(adapted from Scalia & Garner)
Ordinary-Meaning Canon. Words are to be understood in their ordinary, everyday meaningsunless the
context indicates that they bear a technical sense.
Fixed-Meaning Canon. Words must be given the meaning they had when the text was adopted.
Omitted-Case Canon. Nothing is to be added to what the text states or reasonably implies (casus
omissus pro omisso habendus est). That is, a matter not covered is to be treated as not covered.
General-Terms Canon. General terms are to be given their general meaning (generalia verba sunt
generaliter intelligenda).
Negative-Implication Canon. The expression of one thing implies the exclusion of others (expressio unius
est exclusio alterius).
Mandatory/Permissive Canon. Mandatory words impose a duty; permissive words grant discretion.
Conjunctive/Disjunctive Canon. And joins a conjunctive list, or a disjunctive listbut with negatives,
plurals, and various specific wordings there are nuances.
Subordinating/Superordinating Canon. Subordinating language (signaled by subject to) or
superordinating language (signaled by notwithstanding or despite) merely shows which provision
prevails in the event of a clashbut does not necessarily denote a clash of provisions.
Gender/Number Canon. In the absence of a contrary indication, the masculine includes the feminine
(and vice versa) and the singular includes the plural (and vice versa).
Presumption of Nonexclusive “Include”. The verb to include introduces examples, not an exhaustive list.
Unintelligibility Canon. An unintelligible text is inoperative.
Grammar Canon. Words are to be given the meaning that proper grammar and usage would assign
Last-Antecedent Canon. A pronoun, relative pronoun, or demonstrative adjective generally refers to the
nearest reasonable antecedent.
Series-Qualifier Canon. When there is a straightforward, parallel construction that involves all nouns or
verbs in a series, a prepositive or postpositive modifier normally applies to the entire series.
Nearest-Reasonable-Referent Canon. When the syntax involves something other than a parallel series of
nouns or verbs, a prepositive or postpositive modifier normally applies only to the nearest reasonable
Proviso Canon. A proviso conditions the principal matter that it qualifiesalmost always the matter
immediately preceding.
Scope-of-Subparts Canon. Material within an indented subpart relates only to that subpart; material
contained in unindented text relates to all the following or preceding indented subparts.
Punctuation Canon. Punctuation is a permissible indicator of meaning.
Whole-Text Canon. The text must be construed as a whole.
Presumption of Consistent Usage. A word or phrase is presumed to bear the same meaning throughout
a text; a material variation in terms suggests a variation in meaning.
Surplusage Canon. If possible, every word and every provision is to be given effect (verba cum effectu
sunt accipienda). None should be ignored. None should needlessly be given an interpretation that
causes it to duplicate another provision or to have no consequence.
Harmonious-Reading Canon. The provisions of a text should be interpreted in a way that renders them
compatible, not contradictory.
General/Specific Canon. If there is a conflict between a general provision and a specific provision, the
specific provision prevails (generalia specialibus non derogant).
Irreconcilability Canon. If a text contains truly irreconcilable provisions at the same level of generality,
and they have been simultaneously adopted, neither provision should be given effect.
Predicate-Act Canon. Authorization of an act also authorizes a necessary predicate act.
Noscitur a sociis - Associated-Words Canon. Associated words bear on one another’s meaning.
Ejusdem Generis Canon. Where general words follow an enumeration of two or more things, they apply
only to persons or things of the same general kind or class specifically mentioned (ejusdem generis).
Distributive-Phrasing Canon. Distributive phrasing applies each expression to its appropriate referent
(reddendo singula singulis).
Prefatory-Materials Canon. A preamble, purpose clause, or recital is a permissible indicator of meaning.
Title-and-Headings Canon. The title and headings are permissible indicators of meaning.
Interpretive-Direction Canon. Definition sections and interpretation clauses are to be carefully followed.
Absurdity Doctrine. A provision may be either disregarded or judicially corrected as an error (when the
correction is textually simple) if failing to do so would result in a disposition that no reasonable person
could approve.
Principles Applicable Specifically to Governmental Prescriptions
Constitutional-Doubt Canon. A statute should be interpreted in a way that avoids placing its
constitutionality in doubt.
Avoidance Canon (sometimes used interchangeably with above) - If a statute is susceptible to more than
one reasonable construction, courts should choose an interpretation that avoids raising constitutional
problems. In the US, this canon has grown stronger in recent history. The traditional avoidance canon
required the court to choose a different interpretation only when one interpretation was actually
unconstitutional. The modern avoidance canon tells the court to choose a different interpretation when
another interpretation merely raises constitutional doubts.
Severability canon If a particular clause or provision of a statute is unconstitutional, the remainder of
the statute survives if the court can sever the unconstitutional provision
In pari materia - Related-Statutes Canon. Statutes in pari materia are to be interpreted together, as
though they were one law.
Reenactment Canon. If the legislature amends or reenacts a provision other than by way of a
consolidating statute or restyling project, a significant change in language is presumed to entail a change
in meaning.
Presumption Against Retroactivity. A civil statute presumptively has no retroactive application.
Pending-Action Canon. When statutory law is altered during the pendency of a lawsuit, the courts at
every level must apply the new law unless doing so would violate the presumption against retroactivity.
Extraterritoriality Canon. A statute presumptively has no extraterritorial application (statuta suo
clauduntur territorio, nec ultra territorium disponunt).
Artificial-Person Canon. The word person includes corporations and other entities, but not the
Repealability Canon. The legislature cannot derogate from its own authority or the authority of its
Presumption Against Waiver of Sovereign Immunity. A statute does not waive sovereign immunityand
a federal statute does not eliminate state sovereign immunityunless that disposition is unequivocally
Presumption Against Federal Preemption. A federal statute is presumed to supplement rather than
displace state law.
Strict construction of (some) revenue provisions - Tax laws to be strictly construed against the state and
for the taxpayer
Strict construction of public grants - Construe narrowly (in favor of government)
Negative presumption/Strict construction of statutes in derogation of sovereignty - Governments and
their agencies are presumptively not included unless the statute clearly says so
“Special solicitude” canons for Native Americans, the elderly and disabled, states, veterans, etc.
Penalty/Illegality Canon. A statute that penalizes an act makes it unlawful. Criminal prosecutions must
have a basis in statute.
Rule Against Criminalizing States of Being
Ex Post Facto Rule
Bills of Attainder forbidden
Rule of Lenity. Ambiguity in a statute defining a crime or imposing a penalty should be resolved in the
defendant’s favor.
Mens Rea Canon. A statute creating a criminal offense whose elements are similar to those of a
common-law crime will be presumed to require a culpable state of mind (mens rea) in its commission
(general intent). All statutory offenses imposing substantial punishment will be presumed to require at
least awareness of committing the act.
Presumption Against Implied Right of Action. A statute’s mere prohibition of a certain act does not imply
creation of a private right of action for its violation. The creation of such a right must be either express
or clearly implied from the text of the statute.
Presumption Against Change in Common Law. A statute will be construed to alter the common law only
when that disposition is clear.
Canon of Imputed Common-Law Meaning. A statute that uses a common-law term, without defining it,
adopts its common-law meaning.
Prior-Construction Canon. If a statute uses words or phrases that have already received authoritative
construction by the jurisdiction’s court of last resort, or even uniform construction by inferior courts or a
responsible administrative agency, they are to be understood according to that construction.
Presumption Against Implied Repeal. Repeals by implication are disfavored, but a provision that flatly
contradicts an earlier-enacted provision repeals it.
Later general statute will not be held to repeal by
implication prior special statute.
Repeal-of-Repealer Canon (modern version). The repeal or expiration of a repealing statute does not
reinstate the original statute (contra the common law rule).
Desuetude Canon. A statute is not repealed by nonuse or desuetude.
Acquiescence Rule Congress implicitly endorsed existing judicial precedent on an issue or a matter or
statutory interpretation