒ80813๎€ƒ (719)๎€ƒ689-2951,๎€ƒext.๎€ƒ2
Washington 150 Ash St., Akron, CO 80720 (970) 345-6565
Weld๎€ƒ 1402๎€ƒN.๎€ƒ17th๎€ƒAve.,๎€ƒGreeley,๎€ƒCO๎€ƒ80631๎€ƒ (970)๎€ƒ304-6525,๎€ƒext.๎€ƒ3070
Yuma 310 Ash St., Suite F, Wray, CO 80758 (970) 332-5809
State of Colorado
Legislative Council
Colorado General Assembly
State Capitol Building Room 029
200 East Colfax Avenue
Denver CO 80203-1748
PERMIT #5377